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1、2022年安徽省蚌埠市铁路中学高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Tell your mother not to make a call while driving and her car missed a cyclist when she was on the way to work the other day.A. merely B. narrowly C. closely D. hardly参考答案:B2. When I came in, John was sitting in the corner with his hands _ on his head, _ nervously

2、for the final result.A. crossed, waitedB. crossed, waitingC. crossing, waitedD. crossing, waiting参考答案:B【详解】考查with的复合结构和非谓语动词。句意:当我进来时,约翰坐在角落里双手交叉在头上,焦急地等待着最后的结果。分析句子可知,第一空考查with的复合结构,逻辑主语his hands和cross(交叉)之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词crossed作宾补;第二空是非谓语动词作状语,逻辑主语he和wait之间是主动关系,故用现在分词waiting,故选B项。【点睛】本题第一空考查with的复合

3、结构,即with+n/pron.+doing/done/to do ,其中doing, done, to do是宾语补足语,n/pron主动发出动作用doing,n/pron承受动作(被动)用done,动作尚未发生用to do。本题中名词hands承受动作cross,故用crossed。3. In English class, our teacher often creates an environment _ we are given the opportunity to solve problems ourselves.A. when B. where C. which D. that参考

4、答案:B4. If manking is trying to find new places in space to live and get new resources, it is fine. Athe; the B/; / Ca; the Dthe; a参考答案:B5. Try not to work yourself too hard. Take it easy.Thanks. _.A. No way B. So what? C. You too D. What for?参考答案:C6. Having been out of touch with his parents for two

5、 years, John returned home, A. safe and soundB. safely and soundC. safe and soundlyD. safely and soundly 参考答案:A7. The committee _ five famous scientists put forward a valuable plan at the end of the conference. A. was made up of B. was made from C. consist of D. made up of参考答案:D8. According to WHO,

6、tobacco health warnings appear on cigarette packages are among the strongest weapons against tobacco use. A.that B.what C.who D.whose参考答案:A9. Sorry to have kept you waiting so long, But itll still be half an hour _ the manager comes hack. A. before B. since C. until D. after参考答案:A略10. an important p

7、osition in a big company, Richard has a good chance to improve himself.A. Offered B. Offering C. Having offered D. To offer参考答案:A11. -The young man is good at a lot of things but you cant say he is _.-I agree with you. Actually no one is. A. wonderful B. splendid C. perfect D. complete参考答案:C12. Than

8、k you very much for your wonderful lecture, Mr. Brucel! .A. It doesnt matter B. Just so soC. Thats very kind of you to say so D. Im glad youve enjoyed it参考答案:D13. Nowadays more and more people are advised to arrange for insurance _ that they or their family members need medical care Ain order Bin ne

9、ed Cin case Din hope参考答案:C略14. Wed like you to start work tomorrow if possible.Im sorry, but I cant possibly start until Monday. _? ADo you agree with me BIs that a good idea CDo you think Im rightDWill that be all right参考答案:D 解析:本题考查情景交际的用法。A项的意思为“你同意我的意见吗?”;B项“它是一个好主义吗?”,C项为“你认为我是正确的吗?”,均不能够与句子的回答

10、相一致。而D项表示征求对方的意思。表示的语气比较委婉。15. This years childrens party, _ some parents were invited to, was a great success. A. whichB. whyC. whoseD. where 参考答案:A考查定语从句。句意:一些父母被邀请参加今年的儿童聚会,这是很大的成功。使用非限制性定语从句,先行词是childrens party,指物,定语从句缺少宾语,用which引导。故选A。16. Will you come over to Beijing next summer?Id like to, bu

11、t my family _ London that summer.A. are visiting B. are to visit C. will be visiting D. will visit参考答案:C【考查方向】考查时态的用法。句意:-明年夏天你来北京吗?-我愿意去,但是我的家人那个夏日将正在游览伦敦。根据题干中的next summer,表示将来某个时间点或者时间段正在进行的动作用将来进行时。故选C。二、 书面表达17. 柴静的一部名叫穹顶之下的纪录片在微信朋友圈被疯传,几乎是一瞬间,这部有关雾霾调查的纪录片席卷了整个中国。这部片子从公众健康的角度唤起了大家对雾霾这种大气污染问题的重视

12、。假如你是李华,BBC记者Bill来信询问你家乡是否有雾霾天气,情况如何。请按下面写一封电子邮件,开头已给出。介绍情况: (1)最近发生数次雾霾天气。(2)通过穹顶之下,人们更进一步认识到雾霾天气的危害,正采取各种举措减少其发生。(3)你自己为此做了什么或打算做什么。注意:词数100左右。雾霾:smog 穹顶之下:Under the Dome参考答案:Dear Bill,Im glad to receive your letter, thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. Now Id like to tell you

13、something about the smog.Recently the smog has occurred a lot of times. It has done great harm to our daily life. Many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog weather, more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the smog. Anyway, peoples

14、life is greatly affected.With the help of Under the Dome, People have further realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. People all over the country are taking measures to reduce the smog weather. As far as Im aware, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I wont throw the waste anywhere.in addition, I w


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