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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外文资料原文 涂敏之 会计学 Title:Future of SME finance()Background the environment for SME finance has changedFuture economic recovery will depend on the possibility of Crafts, Trades and SMEs to exploit their potential for growth and employment creation.SMEs make a major contribution to growth and

2、 employment in the EU and are at the heart of the Lisbon Strategy, whose main objective is to turn Europe into the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. However, the ability of SMEs to grow depends highly on their potential to invest in restructuring, innovation and qual

3、ification. All of these investments need capital and therefore access to finance.Against this background the consistently repeated complaint of SMEs about their problems regarding access to finance is a highly relevant constraint that endangers the economic recovery of Europe.Changes in the finance

4、sector influence the behavior of credit institutes towards Crafts, Trades and SMEs. Recent and ongoing developments in the banking sector add to the concerns of SMEs and will further endanger their access to finance. The main changes in the banking sector which influence SME finance are:Globalizatio

5、n and internationalization have increased the competition and the profit orientation in the sector;worsening of the economic situations in some institutes (burst of the ITC bubble, insolvencies) strengthen the focus on profitability further;Mergers and restructuring created larger structures and man

6、y local branches, which had direct and personalized contacts with small enterprises, were closed;up-coming implementation of new capital adequacy rules (Basel II) will also change SME business of the credit sector and will increase its administrative costs;Stricter interpretation of State-Aide Rules

7、 by the European Commission eliminates the support of banks by public guarantees; many of the effected banks are very active in SME finance.All these changes result in a higher sensitivity for risks and profits in the finance sector.The changes in the finance sector affect the accessibility of SMEs

8、to finance.Higher risk awareness in the credit sector, a stronger focus on profitability and the ongoing restructuring in the finance sector change the framework for SME finance and influence the accessibility of SMEs to finance. The most important changes are:In order to make the higher risk awaren

9、ess operational, the credit sector introduces new rating systems and instruments for credit scoring;Risk assessment of SMEs by banks will force the enterprises to present more and better quality information on their businesses;Banks will try to pass through their additional costs for implementing an

10、d running the new capital regulations (Basel II) to their business clients;due to the increase of competition on interest rates, the bank sector demands more and higher fees for its services (administration of accounts, payments systems, etc.), which are not only additional costs for SMEs but also l

11、imit their liquidity;Small enterprises will lose their personal relationship with decision-makers in local branches the credit application process will become more formal and anonymous and will probably lose longer;the credit sector will lose more and more its “public function” to provide access to

12、finance for a wide range of economic actors, which it has in a number of countries, in order to support and facilitate economic growth; the profitability of lending becomes the main focus of private credit institutions.All of these developments will make access to finance for SMEs even more difficul

13、t and / or will increase the cost of external finance. Business start-ups and SMEs, which want to enter new markets, may especially suffer from shortages regarding finance. A European Code of Conduct between Banks and SMEs would have allowed at least more transparency in the relations between Banks

14、and SMEs and UEAPME regrets that the bank sector was not able to agree on such a commitment.Towards an encompassing policy approach to improve the access of Crafts, Trades and SMEs to financeAll analyses show that credits and loans will stay the main source of finance for the SME sector in Europe. A

15、ccess to finance was always a main concern for SMEs, but the recent developments in the finance sector worsen the situation even more. Shortage of finance is already a relevant factor, which hinders economic recovery in Europe. Many SMEs are not able to finance their needs for investment.Therefore,

16、UEAPME expects the new European Commission and the new European Parliament to strengthen their efforts to improve the framework conditions for SME finance. Europes Crafts, Trades and SMEs ask for an encompassing policy approach, which includes not only the conditions for SMEs access to lending, but will also strengthen their capacity for internal finance and their access to external risk capital.From U


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