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1、面 试 资 料 汇 总你为什么离开上家公司?Why you left your last company?我想找个更有挑战性的工作,而且我认为深圳的机会会更多,而且如果能有幸成为xxx的一员的话,可能还有出国的机会,所以我就离职了!Firest I want to find a job witch is more interesting and more challenging.Another,I think there are more opportunities in Shenzhen.And if I can join you,there maybe chance to go abroa

2、d.从上份工作中,你学到了什么?What have you learned from your past job?首先是工作的专业技能,然后是在一个大企业,学会了怎么样处理同事关系以及协调工作,最后还学会了怎么样跟国外的客户打交道!Except the special skill for the job, I think I learned at my previous jobs how to cooperate with my colleagues and coordinate the team to deal with all the issue. Another, I learned h

3、ow to communicate with our customer and handle the customer complaint.我们为什么要雇请你呢?Why do we employ you?我个人具备丰富全球供应链的管理经验,熟悉机构件原物料成本、制造成本以及物流成本,我相信如果我能加入你们公司的话,会给你们节省很多的培训成本,同时我会很出色的完成岗位工作,给贵公司带来利益!First, I am masterful in material cost and world wide logistic cost and I am skillful in SCM. If I can j

4、oin you, I think you will save training cost and I will bring benefits.你是怎么样看待跳槽的?How do you think the people change job?我想我们在找工作前要确定好行业,一定要知道你以后想从事什么样的工作并坚持下去,所以我不赞成频繁跳槽,相反一定要在自己的工作领域坚持下去并做出色。I think we should make sure what we like to do before we find a job. If we have a target, we should work ha

5、rd and insist our idea. So I dont support change a job for salary or other trivial reason.你有什么优势?What is your great strengths?首先我熟悉机构件原物料成本及制造成本,掌握全球海陆空运输的物流成本及中国出货全球海运空运的航线及运输时间,具备丰富全球供应链的管理经验!其次我个人素质良好,我认为我能胜任我所应聘的职位First, I am masterful in material cost and world wide logistic cost, also understa

6、nd world wild ship route well. And I am skillful in SCM. At last I am a hard worker ,a good learner and a good team player.So I think I am be competent/ qualified for the position I applied for!你有什么缺点?What is your weaknesses?我认为我的缺点有2点,首先是有点急于求成,其次是有时不够坚持原则。I think I am too anxious to achieve the go

7、al and sometimes I can not insist on the principle.你能给公司带来什么?What will our company benefit from hiring you?我会在我的工作岗位,高标准按时完成公司分配给我的任何工作,同时帮助上司及同事处理事物!I will finish job beautifully on my position and I also will help my colleague do something they need.你是怎么样保持你的视野的?How do you stay current?我一般都是通过手机报和

8、因特尔来了解时事的!Mainly I get to know the affair from Cellphone newspaper and Internet.!你希望跟什么样的人一起工作?What kind of person would you like to work with?/ What personality do you admire?富有团队精神,积极,诚恳,随和!who is honest, cooperative ,aggressive and easy-going.你认为你是一样什么样的人?What kind of character/personality do you

9、 think you have?/ What kind of person do you think you are?/ What is your strongest trait?总得来说,我这个人积极乐观,精力充沛,热情友好!Generally speaking , l am always aggressive,optimistic, energetic and enthusiastic. 你是怎么样看待你的学历教育对工作的帮助? How do you think the education you are received will contribute to your work in t

10、his institution?除了一些基本的理论知识和人格品德之外,我认为学校教会我们最重要的是教我们“怎么样去学习”Except the basic knowledge and morality,I think I learned how to learn from univesity.你为什么选择你所学的专业?Can you tell me why you chose your major?因为在我考大学的时候,IT行业很火,都在说电子专业出来能找多少多少薪水的工作,所以就选择了这专业!Because when I attend the college entrance examinat

11、ion,the major is very hot.And teacher tell I can get a good job after I graduate.你大学都有什么课程?Tell me about the courses of your major in university.单片机、数字电路、模拟电路、通讯原理、微机原理,数字信号处理,电视机原理你英语水平怎么样?How do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English?我想正常的日常工作交流应该没有问题。I think my English is goo

12、d enough to communicate with English speaking people and write an E-mail.你有获得过什么证书没有?Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications or license?坦白说,没有!除了学历证书和CET 6级及计算机2级。Frankly, No. Except diploma,CET4 and NCRE (National Computer Rank Examination).你有什么特殊的专业技能没有?What special skills do

13、 you have, can you tell me?电脑操作熟练,会使用SAP及Auto CAD软件,以及熟练的使用office软件。I have experience in computer operation, SAP and Auto CAD software, office software.你对你以前的公司印象如何?What is the impression of your last company?感觉很温馨,给我最深的印象!例如;我刚富士康的时候,要去每个部分实习,感觉那的同事特别热情友善。后来正式上班了也是一样!I think all the colleagues are

14、kind and enthusiastic. They will teach you all they know. 你认为我们这家公司怎么样?How do you know about this company?说实话,我都是从网上了解贵公司的,贵公司的产品、技术都是XXXX最好的,而且贵公司有社会责任感,员工福利也很好!I get to know your company from internet. The product and technology are both No.1.你理想的工作是怎么样的?How would you describe your ideal job?能发挥我的

15、专业特长,同事有晋升空间。I think the job should make use of the professional experience I have obtained, and offer me opportunity for advancement.你能在我们公司工作多久呢?How long will you stay with us?我在贵公司会留多久完全依公司和我是否互相满意而定。How long I will stay with the company depends on whether the company and I are satisfied with eac

16、h other.你未来5年有什么计划?Where do you want to be in 5 years?结婚、生孩子、然后存够10万块钱!Get married and have a baby,save $200,000.你期望的薪水是多少?What are your salary expectations?以我的经验,我希望起薪是每月8000元人民币。With my experience, Id like to start at RMB 8000 per month.(觉得工资是与工作的责任紧密相关的。I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.)我的试用期多长?How long is my probation?常用英语单词Extroverted


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