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1、8开心版小学六年级英语上册单词、音标练习题一、翻译1?四盒 冰淇淋 2. 一 袋薯条3. 一一 盒 纸巾 4. 一 双袜子5.从未 6.有 7 总是乘出租车.9 . 乘 10 一次 11 去钓鱼 12 公共汽车13 去跳舞 14 去游泳 , 15 五十 16 四十17 八十的21 好的18 快的 19 慢的 20 或者 21 年长22 最漂亮的 23 最 24 更25 商店球30 星26 衬衫 27 太阳28 月亮29 地31 看 32 近的 33 远的 34 两次35a piece of candy 36a bottle of_65 must beshampoo _37a bar of so

2、appaper39Gread ideasubway 41ever42go hiki ng 43goat45h undred 46mostfor38a roll of toilet40 take theice-skat ing44goo dexpe nsive 47look48hippo53who49elepha nt54which51turtle55all52favorite56tha n 57try59lookbigger _ 62too61 worst of all64Mars _after _ 60go diving _ 61much_ 62best of all _ 63Pluto _

3、 66of course _ 67 wrote a long letter68not very oftenrealy _71 once a week69The solarsystem _ 70 not_ 72 twice a month _73last week 74three times a year _75ride my bike _ 76bytaxi _ 77drive78walk to school _ 79greatfish _ 80sunny _82go to space _ 83 drawpicture _ 84museum _二、找出划线部分发音不同的词, 把它的编号填入题前的

4、括号里。() 1.A.world B.forty C.T shirt()2.A.h un dred B.y oun ger C. bought()3.A.coldest B.lo ngest C.hottest()4.A.bigger B.find C.w in()5.A.eighty B.cheapest C.great()6.A.pla net B.se nd C.ever()7.A.twice B.a ni mal C.tissue()8.A.than B.three C.furthest()9.A.heavy B.ninety C.try()10.A.treasure B.usuall

5、y D.trousers() 11Abear B.there C.near()12 A pear B.shirt C. pearl()13.A cup B.kite C . n ice()14.A. cough B.gife C.give()15Alight B. right C.lamp三、判断每组划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的在括号打“”不同的打“。() l.great idea ( )2.short store()3.usually us ( )4 ove young()5.pla net n ever ( )6.treasure best()7.turtle taller ( )8.f

6、aster after()9.fifty picture ( )10.try twice()11.bought fo und ( )12.a ni mal always() 13.purse girl ( )14.elephant calf()15.give kite ( )16.su nny salad()17. cheaper school ( )18 much.study()19. about brought ( )20. moon good四、 选词填空。1. a ,an_ egg _ ant _elepha nt _big egg _ ice cream2. the, / ,play

7、_ guitar play_computes play_ football _moon go_fishing五 . 按要求写词。1 ( 写出动词过去式 )go _ take _ get _ bring _ buy _ do _write _ is _ has _ have _ find _ come _2. (写出动词的第三人单数形式)worry _ buy _ go _ do _ look _have _ watch _ teach _ give _ read3. (写出动词现在分词) get _run _ study _ play _ make _come _ swim _ shop _4

8、. (写出以下形容词或副词比较级和最高级)tall _ _ bad _ _ expensive _good _ well _ fun _big _ _ hot _ _ beautiful _thin _ _ much _ _ heavy _ nice _ far _ cold _ happy _ 5. (写出以下单词的反义词)cheap _ tall _ young _ big _ slow _55coldest _ bad _ heavy _ nearer _ best _6. (写出以下单词的近义词)see _ good _love _ listen _7. (写出以下单词对应的序数词)one _ two _ four _ five _ eight _ 8. (写出 5 个基数词)


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