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1、.语法填空专题模拟题1TheLanguageofLoveMusic is a universal language,which has the most powerful magic in the world.Music is a sweet language to show love to those who love us and those who 1. by us.Music is also a friendly language for unfamiliar people to show kindness.It is living everywhere and all the tim

2、e in our daily life.I learned this while 2. care of a seagull unfortunate enough to swallow a hook.After calling the wildlife rescue center and learning that all its 3. were out on other business,I carefully 4. the wild bird in a towel and carried him to my friends car.The only way 5. him calm was b

3、y singing.For 30 minutes,I sang 6. to the small creature until finally delivering him 7.those who could help.Im not certain 8. happened afterward,but for that brief period,we two vastly different species connected,bridging 9.gap between us through songs.10.doesnt matter whether there will be difficu

4、lties in communication,for love is always the theme of each piece of music.答案与解析解题导语本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了我和一只受伤的海鸥通过音乐沟通的故事。1.are loved考查时态和语态。根据上文中的wholoveus可知,空处应用一般现在时。由后边的by可知,应用被动语态。2.taking考查省略。分析句子结构可知,while引导的状语从句的主语和主句的主语相同,均为I,且从句中含有be动词was,故从句中可省略主语I和be动词was,本句补充完整为:IlearnedthiswhileIwastaking.a


6、.to考查介词。根据语境可知,我把海鸥交给能够帮助他的人。deliversth.tosb.是固定短语,意为把某物带给某人,故填to。8.what考查宾语从句。此处表示我不确定后来发生了什么。空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语,故应用连接词what。9.the考查冠词。句意:我们两个完全不同的物种通过歌曲消除我们之间的隔阂。bridgethegap为固定短语,意为消除隔阂。10.It考查形式主语。It作形式主语,真正的主语为whethertherewillbedifficultiesincommunication。2Sending gifts varies greatly from country

7、 to country.In Australia,Canada,the United States 1.European countries,sending gifts is rarely expected.While seen as a nice gesture,it is more important to avoid 2. highly personal gifts such as clothing.When visiting the home of a colleague from one of these 3.,it is normally appropriate to bring

8、a gift to the hostess.In America,4. gifts are definitely out.A good 5. is to take the deserving person to dinner,or to 6.entertainment or a sporting event.7.the contrary,gift giving is a traditional custom in Japan.In Japan the proper gift is thought 8. the givers true friendship,gratitude and respe

9、ct far 9. than words can.So if you plan to visit Japan or to have any Japanese visit you here,be prepared.Australia is known for its friendliness and informality.So modest gifts,such as a diary,a paperweight,or a coffee cup might 10. to a friend.At a trade show,T-shirts,ties,baseball caps,or a pin m

10、ay be appropriate souvenirs.Anything more than these types of gifts could cause embarrassment.答案与解析解题导语本文是一篇说明文,介绍了美国、日本、澳大利亚等国不同的送礼物的习惯。1.and考查连词。根据空前的Australia,Canada,theUnitedStates和空后的Europeancountries可知,空处前后为并列关系,故用并列连词and。2.giving考查动词的-ing形式。avoiddoingsth.为固定搭配,意为避免做某事,故填giving。3.countries考查名词


12、9.better考查比较级。根据空后的than可知,该处用well的比较级。10.bepresented考查被动语态。该句主语modestgifts和动词present之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。3The wives who lived within the walls of the Weinsberg Castle in Germany were well aware of the riches it held:gold,silver,jewels,and wealth beyond belief.Then the day came in 1140 AD when all their 1.

13、 treasure was threatened.Welf,the Duke of Bavaria,sat 2. inside his Weinsberg Castle.Outside the castle walls lay the army of Frederick,the Duke of Swabia,3.his brother,the Emperor Konrad,4.army had surrounded the castle and demanded the fortunes and the lives of the men within.Although the conqueri

14、ng commander had set a condition for the safe release of all the women and children,the wives in Weinsberg refused 5. without having their own condition met.They demanded that they be allowed to fill their arms 6.as many possessions as they could carry out.Thinking that the women couldnt 7. take muc

15、h,they met their request.When the castle gates opened,the army outside was brought to 8.:every woman was carrying her husband!Konrad assured the women of their husbands complete 9. and freedom.He invited them all to a banquet and 10. peace with the Duke of Bavaria on terms much more favorable than expected.Afterwards,the castle was known for womens loyalty.答案与解析解题导语本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了德国Weinsberg城堡,该城堡以妇女的忠诚闻名于世。1.valuable/invaluable考查形容词。空处修饰名词treasure且表示宝贵的


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