江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Integrated skills课件2课件

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1、 What does Betty want to be when she grows up?Why? To be a singer.Its great to make people happy.Can you sing around the world?Jacky Chana famous actor(演(演员)员)a famous singerand ?help people with problems(在某方(在某方面帮助某人解决问题)面帮助某人解决问题) listen to peoples problems(倾听别(倾听别人的问题)人的问题)a social worker (社工)(社工

2、) agree(同意)(同意)with sb.What do you want to be/ hope to be when you grow up /in the future?Whats your future plan?Why?I would like to be in the future because-What do you want/ hope to be in the future? And why?I hope to become when I grow up. -Task 1: Listen to the conversation between Nora and Amy

3、about her future plans. Put a tick in the correct boxes in the table below.I would like tobe an artistbe famousmeet different peoplemake friendslisten to people carefullyhelp people with their problemsmake people happytravel around the worldmeetfriendslistenproblemshappyan artistXu Beihonghorsesfamo

4、usartWhat is he like?How is Peter like ?Is he good at sports ?His future plan is to become a doctor ,right ?wWhat is Peter like ?wWhat about Lucy? He is the tallest in the class. He is clever and humorous.She is a small girl with a ponytail. She is shy and quiet.Practice in pairs, talking about your friends. wMake a new dialogue to talk about your . .(appearance, personality, future plans, etc.)


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