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1、Sheraton Dongguan HotelStandard & Procedure东莞喜来登大酒店标准与程序Position: Attendant职位:服务员Department: Food & BeverageDept. Head: BOB XU部门:餐饮部部门经理: 徐忆冰GM Approval: Date: March 21, 2003总经理批准: 日期:2003年3月21日Task: Handing GlasswareCode: SP-FB-GEN-6007任务:处理玻璃器皿序号: SP-FB-GEN-6003Standard:Trays should be carried in

2、a manner that is both safe and comfortable.标准:保证托盘按标准安全、舒适的使用。Procedures:Food Trays1. To lift a tray allows 15cm of the tray to project over the edge of the tray jack.2. Place the left hand under the tray, palm of your hand should be the heaviest part.3. Bend carefully at the knees and lift taking t

3、he strain through the legs. Important: Do not lift with your back or arms as this may cause back problems.4. Tray is carried above shoulder level. Hold the upper arm and elbow close to the body.5. Carry the tray using the hand, which is most comfortable.6. While maneuvering through crowd guard the t

4、ray with your other hand.Loading a Food Tray1. Stack plates according to size.2. Cups do not remain on saucers as this will take up too much room on the tray.3. Do not pile plates with food on top of each other. Use one plate for scraping.4. Place heaviest dishes and equipment with the weight closes

5、t to the shoulder.5. Glasses are NEVER carried on a food tray.6. Light articles are placed on the outside in a systematic manner to ensure they will not topple over when carrying the tray.7. Place a used napkin over the soiled dishes.8. Liquid container such as water pitchers should be placed toward

6、 the center of the tray so that it will not spill off the edge.9. Nothing should be protruding over the edge of the tray where it can be easily jarred or fall off.10. Do not stack cups more than 3 high. Do not over stack or over fill the tray, this may cause damages.NB: - Place heavy items in the ce

7、nter of the tray slightly toward your body - never attempt to lift a tray that is too heavy or stacked improperly.Carrying a Beverage Tray1. All beverages are carried on a round, non-slip beverage tray with tray mat2. Balance beverages on tray. Tall heavy and awkward glasses are placed toward the bo

8、dy.3. Hold the tray either with:- Full palm in which the tray is balanced with the palm and fingers spread underneath the tray. Fingertips in which the tray is balanced on the fingertips with fingers spread.4. Tray is held at waist-high level.5. Weight of the tray is held in the hand.6. Keep shoulde

9、rs back - slouching will cause the tray to be unstable.7. Carry tray in the your most comfortable hand, keep your arm relaxed - if it is too rigid any bump will upset the tray.8. While maneuvering through a crowd guard the tray with your other hand. Always be confident with your beverage tray - it a

10、ctually becomes part of you through the service period and the more practice at carrying the tray, the better service and more professional you will look.Loading a Beverage Tray1. Tall, easy to be toppled glasses are put in the middle of the beverage try with smaller (e.g. rock glasses) placed towar

11、d the outside.2. Always ensure that the beverage tray is dry before loading it.3. Load the tray with regard for safety and balance. One drink should be placed in the middle, two drinks balancing either side also toward the middle. Build the tray from the middle outwards.4. Remember that drink trays

12、are used for drinks - food trays are used for food.- End -程序:食品托盘1. 从托盘架取托盘时至少要抬高15CM后,才能移动托盘。2. 左手在下,重心在掌心。3. 慢慢的屈膝用腿部的力量挺直身体,最重要的是不要用背部或手臂的力量,否则会造成肌肉拉伤。4. 重托时,高不要过眉,并靠近身体。5. 用手托运是最和适的。6. 当通过人群时用另一只手扶着。放置食品托盘1. 同一种类型的盘子要叠在一起。2. 杯和碟分开放,避免占位置。3. 不要把装着食物的盘子叠在一起,应把残食放在同一碟子上。4. 重的一侧朝向里。5. 不要把杯放在食品托盘上。6.

13、 轻的物品要安全的摆放在托盘外侧,防止打翻。7. 运走脏托盘时要用口布盖起。8. 水扎等放在中央的位置,防止溅溢。9. 物品不可以超出托盘边缘以免掉出。10. 茶杯叠放时不可超出3个,摆放时避免过重过满。注:把过重的物品放在托盘的中间并朝向身体的一侧,不要放的太重,太满,以免肌肉拉伤。 酒水托盘1. 酒水托盘是圆的,防滑的,并垫上托盘垫。2. 要保持平衡,重的,高的放里面。3. 拿托盘的姿势: 五指分开,重心落於掌心; 用指尖紧扣托盘;4. 把托盘托至腰部的高度。5. 如果托盘很重,要用另一手帮助。6. 挺直肩膀,这样不易疲倦。7. 托起时要轻松,自然,如果太紧张,托盘就不稳。8. 当通过人群时,用另一只手帮助平衡,要把托盘运用自如,必须勤练习。放置酒水托盘1. 高的,容易到的放在中间,小物件放外面。2. 放之前要保证托盘是干的。3. 摆放要安全,均匀,一杯饮料放中间,两杯饮料要放中心的两边,依此类推。4. 记住酒水托盘是用来装酒水的,而食品托盘是装食品的,永远都不要混用。- 完-Printed Date:3/14/22PAGE: 3/3



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