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1、湖北省襄阳市襄樊第四十六中学2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Can you _ me to call Mr. Smith this afternoon? You know how forgetful I am.A. permit B. persuade C. remind D. allow参考答案:C2. My friends, after they heard what had happened to me, _ said it sounded like an adventure.A. who B. that C. which D. all参考答案:D3.

2、 If you want to make progress, youd better be strict _ yourself _your studies.A. with; in B. with; about C. in; with D. about; in参考答案:A4. We wont give up we should fail 10 times.A. even if B. since C. whether D. until参考答案:A略5. Once harm _ to the eco-system, all species will be in danger, including m

3、an himself.A. doesB. is done C. will be done D. be done参考答案:B6. Having retired(退休), he _ the club for old men and plays chess every day there.A. takes part in B. joins in C. attends D. joins参考答案:D7. The building was named Ford Hall in_memory of_European poet named James Ford. A. 不填; a B. 不填; an C. t

4、he; 不填 D. a; an参考答案:A略8. After that, some huge animals, _ dinosaurs, developed. A.calling B. called C. which called D. to call 参考答案:B略9. Peter wont drive us to the station .He has _to take us all .A. a very small car B. too small a car C. a too small car D. such a small car参考答案:B略10. He _ his parent

5、s about his failure in the exam. A. dares not tell B. dare not tell C. dares not to tell D. dare not telling 参考答案:B略11. Summer is the best time_children can go swimming.A.where B.which C.at which D.that参考答案:C略12. David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature _he chose the cours

6、e.Athat Bwhat Cwhy Dhow参考答案:A试题分析:句意: David说他选择这门课程是因为他对文学的强烈兴趣。此句考察强调句型,强调状语because of his strong interest in literature。故选A。13. I _ you not to move my dictionary now I cant find it. A. asked B. ask C. was asking D. had asked参考答案:A14. We Chinese eat with chopsticks _ most westerners eat with knives

7、 and forks.A. forB. asC. whileD. when参考答案:C试题分析:句意:我们中国人用筷子吃饭而大多数西方人吃饭时用刀叉。for 因为; as因为;while而; when当时候。这里表示前后是对比关系,根据句意故选C。考点:考查连词的用法。点评:本题难度适中。连词是近几年高考常考的语法项目,主要考查的是它们的用法及意义,还需正确理解句意及正确分析句子的成分才能做出正确的判断。即学即练:I do every single bit of housework_my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. A. sin

8、ce B. while C. when D. as解析:B。句意:考查并列转折连词while的用法。这里表示“我”和丈夫做家务的对比。根据句意,选B。15. Edison liked to allow other people to take care of business matters for him, while he _.A. went on to work B. stopped to work C. continued working D. stopped work参考答案:C16. Who climbs , Jim, Peter or Sam?A. the higher B. h

9、igherC. highD. highest参考答案:D17. It is quite an informal gathering; you neednt ( ) for it.A.dress up B.dressC.dress in D.dress on参考答案:A18. It is believed that if an event is _, it will surely _ the readers of the paper.Aastonished; astonish Bastonishing; be astonished Castonishing; astonish Dastonish

10、ed; be astonished参考答案:C略19. - Would you mind lending me your dictionary?-_Im not using it.AGo ahead! B. You ve got it C. Its your turn D. Of course参考答案:A二、 短文改错20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并

11、在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear editor,Im a student of Senior One, come from Xinhua Middle School. I dont think my parents should buy me computer now. those which have computers in my class are spending too many time on computer games. Playing computer games has badly e

12、ffect on their studies. On my opinion there are many other ways to have fun besides playing computer games. Although we dont put our hearts into our work, we might fail in the entrance examinations. In addition, if you get a computer and dont make full use of them, but its just a waste of money. So

13、I insisted that they not buy me a computer now. Dont you agree?Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear editor,Im a student of Senior One, come from Xinhua Middle School. I dont think my comingparents should buy me computer now. those which have computers in my class are a who spending too many time on computer games. Playing computer games has badly effect much badon their studies. On my opinion there are many other ways to have fun besides playing Incomputer games. Alth


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