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1、Introduction of Chinese opera and music中国戏曲主要是由民间歌舞、说唱和滑稽戏三种不同艺术形式综合而成。它起源于原始歌舞,是一种历史悠久的综合舞台艺术样式。经过汉、唐到宋、金才形成比较完整的戏曲艺术,它由文学、音乐、舞蹈、美术、武术、杂技以及表演艺术综合而成,约有三百六十多个种类。它的特点是将众多艺术形式以一种标准聚合在一起,在共同具有的性质中体现其各自的个性。比较著名的戏曲种类有:京剧(Beijing Opera)、昆曲(Kunqu)、越剧(Shaoxing Opera)、 秦腔(Shanxi Opera)、黄梅戏(Huangmei Opera) 。Co

2、lourful masks and various rolesWhite: Sinister, evil, crafty, treacherous, and suspicious. Anyone wearing a white mask is usually the villain.Green: Impulsive, violent, no self restraint or self control.Red: Brave, loyal.Black: Rough, fierce, or impartial.Yellow: Ambitious, fierce, cool-headed.Blue:

3、 Steadfast, someone who is loyal and sticks to one side no matter what.Colourful masks and various roles1.生是戏曲表演行当的主要类型之一,扮演男性人物。(分为老生、小生,武生。)2.旦:正旦主要扮演娴静庄重的青年、中年妇女。重唱功,多用韵白。因常穿青素褶子,故又名“青衣”。 花旦多扮演性格明快活泼的青年女性。此外,还有武旦,老旦等。3.净:俗称花脸。以面部化妆运用各种色彩和图案勾勒脸谱为突出标志,扮演性格、气质、相貌上有特异之点的男性角色。4.丑:丑戏曲表演行当主要类型之一,喜剧角色。 。

4、扮演人物种类繁多,有的心地善良,幽默滑稽;有的奸诈刁恶,悭吝卑鄙。The Development of Chinese OperaForming stage: Primitive society (to satisfy peoples spiritual need)社火、秧歌、傩戏Booming period: In Yuan dynasty, commercial and professional performing group emerged.The Development of Chinese OperaFamous works: 窦娥冤(关汉卿)、汉宫秋(马致远)Extension

5、phase: In Ming dynasty, Kunqu grew up on the regions south of Yangtze River(江南). The Development of Chinese OperaHeyday: In the late Ming and early Qing dynasty, Chinese Opera welcomed a prosperous time with Beijing Opera coming up. Introduction of operas in different periodYuan Dynasty1、Definition:

6、 Yuan zaju(元杂剧) were poetic and musical dramas, in four (or, occasionally, five) acts, with the act defined as a set of songs following and completing a certain musical modal progression The zaju featured particular specialized roles for performers, such as Dan (旦, dn, female), Sheng (生, shng, male)

7、, Hua (花, hu, painted-face) and Chou (丑, chu, clown).2、Reason: (1) art development Chinese Opera has developed for a long time, so it became more mature in interior structure and external performance;(2)Social reality the traditional poetry has been declining, so scholars treated the dramas as a new

8、 land to exploit; and under the control of Mongol nationality, scholars had to make a living by writing dramas for the theatres because of the abolishment of Imperial Competitive Examination(科举考试).Introduction of operas in different periodYuan Dynasty3、Famous playwrights and Representatives:Guan Han

9、qing关汉卿 The Injustice to Dou E(窦娥冤)Wang Shifu王实甫Romance of the West Chamber(西厢记)4、Characteristics:元杂剧的剧本体制,绝大多数是由“四折一楔”构成。四折,是四个情节的段落,像做文章讲究起承传合一样。将音乐结构和戏剧结构统一起来,达到体制上的规整,这表明元杂剧的艺术成熟和完善。5、Difference: Compared with the previous drama series, Yuan Zaju was focused more on the social reality instead of

10、 expressing playwrights subjective emotions. Introduction of operas in different periodMing Dynasty1.Definition: The dominant form of the Ming (13681644) and early Qing dynasties was Kunqu, which originated in the Wu cultural area. It later evolved into a longer form of play called chuanqi(传奇), whic

11、h became one of the 5 melodies that made up Sichuan opera.4 Currently Chinese operas continue to exist in 368 different forms, the best known being Beijing opera, which assumed its present form in the mid-19th century and was extremely popular in the latter part of the Qing Dynasty (16441911).2.In t

12、his period, 昆曲 and 弋阳腔 started to be popular. The former one was appreciated by the upper class while the latter one was prevalent among ordinary people.And in the late Ming Dynasty, Excerpts(折子戏) appeared. It was only some parts of the whole 传奇 drama, but it was excellent both in dancing and singin

13、g.Introduction of operas in different periodMing Dynasty3.Famous playwrights and Representatives:十五贯占花魁浣纱记牡丹亭(汤显祖)4. Characteristics: 昆山腔 classic and graceful 弋阳腔popular, folk-custom, and focus on the performance effect 明代戏曲经过长期的舞台实践,角色分工更加细密。比如昆山腔就有12个角色,主角不限于正生、正旦,净、丑也不止是调笑了。 Introduction of opera

14、s in different periodEarly Qing DynastyBeijing Opera1.Definiton:In Beijing opera, traditional Chinese string and percussion instruments provide a strong rhythmic accompaniment to the acting. The acting is based on allusion: gestures, footwork, and other body movements express such actions as riding

15、a horse, rowing a boat, or opening a door. Elaborate make-up designs portray which character is acting. The traditional repertoire of Beijing opera includes more than 1,000 works, mostly taken from historical novels about political and military struggles.2.Characteristcs:其表演艺术更趋于虚实结合的表现手法,最大限度超脱了舞台空

16、间和时间的限制,达到“以形传神,形神兼备”的艺术境界。表演上要求精致细腻,处处入戏;唱腔上要求悠扬委婉,声情并茂,以“武戏文唱”见佳。Introduction of operas in different periodEarly Qing DynastyBeijing Opera3.Origins and development:徽秦合流(乾隆五十五年(1790年)落户北京) 、徽汉合流道光二十年至咸丰十年间(1840-1860),经徽戏、秦腔、汉调的合流,并借鉴吸收昆曲、京腔之长而形成了京剧。其标志之一:曲调板式完备丰富,超越了徽、秦、汉三剧中的任何一种(形成期) 1883年一1918年,京剧由形成期步入成熟期,代表人物为时称“老生后三杰”的谭鑫培 汪桂芬、孙菊仙 1917年以来,京剧优秀演员大量涌现,呈现出流派纷呈的繁盛局面,由成熟期发展到鼎盛期,这一时期的代表人物为杨小楼、梅兰芳(贵妃醉酒)、余叔岩。由于文人崇尚的雅文化传统在20世纪遭遇灭顶之灾,京剧达到了它的全盛时期。In the period of 1949-1985In the early years of the Peo



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