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1、精品文档新概念英语青少版1A 测试卷姓名 _ 成绩 _ 请选出与其他三个划线部分发音不同的选项。( )1.A. yes B. desk C. red D. green ( )2.A. gate B. girl C. orange D. give ( )3.A. hot B. Robert C. what D. bag ( )4.A. do_ B. woma n C. who D. too ( )5.A. father B. are C. car D. but ( )6.A.meet B. green C. key D. this ( )7.A. what B. ball C. four D.

2、hall ( )8.A. look B. foot C. book D. too ( )9.A. to B .hat C. bird_ D. put ( )10.A. umbrella B. young C. hungry D. aunt 二、 词汇。(A)英汉互译。1.你的钢笔是什么颜色?What colour is your ? 2.Be careful! 3.在地面上4.你是做什么工作的?What you ? 5. _ 在篮子里 _ _ 6.Better safe than sorry._ 7t s a wheel. _ 8. _ This is my nephew. _ 9.Whose

3、 is this pencil? _ 10.No harm done. _ 但)写出下列单词的正确形式。1.new (反义词) _ 2.small(反义词) _ 3.short(反义词)_ 4. _ book (复数) _ 5.woman (反义词) _ 6.is (复数) _ 7.actress(反义词)_ 8.clean(反义词) _ (C) 填上适当的be 动词。1.Paul s bicycle (是)old. 2.Lucy s and Robert s bags (是)full of books. 3. _ Robert s camera (是)interesting and very

4、 colorful. 4.Here _ (是) Paul svneioats. (D) 根据提示完成句子。1.My n _ (名字)is William Jenkins. 2.Karen is my w _ (妻子). 3. _ Nice to m _ (遇见)you. 4.lt s a _ (绿色)hat. 5.No h (伤害)done. 6.It s a s _ 银色)key. 7.The boy i _ (在 . 里)the white car. 8.The man w _ (戴着)the black hat. 9.The doctor is very b _ (忙碌的 )lO.Giv

5、e me the t _ (手电筒 ),please. 11.You are r _ (对的)12.Her mother is f _ (著名的 ) photographer. 13.There is a n _ (噪音)in the living-room. 三、 选择题。()1. A: _ ?B:I m fine, thank you. A.What s the matter? B.How do you do? C.How are you? ( )2.你第一次见到Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说: _ A.Me too. B.Nice to meet you. C.Good after

6、noon. ()3.想问你同学的书包是什么颜色的,你应该这样说: _ A. What s your nar?e B.What do you do? C.What colour is your bag? ()4.你想知道那辆银色的自行车是谁的,你应该这样问:_ A.What colour is your bicycle? B.Who is the silver bicycle? C.Whose is the silver bicycle? ( )5.听到Robert 生病的消息,你应该这样说_ A.I m happ. I m sorry C.Oh,my god. ( )6. _ is this

7、pen? It s his pen. A. Who B. what C. Where D. Whose ( )7.A: _ is Claire from? B: She s from Washi ngto nA Where B.What C.Who D.How ( )8. A:How do you do?B: _ A. Nice to meet you. B. How do you do? C. I m fine. ( )9.Is Robert hap py or _ ? A. clever B. stupid C. sad D. funny ( )10.A:Give me my pen,pl

8、ease.B: _ A.No harm done. B.Here you are. C.It s my favourite thing ( )11.Is this your hat? _ , it is not my hat. A.Yes B.No C.Not ( )12.-Wha t s your name _ name is Lucy Jenkins. A.His B.Her C.My D.Your ( )13.-What _ is Karen s d-retss? s red. A.colour B.that C.name D.your ( )14.- _ dogs are there

9、un der the ben ch?-There are two dogs. A.Where B.How many C.What ( )15.What s this? _ a silver key. A. It s B. He s C. She s( )16.Who is that girl _ the red bicycle. A. in B. on C. at ( )17. _ that young man. A. Look at B. Look on C. Look in 精品文档精品文档四、 选择适合的提问词填入横线处。What Who Where Whose How What s t

10、he matter What colour How many 精品文档精品文档六、根据已学课文阅读下面的对话,选择合适的词填空。Annie: 1 _(Who s/What s)that girl,Polly? Polly: 2 _ (Which boy/Which girl), Annie? Annie: 3 _(A/The)girl over there. 4 _ (This short/That tall)girl5 _ (with/o n) the Jenkins family. Polly: Oh,that s Claire, our new6 (girl/neighbour). Sh

11、e s7 _ (a/an)art student. Annie: B _(He s/She s)a very pretty girl. Polly: Yes,she s9 (clever/handsome),too. She s a nice _ (girl/woman). 七、 就画线部分提问。I.The silver bicycle is Robert.s(用whose) _ 2. _ The boy on the silver bicycle is Robert Jenkins.(用which) _ 3丄inda is Karen s sister用who)_ 4s Robert hun

12、gry or thirsty? (二选一回答 ) _ 5. _ The long silver ruler is in my bag. (用where) _ 八、 阅读小短文。(A)对的写T, 错的写F。(B)选择正确的答案。This is my bedroom. I have a small bed. I have nice dream(梦)on it every night(每晚).That is yellowdogt is under the bed. I have a big deskstudy on it. I read many books. They are on the des

13、k. That is my bagt is blue and red. It s on the desk,too. Do you like my room?( )4.The bag and books are on the desk. ( )5.I like football and books. This is my family. We live in Canada. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and I. My father is a teach

14、er. He is an English teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. She teaches PE. They work in different schools. My brother, Jack is seventeen years old. He is a worker. Kate is my sister. She and I are students. We are in the same school, but in different grades. My grandparents are old. They don They lo

15、ok after our pet(宠物)dog, Pear at home.1, _ A: is on the horse? B:lt s Polly. 3,A: _ is Robert? B:He is in his bedroom. 5A: _ boats on the beach? B:They are five. 2, _ A: are your new shoes? B:They re red. 4, _ A: are you? B:I m very well, thank you. 6A: _ acket is that? B:It s Dad s. 7,A: _ with Luc

16、y? B:She isn 五、连线。1.What colour s his new pencil 2. What do you do? 3. Where is Robert? 4. Whose is that book? 5. How are you? 6. What s the matter with her? t very welB,A: _ do you do? B:I m a postman. A. It s William s new book. B. I m a student. C. That s our new teacher. D. Yes, I am. E. No, I m not. I m very cold. F. It s blue. 7. Are you hun gry? B.Who is that man? 9. Are you hot? 10. What s in this bag? G. I m fine. H. She isn t very well I. He s in the kitchen. J. It s Lucy s. Part 1(Fro


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