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1、山西省临汾市襄汾县襄陵镇联合学校2021-2022学年高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Just think! This time next week we _in the sun in the south of France.A. are going to sit B. will have satC. are sitting D. will be sitting参考答案:D本题为一道时态类的单选题,通过对题目的阅读我们可知该句的时态基调为将来时态,但是其句是指在将来的莫一个具体的时间点,某人正在做一件事,故本题应当是将来进行时态,因而该题应当选择D项,该题意为”想想看,下周的这个时候你

2、就可以坐在法国的南方享受太阳了。故选择D项will be sitting。2. To keep healthy, Professor Johnson _ cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.A. carried out B. caught on C. took up D. made for参考答案:C试题分析:为了健康,Johnson教授在退休之后开始把骑单车作为一种锻炼方式。根据句意可知,take up:开始从事,开始做,故选C。 carry out:实施;carry on:进行; make for:弥补。3. It

3、is said that he is the manager of the company .In other words ,the company is him.A .in charge of B.taking charge of C .in the charge of D .under charge of参考答案:C略4. After a days hard labor on the farm, my parents came home late, _.A. being exhausted B. exhausted C. having exhausted D. exhausting参考答案

4、:B5. It was a(n) _ party. We danced all night and then watched the sun coming up over the sea. No better way to welcome the New Year.A. delicateB. spectacularC. elegant D. awesome参考答案:D略6. Our factory has introduced advanced technology early this year, and thus we can produce last year.A. twice as m

5、ore bicycles asB. more bicycles than twiceC. more than twice bicycles asD. more than twice as many bicycles as参考答案:D7. _ I told him to close the window,_ he forgot to do so. A. Though, but B. Though, / C. Because, /参考答案:B8. Once _ at the shop, you will be dismissed immediately.A. caught stealing B.

6、caught to steal C. catching stealing D. to catch to steal参考答案:A解析:Once caught为Once you are caught 的省略; catch s B. doing sth.意为“发现或发觉某人正在做某事”。9. The song“You And Me” on the radio interests everyone Aplaying Bplayed Cis played Dhas been played参考答案:B略10. Fortunately, fortune _ everyone in her family; t

7、hey all have a happy life.A. belongs to B. belonged to C. is belonging to D. is belonged to参考答案:A11. When it comes to getting a job, continues calling does notIf you call and call, youre not going to get the job, because youre annoying. A. get through B. keep up C. live on D. pay off参考答案:d略12. He is

8、 opposed to such a view that it is his intelligence and good luck that have _ his success. A. contributed in B. led to C. come out D. resulted from 参考答案:B13. Evidence shows that the of a parent adds to the probability that a youngster will commit criminal activities.A. disappearanceB. absenceC. atte

9、ntionD. concern参考答案:B14. Mary said that once _ him you would like him and make friends with him.A. meetB. to meetC. meetingD. met参考答案:B略15. Im a little _ about what I read in the press. Would you please give me a full _ of what is really happening in Africa?A. uncertain, retell B. skeptical, distrib

10、utionC. unsure, description D. doubt, account参考答案:C16. The traffic lights _ green and I pulled away. A. came B. grew C. got D. went参考答案:D17. Have you seen _ MP3 on the desk? I left it here a moment ago.What color1 is _MP3? We found one really.A. the; an B. an; an C. an; the D. the; the参考答案:C18. -I h

11、eard Tom was badly injured in the football match.-_, lets go and see him.A. If not B. If any C. If so D. If ever参考答案:C二、 书面表达19. 目前中学生中,家长陪读之风盛行,有的家长甚至不惜辞职或者请长假。你们班上就这一话题进行了讨论。请根据以下要点介绍讨论的结果并简要阐述自己的观点。38%:赞成给孩子们做可口的饭菜,洗衣服,从而让孩子们有更多的时间学习和休息。62%: 反对增加经济负担;给学生造成许多精神压力;孩子的独立生活能力得不到培养。你的观点注意:1. 开头已为你写好,不

12、计入总词数;2. 词数:100左右;3. 参考词汇:经济负担:economic pressure 精神压力:mental stressThe other day our class had a heated discussion about whether it is necessary for parents to accompany students studying at school._参考答案:The other day our class had a heated discussion about whether it is necessary for parents to acc

13、ompany students studying at school. As for the question, there are two different opinions.38% of the students are for the idea that parents should accompany students studying. That is because parents can do such housework as making delicious dinner and washing clothes for students, which in turn allow students to have more time to study and have a good rest.On the contrary, 62% of the students go against the former viewpoint. In their opinion, parents quitting the job to accompany students will add economic pressure to famil


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