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1、教育资源教育资源Unit 4 When is Easter? PA Lets talk 精讲精练【聚焦语法】There are some special days in May. 在五月有一些特殊的节日。What are they? 哪些呢?May Day and Mothers Day. 国际劳动节和母亲节。When is May Day? 国际劳动节在什么时候?It s on May 1st . 在五月一日。【点拨】There be和 have 都可以表示 “ 有” , There be 句型强调了 “ 存在” , be (is /are)后面的名词才是句子的主语;have突出了 “ 拥有

2、” ,经常以“ 人” 为主语。有时两种句型可以互换,如上面的句子There are some special days in May. 也可以说成:We have some special days in May. in 和 on 都可以用来引导含有月份的词: 泛指“ 在某月 ” 用介词 in, 如 in May, in September;如果具体到 “ 某一天 ” 则用介词 on,如 on May 1st, on the second Sunday in May等等。【同步精练】一、排列句子,使之成为一段完整的对话。( ) Its on the third Sunday in June.(

3、 ) When is Fathers Day?( ) There are some special days in June. ( ) Childrens Day and Fathers Day.教育资源教育资源( ) What are they? 二、选择合适的句子补全对话,并完成填空。Mr Jones: Zhang Peng: What are they? Mr Jones: April Fools Day and Easter.Zhang Peng: Mr Jones: Its on April 1st .Zhang Peng: And Easter? Mr Jones: Zhang P

4、eng: Wow! I love April. loves April. Because there some special days in . They are and . April Fool s Day is on . Eater is on this year. 三、选词填空。1. We will have a 7-day _ in October. 2. On April _, they will go on a picnic in the nature park. 3. Teachers Day is in _. 4.5. There are _special days in M

5、ay. 6. _ is New Year s Day? 5th; some; holiday; when; September AThere are some special days in April. BWhen is April Fools Day?CIt s on April 5th this year.教育资源教育资源四、读一读,选一选,完成对话。A: Hey, Kate. B: Yes, it is. It s winter now.A: B: No, I dont. What about you?A: Because my birthday is in winter. B: A:

6、 It s on December 5th. B: A:I often have a birthday party. 参考答案一、54132 二、 ABC Zhang Peng, are, April, April Fools Day, Easter, A. I like winter very much. B. When is your birthday? C. Is it December 1st today? D. What do you do on your birthday? 教育资源教育资源April 1st, April 5th 三、1.holiday 2. 5th 3. September 4.some 5.When 四、CEABD



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