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1、精品教案设计资料Unit2 习题课讲解2(总第 21 课时)通案鍒朵綔浜 ?鍖楀闄勪腑娌冲崡鍒嗘牎楂樹腑閮?鐜嬭悕? 1. To improve reading skills 2. To classify the comprehension test into different groups. 3. To encourage students to set a notebook for mistakes. 瀛範闅剧偣锛 ? 1. the long passage and the fear of reading them. 2. the drills of language comprehen

2、sion may frustrate the students. 3. the grammar in the error-correcting. 棶棰橈細Students skill of doing exercises should be improved. ? Discussing in groups , students 鈥?explaination ? Step1.Greeting and leading-in (1鈥? Greet everyone as usual Step2. Free-topic (2鈥? Step3. discussion and explanation (

3、灏忕粍鍚堜綔 10 鍒嗛挓 ) 熺殑鐤戦棶銆 ? 骞跺綊绾崇粍鍐呭瓨鍦殑鏃犳硶瑙喅鐨勯毦棰樸? Discuss in groups then ask some students to write down the answers on the blackboard. Learning abiut language 精品教案设计资料鈪狅細鍗曢 ?夐?夋嫨1 B request+ that+ (should) do Request+ that + (should)be done 2 C 3 A suggest + that +(should) do Suggest doing sth 鎷撳睍锛歛

4、dvise/ request/ require/ demand/ recommend/ suggest/-+ should + do 璧拌繘楂樿? 1 He commanded that all the gates _. A. should shut B. would be shut C. shut D. be shut 2 Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits. A. will request B. request C. are requesting D. are requested 3 The old pianist wouldn鈥檛 listen to

5、 our repeated request that he _ in public again. A play B. played C. would play D. was going to play 4 D 5 B 鍚屼笂6 B 寮鸿皟鍙 ? o 鐨勯 ?傚綋褰紡锛? You did speak the matter. I do be a good teacher. He always does tell a lie. 7 B be list of/ be clssified into/ separated from 8 A 鏈夊叿浣撶殑鏃堕棿鍋氱姸璇? 9 C 精品教案设计资料鍙岄噸鍚畾鍙

6、? 10 C key words: how long/ 寤剁画鎬 姩璇? Comprehesion 1 鈥? B6-10 D C锛? 鎷撳睍锛氾紦銆 ?锝囷綇銆 ?锝侊綄锝忥綆锝囷紳銆 ?锝囷絽锝斻 ?锝侊綄锝忥綆锝 ? 銆?銆?銆?锛樸?锝勶綊锝咃綋锝撱 ?锝曪綈銆?銆?銆?锛欍?锝勶綊锝咃綋锝撱 ?锝曪綈銆?銆?銆?锛戯紪銆 ?锝嶏綁锝庯絼锛濄 ?锝旓絹锝嬶絽銆 ?锝冿絹锝掞絽銆?锝忥絾Step4. 闅忓爞缁冧範 (10 鈥? 鈪犲崟椤归 ?夋嫨1._ box cannot be lifted by a boy of five. A so heavy B So heavy a C A su

7、ch heavy D Such heavy a 2. One of the progress of growing up is being able to_ and overcome our fears. A realize B remember C know D recognize 3. She knew he felt the same_he did. A as B like C what D that 4 I don鈥檛 like the way_ he congrulated us _ getting married A in which; on B that; for C in th

8、at; on D /; about 5 The direction_ which the president would go was kept secret_ safety concern. A for; over B from; about C in; for D at;as 精品教案设计资料6 Look! In the front of the stadium_. A stands a high tower B does a high tower stand C a high tower stands D a high tower does stand 鈪炕璇戝彞瀛 ? 1 淇? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 鈥曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗?曗? Homework: 銆婂悕甯堜竴鍙枫 ?媢sing language Record after teaching: 精品教案设计资料? ? 棰樼敤灞忓箷鍑虹? 精品教案设计资料? 銆? 精品教案设计资料瀛敓褰撳爞鍋 ?



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