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1、Print 2013届河南省 郑州市第四中学高三第十三次调考英语试卷( 带解析)单项选择1.When I was younger, Id often go for _ drive with some friends, purely for _ enjoyment of it. A a; an B /; the C the; / D a; the A realized B realizing C to realize D to be realized A does B did C had done D has done 4.-The first one _ the finishing line

2、wins the gold medal. -True! A reaches B reached C to reach D reaching 5.Alice, youd better put the vase away _ it gets broken.A when B before C unless D while 6.Not a single word _ about the way he was treated, but his unhappiness was revealed through his expression. A he said B he has said C did he

3、 say D said he 7.I was _ by the salesman whose products turned out to be much less effective. A taken up B taken in C taken down D taken out 8.Once _ at a table, left-handers need to move the water glasses put on the right side to their more convenient left side. A seating B having seated C seated D

4、 seat 9.The world famous director, three of _ movies won Oscar awards, is reported to have retired. A whose B which C whom D his A finished B would finish C had finished D would have finished 11.It was in the small house _ was destroyed by the flood _ he spent his childhood. A which; that B that; wh

5、ere C which; where D that; which A consisting B consisted C to consist D consists A had waited B have waited C were waiting D waited 14.Some lawyers have long called for changes to these laws which they think are _ in the 21 st Century. A in place B on the way C by the way D out of place 15.-Have yo

6、u heard that he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature last year? - _. He has made a positive contribution to that field. A Congratulations! B You must be joking. C By no means! D He deserves it. 完型填空【小 题 1】 A affection B influence C occasion D position 【小 题 2】 A agreed B fought C dealt D did 【小

7、题 3】 A added B warned C reminded D imagined 【小 题 4】 A However B Otherwise C Therefore D Besides 【小 题 5】 A preserved B inspired C entertained D taught 【小 题 6】 A confident B certain C comfortable D modest 【小 题 7】 A goes B comes C turns D gets 【小 题 8】 A nearly B hardly C scarcely D always 【小 题 9】 A dan

8、ger B suffering C relieving D happiness 【小 题 10】 A city B village C world D province 【小 题 11】 A social B economical C agricultural D cultural 【小 题 12】 A encouragement B danger C advantage D event 【小 题 13】 A insisted B spent C based D passed 【小 题 14】 A contradiction B contest C contrary D controversy

9、 【小 题 15】 A Meanwhile B Otherwise C However D Instead 【小 题 16】 A goal B intention C target D purpose 【小 题 17】 A somebody B anything C nothing D anybody 【小 题 18】 A adopted B concluded C admitted D concerned 【小 题 19】 A throwing B accepting C offering D receiving 【小 题 20】 A carry on B take on C bring o

10、ut D put out 阅读理解A he benefited from Operation Mend B he was afraid of burned faces C he thought they deserved help D he didn t know how to spend money【小 题 2】 Operation Mend was founded after _. A Neidorf donated part of his birthday money B the Neidorfs signed up to be Dahlmans “buddy family”C Ron

11、Katz saw a TV programme about a veteran D Mankin was successfully operated on at UCLA 【小 题 3】 What can we learn from the passage? A. Neidorf s mother was opposed to his decision to donate money.B. Mankin s face was burned in a fire in America.C. Mankin went through more than 30 facial surgeries at U

12、CLA. D. Many facial surgeries are needed to reconstruct a seriously burned face. 【小 题 4】 The last two paragraphs mainly tell us _. A the process of Mankins surgery B how Operation Mend was set up C how Katz became famous D veterans are respected by people A sea creatures B pollution C fishing D clim

13、ate change 【小 题 2】 Which of the following is true according to the passage? A Human beings appeared before corals were created. B One needs a license to dive into the deeper sea. C Diving alone has many advantages. D The origin of diving is in modern Greece. 【小 题 3】 There are no coral reefs on the w

14、est coast of South Africa probably because of a lack of _. A large waters and soft sand B warm currents and delicious food C friendly creatures and flat seabed D clear water and suitable temperature 【小 题 4】 The last paragraph mainly tells us _. A diving alone under the sea is rather dangerous B some

15、 matters we need pay attention to when diving C South Africa is a popular place for diving D what we should wear when diving A research is declining in importance B teaching now ranks above research C teaching is a sure way to gain position D research still ranks above teaching 【小 题 2】 It is implied

16、 in the passage that about 200 years ago undergraduate instruction _. A began to change all of a sudden B was already threatened by research work C was the central part of higher education D began to be neglected in most universities 【小 题 3】 What would be the best title for the passage? A University education in the US B University education challenged C Teaching and research in universities D Undergraduate teaching rediscovered A forgetting his goals when competing B worrying about his not winn



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