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1、.法 律 硕 士 专 业 学 位 论 文非法证据排除规则适用问题研究章国锡案剖析Application of the Exclusionary Rule of Illegal Evidence inCriminal CasesTaking Zhang Guoxi Case as an instance28 / 28.作 者 姓 名:指 导 教 师:胡浪波李昌林.西 南 政 法 大 学Southwest University of Political Science and Law.内容摘要非法证据排除难,长期以来一直困扰着我国司法实务部门。为解决这一难题,我国法学界进行了诸多理论研究,希望借鉴

2、国外的制度,进行本土化改造,以期能解决司法实践中出现的非法证据排除难问题。然而,近年来频发的冤假错案暴露出非法证据排除难的问题,并未从根本上消除。轰动全国的章国锡案,便是众多非法证据排除难案件中的典型代表。在本案中,尽管法院在一审判决中大胆地援引了我国 2010 年颁布的非法证据排除规定,章国锡因刑讯逼供取得的有罪供述予以排除,但二审法院随即推翻了一审判决。这种前后矛盾的判决,表明我国目前法律对非法证据排除的规定在现实中面临着诸多困境,非法证据排除规则仍不能在司法实践中得到切实有效的实施。针对以上问题,本文运用案例分析和实证分析的方法,通过对章国锡案件主要争议点的梳理,参考我国 2012 年刑

3、事诉讼法以及最高人民法院和最高人民检察院制定的司法解释,对该案件中涉及的非法证据排除问题进行法理分析。接着,针对案件中出现的问题,指出我国现行法律和司法解释对非法证据排除规则规定的四点主要不足,并尝试着提出一些行之有效的完善建议,以期对我国非法证据排除的完善和司法实践中遇到的困境有所帮助。本文出引言和结语外,正文共分为三个部分,约 1.8 万字。第一部分以章国锡案件为切入点,介绍章国锡案件的基本案情,并梳理出案件涉及的主要争议点:1本案涉及的是瑕疵证据还是非法证据;2通过变相刑讯逼供取得的非法证据是否应当彻底排除;3侦查人员是否应当出庭作证;4法院在实体审判中解决非法证据排除争议是否合理。第二

4、部分从证据法的角度,并结合我国现行的法律及司法解释,详细的分析和阐述了本案诉讼中存在的主要争议点。首先,笔者从证据法上分析,一审法院将侦查机关的前期侦查行为认定为存在瑕疵并无不妥,但对后来因超期询问导致瑕疵证据转化为非法证据的事实没有认定,明显失误;其次,对于通过变相刑讯逼供取得的被告人的有罪供述,根据我国 2012 年刑事诉讼法的规定应当视为非法证据予以排除;再次,侦查人员未出庭作证的法律理由和条件并不充分;最后,一审法院在实体审判程序中一并审查非法证据排除问题容易形成累讼,不利于高效兼顾公正的司法目标的实现。1.第三部分是在第二部分评析的基础上,进一步从证据法理和司法实践的角度总结出我国现

5、行法规及司法解释对非法证据排除规定的四点主要不足。一是在定义上,我国法律对非法证据与瑕疵证据的区别和运用界定不明。二是在范围上,我国法律对非法证据排除的手段限定较为狭窄,缺乏明确的判断标准。三是在程序上,我国法律对侦查人员不出庭作证所应承担的法律责任没有具体规定。四是在主体上,我国法律对非法证据的调查与确认的机关设置不合理。针对以上不足,笔者尝试着提出五点完善建议,包括:1建立瑕疵证据转化制度;2进一步扩大非法言词证据取证方式范围;3完善侦查人员出庭作证制度;4完善庭前审查制度;5完善非法证据排除程序的救济措施。关键词:非法证据排除规则;非法证据;瑕疵证据;案例研究.AbstractFor q

6、uite longtime,the Difficulty of Excluding Illegal Evidence has been a majorobstacle for Chinese judicial practice departments. In order to solve the issue, manytheoretical researches and studies of law have been put on the solution of excludingIllegal Evidence by drawing lessons from foreign countri

7、es advanced systems.However, in recent years, the frequent cases of Illegal Evidence indicate that the issueof excluding Illegal Evidence has not been fundamentally handled.The Zhang Guoxi case, which has triggered huge influence in national country, isone of the most typical representative cases of

8、 excluding Illegal Evidence. In this case,although the court in the first instance boldly excludes the Illegal Evidence by quotingthe provision of the file on the handling of exclusion of Illegal Evidence in criminalcases, jointly developed by the Supreme Peoples court, the Supreme PeoplesProcurator

9、ate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security as wellas the Ministry of Justice .However, the court in the second instant overturns theprevious verdict. The inconsistent decision exposes that at present, it is difficult forthe judicial practice departments in China to effectiv

10、ely implement the provisions ofExcluding Illegal Evidence in reality.In view of the above problems, this paper will use case analysis and empiricalanalysis methods to discuss the case. First of all, this paper summarizes the maindisputes of the Zhang Guoxis Case and analyses the existing problems by

11、 referring tothe Chinese Criminal Procedure Law and the judicial interpretation formulated by theSupreme Peoples Court and the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate. Then, in view of theissues in case, the paper pointes out that Chinese current laws and judicialinterpretations of the provisions of the Illeg

12、al Evidence excluding rule indeed existfour main disadvantages and try to put forward some effective improvements andsuggestions to cope these issues, hoping to make some contributions to exclude IllegalEvidence in our country and do some help to the perfection of the Illegal EvidenceExclusionary Ru

13、le in judicial practice departments.Apart from the preface and the conclusion, the paper is divided into three parts,about 18000 words.The first part briefly introduces the basic information about the case of Zhang1.Guoxi and concludes four major dispute points involved in this case: Whether thecase

14、 is related to Defective Evidence or Illegal Evidence; Whether IllegalEvidence obtained through form of torture should be excluded or not; Whetherinvestigators should testify in court or not; Whether the court has the right to solvethe Illegal Evidence dispute in trial.The second part aims at analyz

15、ing the existing problems in the case from thepoint of view of the evidence and discussing the main disputes of the case combiningwith Chinas current laws and judicial interpretations. First,it is a huge mistake for thecourt to regard the Illegal Evidence as Defective Evidence; Second, the court in thefirst stance should exclude the Illegal Evidence in response to the Criminal ProcedureLaw; Third, the investigators have the obligations to testify in court; Last but not least,the court should not exclude the Illegal Evidence in trail.On the



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