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1、.28 / 28.法 律 硕 士 学 位 论 文聚众斗殴罪的主体及转化问题研究郭某春等聚众斗殴案分析报告Affray crime subject and Study on Transformation - GuoMouchun affray case analysis report.作 者 姓 名:指 导 教 师:杨佳佳马家福 副教授.西南政 法大 学.Southwest University of Political Science and Law.内 容 摘 要根据中华人民XX国刑法的规定,聚众斗殴罪的犯罪主体包括首要分子和其他积极参加者,但是何谓首要分子和其他积极参加者,目前我国的法律法




5、议等问题一一进行探讨,并试图寻找一个具有可行性的改良方案。关键词:聚众斗殴;故意伤害;犯罪主体;转化犯2.AbstractIncluding the ringleaders and other active participants in accordance with the provisionsof the Criminal Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the affray the subject of the crime, butwhat is meant by the ringleaders and other active partic

6、ipants, the current laws andregulations in China this has not yet specific and clearly defined, soThe judge has largediscretion in the operation of the judicial practice.In addition, the criminal law sentencing forthe crime of affray than the intentional assault and intentional homicide to light, th

7、e mostimportant is only ten years in prison, while the crime of intentional injury and intentionalhomicide cases where the maximum is death.Therefore, the measure of the crime of affray istransformed into the crime of intentional injury and intentional homicide, in addition to thefactors to be consi

8、dered subjective and objective unity, but also according to the specific factsof the case, on different situations should be treated differently.For these reasons, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the main body of the crime ofaffray define the crime of affray conditions for the crime of inten

9、tional injury or intentionalhomicide.On this subject of the crime and transformation conditions, academia has beencontroversial, because the subject of the crime of affray and transformation related to thecrime or misdemeanor and felony can rise to adapt the principles of responsibility andpunishmen

10、t, so its in-depth research and discussion, it is particularly important.If we are tothese two controversial issues to achieve a considerable degree of consensus, then the crimeof affray applicable in judicial practice would be much simpler, but also can promote cases asmooth end is conducive to imp

11、rove judicial efficiency and conservation of judicial resources.This article is divided into six parts, the first three parts are the cause of action, the factsof the case and the cases focus, the fourth part is the point of view and reasons of the cases ofdispute, mainly around the main body of the

12、 crime of affray and the crime of affray how totransform the crime of intentional injury or intentional homicidecrime to expand.The fifth partis the legal analysis, I gathered to fight the subject of the crime, the conversion conditions andcarried out a detailed analysis of argumentation mob fight c

13、ase process in dealing with thornyissues, not only examples of todays jurisprudence on the disputed issueacademic point ofview, put forward their own opinions and views on these controversial.Part VI concludes thispart of the main contents include the author Guo Mouchun such as affray case verdict1.

14、assessment, and put forward their own proposals and assembling a crowd to assault the statusquo.Affray is the crime of endangering the social order, as the rise in Chinas rapid economicdevelopment in contemporary society, affray case number and direction of economicdevelopment, this is very inconsis

15、tent with the general direction of building a socialistharmonious society in China.Affray charges from the date of birth has been the focus ofdiscussion, not only the legal profession, experts have debated, various parts of the affray caseitself, the complexity and imperfection of the relevant laws and regulations,The provisions arealso different standards, a fair and impartial treatment of such cases in large part.In this paper,a typical case in the affray case, the perspective of the current judicial practice throughin-depth analysis of a typical case, and then one by one to explo



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