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1、河南省南阳市桐柏县淮源实验中学2019-2020学年高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Yesterday on the way home my father found a new-born baby_ by its mother, struggling to survive.A. devoted B. defended C. deserved D. deserted 参考答案:D2. Babies enjoy _ before they go to sleep. A. to pat B. to be patted C. patting D. being patted参考答案:D3

2、. about Lucy, the teacher called her parents to find out why she was so often absent from class.A. Concerning B. Considering C. Concerned D. Considered参考答案:C4. My parents will move back into town in a year _.A. later B. after C. or so D. about参考答案:C5. Foreigners should the customs in a foreign count

3、ry they are visiting.A.makeB.letC.getD.follow参考答案:D6. All the employees except the manager to work online at home. A. are encouraged B. encourages C. is encouraged D. encourage参考答案:A略7. Although our English teacher is young, she is very experienced and _ by all of us.A. thought highly of B. thinks h

4、ighly of C. thinks high of D. high thought of参考答案:A8. My boss insisted that we_ the plan immediately. A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out参考答案:A9. Are they about to have dinner?Yes, it _ in the dinning room.Ais serving Bis served Cis being served Dserve参考答案:C10. The foreigner

5、does speak Chinese well, but of course not _ we Chinese.A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than参考答案:C11. Do you have any difficulty _?A. on listening B. to listening C. for listening D. in listening参考答案:D12. The poor little boy _ by his heartless parents was seen

6、begging in the street.A. abandoning B. to be abandoned C. having abandonedD. abandoned参考答案: 【答案】13. -Oh, its you. I _you.-Ive just had my hair cut, and I am wearing a new dress.A. didnt recognize B. hadnt recognizeC. dont recognize D. havent recognize参考答案:A14. I got to the office earlier that day th

7、e 7:30 train from Paddington.A. caught B. to have caught C. to catch D. having caught参考答案:D15. -If you are admitted to a key university, _as a prize?-I am looking forward to a cell phone.A. what you expect your father will offer youB. do you expect what your father will offer you C. what do you expe

8、ct will your father offer you D. what do you expect your father will offer you参考答案:C 16. -Whose is the pencil box? -It _ be Toms. Look at his name on the cover! A. can B. may C. must D. need参考答案:C略17. - With so much homework _, Im relaxed finally.- Good for you! Lets have a walk outdoors.A. done B.

9、to do C. doing D. do参考答案:A18. When you start an ad campaign, its important to always try to _ the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way. A. apply to B appeal to C. come to D. contribute to参考答案:B二、 书面表达19. 书面表达(满分15分)根据下列表格中的内容,写一则旅行日记时间10月15日,星期六,天气晴朗地点Shaohua Mountain抵达方式乘校车出发时间上午

10、7点20分到达时间上午8点半活动内容上午:爬山,在山上野餐,照相。下午:做游戏,用英语讲故事比赛。返回时间下午5点半注意:1. 表格中所列内容不得遗漏,要意思连贯,表达清楚。 2. 词数:80词左右October 15th Saturday Fine Today we went on an organized trip to Shaohua Mountain. 参考答案:略三、 阅读理解20. Have you ever wondered how a popular food or dessert was first created? Read on and find out about se

11、veral of them.Chewing gumAlthough ancient Greeks,Mayans,and early American settlers chewed sap(树液)from trees, the first commercial chewing gum was made and sold by John B. Curtis in 1848. In 1850, Curtis began selling flavored gums.PizzaIn Italy in the early 1700s, flat breads, called pizzas, were m

12、ade without toppings.These tasty,filling breads were sold to the poor in Naples.When Maria Carolina, the queen of Naples, tasted one, she persuaded her husband, King Ferdinand IV, to allow this peasant dish to be made in the royal kitchen.Almost 200 years later,during her travels around the country,

13、 Italys queen Margherita saw Italian peasants eating pizza breads.She had a taste and fell in love with pizza. She ordered the most famous pizza cook of the day, Raffaele Esposito, to create for her a pizza made of tomato, basil, and cheese to look like the color1 s of the Italian flag. This remains the basis of the American version of the pizza.The ice-cream-coneIn 1904, Italo Marchiony got a patent(专利) to produce ice-cream cones. The same year at the ST. Louis Worlds Fair, a Syrian waffle(华夫饼) seller Ernest Hamwi heard that a nearby ice-cream seller had run out of dishes to serve his crea


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