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1、精品教案设计资料八年级英语下册Review of units 6-8 知识讲解Review of units 6-8 銆?銆?涓?. 銆?銆?1. feel like 銆?銆?銆?eel as if/feel as though锛宭 ike?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?When he knew he was cheated锛宧 e felt like a fool.褰?銆?銆?銆?feel like 杩樻湁鈥滄兂鍋氭煇浜嬧?濈殑鎰忔 ?濓紝鍏跺悗瑕佹帴doing 褰紡銆 ?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?He felt like eating something锛宐 ecause he was v

2、ery hungry. 銆?銆?銆?(1)would like 鐨勬剰鎬濅负鈥滄兂鍋氭煇浜嬧?濓紝浣嗘槸瀹冪殑鐢硶涓嶅悓浜巉 eel likeo do sth. 銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?He would like to swim in the river.銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?(2)would love 涔熸槸鍚屾牱鐨勭敤娉曘?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?I would love to go to Japan. 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?2. answer锛宺 eply 鍜宺 espond 銆?銆?(1)answer 琛鈥滃洖绛斺?濈殑鎰?佷俊浠躲 ?佺數璇濈瓑鐨勫彛澶存垨涔潰鍥炵瓟锛屽彲

3、浠敤浣滃強鐗垨涓嶅強鐗姩璇嶃?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?What shall I answer? 銆?銆?銆?鎴戝皢鎬庝箞鍥炵瓟鍛 ? 銆?銆?銆?Ive answered his letter 锛庛 ?銆?銆?鎴戠粰浠栧洖淇簡銆 ?銆?銆?銆?She answered that she knew nothing about it锛?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?(2)reply 鐨勭敤娉曟瘮 answer 姝紡浜涳紝鏈夋椂浣溾 ?滅瓟澶嶁 ?濊锛屽叾鍙硶涓巃 nswer 鍩烘湰鐩稿悓锛屼絾?to sb锛?sth. 銆?銆?銆?濡傦細銆?銆?銆?I dont know what to reply.

4、銆?銆?銆?鎴戜笉鐭亾璇洖绛精品教案设计资料斾粈涔堛? ?銆?銆?銆?I wrote 锛宐 ut she did not reply.銆?銆?銆?鎴戝啓浜嗕俊锛屼絾濂规病鏈夊洖淇?銆?銆?銆?They replied that no one would go 锛庛 ?銆?銆? ?銆?銆?(3)respond 墿鍔瘝锛屽悗鎺 ?to sb./ sth. 銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?He responded锛坱 o my suggestion锛墂 ith a laugh/by laughing互绗戜綔绛斻?銆?銆?We quickly responded to our neighbors appe

5、al for help?銆?銆?3. other 锛宼he other 锛宎 nother 銆?銆?(1)other濇槸鈥滃彟澶栫殑鈥濄 ?佲?滃埆鐨勨 ?濄?佲?滃叾浠栫殑鈥濓紱鏈夊崟銆thers(=other+澶嶆暟鍚嶈瘝 )銆?娉涙寚鈥滈儴鍒嗏嬬殑浜烘垨鐗腑鐨勪竴閮垎銆?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細銆?銆?銆?Ill come again some other day. 銆?銆?銆?銆?鎴戞敼鏃啀鏉?銆?銆?銆?They live on the other side of the street 锛庛 ?銆?銆?鐨勫彟涓 ?杈广?銆?銆?Some people came by bus 锛宱 ther

6、s came on foot锛?銆?銆?Those are yours and the others are mine 锛庛 ?銆?銆?鍏朵綑鐨勬槸鎴戠殑銆 ?銆?銆?(2)the otherhe 銆?others(=the other+澶嶆暟鍚嶈瘝 )垎鍚庯紝鈥滀綑涓嬬殑浜烘垨鐗殑鍏儴鈥濄?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?The two brothers look so alike that I can鈥檛 tell one from the other锛?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆? I have two books锛宱 ne in Chinese and the other in Engli

7、sh 锛?銆?銆?銆?精品教案设计资料? ?銆?銆?銆?This composition is better than the others.銆?銆?銆?銆?杩欑瘒浣滄枃姣斿叾浠栭偅浜涢兘濂姐?銆?銆?(3)another 浜绀衡 ?滃nother 鍓嶉潰涓嶈兘鐢畾鍐犺瘝the 锛屽畠浣ew 鎴栧?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?I don 鈥檛like this 锛嶴 how me another 锛宲 lease?銆?銆?銆?This glass is broken 锛実 et me another please.?銆?銆?銆?Ill stay here in another few da

8、ys. 銆?銆?銆?銆?鍛嗗嚑澶? 銆?銆?銆?娉剰锛 ?銆?銆?銆?other 鍜宎 nother 閮藉彲浠敤鏉慨楗版暟璇嶏紝琛鈥滃彟澶栫殑锛涢檮鍔犵殑鈥濓紝浣嗘槸缁撴瀯涓嶅悓銆俹 ther?other+澶嶆暟鍚嶈瘝鈥濓紝鐩稿綋浜巑ore 鐨勭敤娉曪紱鑰宎 nother 鍒欐槸鈥渁 nother+鏁拌瘝 +澶嶆暟鍚嶈瘝鈥濄?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?浠婂涓嬪崍鎴戝張鍐欎簡涓皝淇?銆?銆?銆?I wrote another two letters this afternoon. 銆?銆?銆?=I wrote two other letters this afternoon. 銆?銆?銆?=I w

9、rote two more letters this afternoon. 銆?銆?4. anyone鍜宎 ny one 銆?銆?銆?anyone 浠呮寚浜猴紝any one ?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?Anyone would know that.銆?銆?銆?銆?浜轰汉閮界煡閬撻偅涓 ?鐐广?傘?銆?銆?銆?Did any one see the accident? 銆?銆?銆?銆?鏈夎銆?銆?銆?any one 鍜?anyone 鍙銆?銆?5. how many锛宧 ow much 锛宧 ow long 锛宧 ow often 锛宧ow far 锛宧 ow soon 銆?銆?銆?how ma

10、ny銆?澶氬皯锛屽悗闈?绘槸璺ow many books do you have? 銆?銆?銆?how much 銆?澶精品教案设计资料: How much meat do you want? 銆?銆?銆?how long 銆?澶氶暱鏃堕棿锛欻 ow long have you been to China? 銆?銆?銆?how often 琛How often do you come here to study English? 銆?銆?銆?how far ? How far is it from here to the post office? 銆?銆?銆?how soonHow soon

11、will you come back? 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?6. 琛揪 銆?銆?銆?wear 鏆傛椂鐘舵 ?併?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?We wear our rain boots on a rainy day. 銆?銆?銆?鎴戜滑鍦笅闆绌块洦闉嬨?銆?銆?銆?Does she wear glasses? 銆?銆?銆?濂规埓鐪奸暅鍚楋紵銆?銆?銆?Is she wearing the same clothes? 銆?銆?銆?濂圭鐫 ?鍚屾牱鐨勮。鏈嶅悧锛 ?銆?銆?銆?put on 濓紝寮鸿皟鍔綔銆 ?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?She put on a red coat and went out

12、.銆?銆?銆?濂圭涓婄孩鑹插琛嚭鍘讳簡銆?銆?銆?銆?娉剰锛 ?銆?銆?銆?put on?銆?銆?銆?璇曡瘧锛氫粬鏁村鎴寸潃鑽夊附銆 ?銆?銆?銆?He put on a straw hat all day. 銆?銆?銆?姝細 He wears a straw hat all day. 銆?銆?銆?dress 綔锛岀敤浣滀笉鍙婄墿鍔瘝鏃讹紝琛?滅濂借。 鏈嶁?濓紝鐢綔鍙婄墿鍔瘝鏃讹紝鍚庨潰瑕佹帴鈥滀汉鈥濓紝涓嶆帴鈥滆。鏈嶁?欌?濓紝琛鈥滅粰鏌愪汉绌胯。鏈嶁 ?濄?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?She washed锛宒 ressed and went out锛庛 ?銆?銆?濂规礂瀹岃劯绌垮琛湇

13、灏卞嚭鍘讳簡銆 ?銆?銆?銆?My daughter is old enough to dress herself锛?鎴?銆?銆?銆?have on 寸殑涓滆銆俬 ave on?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細精品教案设计资料銆?銆?銆?He has on a blue coat and grey trousers today 锛?浠栦粖澶鐫?涓?浠惰摑涓婅。鍜屼竴鏉伆瑁瓙銆?銆?銆?銆?浠嬭瘝 in 琛鐫?e 杩炵敤?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?The girl in red is a good student?銆?銆?銆?She was in light blue silk锛庛?銆?銆?濂圭鐫 ?娴

14、呰摑鑹茬殑缁歌。銆?銆?銆?7. arrive /reach/get 銆?銆?銆?arrive 悗闈渶鎺粙璇峚t 鎴杋 n 锛屽啀鎺绀哄湴鐐圭殑鍚嶈瘝銆俛rrive at 甯瓑锛宎 rrive in 甯哥敤浜庤緝澶 虹瓑銆 ?銆?銆?銆?: 銆?銆?銆?When does the train arrive at the station?銆?銆?銆?(杞?绔欍? ?銆?銆?銆?We arrived in Shanghai this morning. 銆?銆?銆?笂娴风殑銆 ?銆?銆?銆?reach 圭殑鍚嶈瘝銆 ?銆?銆?銆?: 銆?銆?銆?They reached Shanghai this

15、morning.銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?get o 锛屽啀鎺绀哄湴鐐圭殑鍚嶈瘝銆 ?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?Write to us when you get to the place.銆?銆?銆?鍒伴偅閲屽悗璇锋潵淇?銆?銆?銆?娉剰: 銆?銆?銆?get 鍜宎 rrive 笉闇?瑕佹帴浠嬭瘝銆?銆?銆?銆?璇曡瘧: 濂规槸鏄櫄鍒拌揪杩欏効鐨勩? ?銆?銆?銆?She got to here last night. 銆?銆?銆?She arrived at here last night. 銆?銆?銆?姝細 She got here last night. 銆?銆?銆?She arrived

16、here last night. 銆?銆?浜? 閲嶇偣鍙瀷銆?銆?1. Would you mind 鈥?鍜孌 o you mind 鈥? ?銆?銆?(1)mind?ing?one鈥檚 doing 鎴杋精品教案设计资料f?銆?銆?(2)杩欎釜鍙瀷鐨勫惁瀹氬舰寮忔槸鍦ind 鍚庡姞 not 锛屽嵆 Would you mind not 鈥?鎴朌 o you mind not 鈥? 銆?銆?銆?(3)鍥炵瓟 Do锛廤 ould you mind 鈥? o 鎴朜 ot at all 绛夛紱 銆?銆?銆?Yes. 鎴朰 es锛孖鈥檓sorry 锛宐 ut I do.绛夈? ?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆

17、?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?Would you mind not playing basketball here? 銆?銆?銆?-Do you mind if I ask you a question? 鎴戝? 銆?銆?銆? -No 锛宲 lease do.?銆?銆?2. Why don鈥檛 you do sth.? 杩欐槸缁欏埆浜烘彁寤鸿Why not do 鈥? 銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?Why dont we come more often?銆?銆?銆?鍜变滑涓轰粈涔堜笉缁忓父鏉繖閲屽憿 ? 銆?銆?銆?Why not get her a camera? 銆?銆?銆?涓轰銆?銆?銆?

18、Why don 鈥檛 you have a drink of tea?銆?銆?銆?璇峰枬鑼躲? ?銆?銆?銆?= Why not have a drink of tea? 銆?銆?3. How / What about 鈥? 琛鈥 ?庝箞鏍?/ 濂藉悧锛 ?銆?銆?銆?栬?呮剰瑙併 ?俛boutoing銆?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?How about his playing football?銆?銆?銆?浠栬冻鐞冭涪寰楁 ?庝箞鏍凤紵銆?銆?銆?What about swimming with us?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?How about her English? 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆

19、?涓? 閲嶇銆?銆?1. ?銆?銆?銆?鐜板湪瀹屾垚杩屾姩璇嶃? ?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?(1)I have been learning English for ten years. 銆?銆?銆?精品教案设计资料銆?銆?(2)She has been skating for four hours. 銆?銆?銆?鍒扮幇鍦负姝?銆?銆?銆?鏋勬垚锛氳偗瀹氬彞锛氫富璇 ?+ have / has been + 鐜板湪鍒嗚瘝銆?銆?銆?+have/has+not+been+doing 銆?銆?銆?ave/Has+涓昏+been+doing? 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?(1)Have

20、 you been doing your homework since this morning?銆?浠庝粖澶棭鏅捣浣犲氨涓?鐩村湪鍐欎綔涓氬惂锛 ?銆?銆?(2)Has he been writing the letters to his friend?銆?銆?銆?浠栨槸涓 ?鐩村湪缁欎粬鐨勬湅鍙嬪啓淇悧锛?銆?銆?(3)I haven鈥檛 been seeing films for a long time.銆?銆?銆?鎴戞湁寰堥暱鏃堕棿娌湁鐪嬬數褰变簡銆 ?銆?銆?銆?锛堣鏄庢病鏈夌湅鐢靛奖杩欎釜鍔綔銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?(1)屾椂渚 ?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?I have read

21、 a book about birds. 銆?銆?銆?I have been reading a book about birds. ?銆?銆?(2)? 紝浣滅殑寤剁画銆侀噸澶嶏紝鏈夋椂鏈変竴瀹氱殑鎰熸儏鑹插僵銆?銆?銆?銆?濡傦細 銆?銆?銆?She has been singing all the day. 濂归兘鍞变簡涓 ?鏁村浜嗐?傦紙鎶辨 ?佸帉鐑級銆?銆?2. 鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃 ?銆?銆?銆?already 锛寉 et 锛宖 or 锛宻 ince锛宩 ust these days锛宔 ver 锛宯 ever 绛夛紝涓嶈兘鍜岃绀鸿繃鍘荤殑鏃堕棿鐘銆?銆?銆?have(has)+ 鍔瘝鐨

22、勮繃鍘诲垎璇 ?銆?銆?銆?have been(to)鏇惧幓杩 ?銆?銆?銆?have gone (to)鍘讳簡锛堟煇精品教案设计资料銆?銆?銆?I have worked here for ten years. 銆?銆?銆?I have never been to Guangzhou. 銆?銆?銆?She has made quite a few friends since she came to China. 銆?銆?銆?lreadyyet銆?銆?銆?for +涓?娈垫椂闂达紝since +銆?銆?銆?鍥? 缁冧範妫 ?娴 ?銆?銆?鈪? 鐢墍缁欒瘝鐨勯 ?傚綋褰紡?銆?銆?1. I ha

23、ve been playing the violin since I _(be) seven years old. 銆?銆?2. Would you mind not _(move) my bike? 銆?銆?3. Youd better stop _(read) in the sun. 銆?銆?4. Some people threw their food away after _(get) a doll. 銆?銆?5. This hat is too small. Would you mind giving me a _(big) one? 銆?銆?鈪? 鍗曢閫夋嫨銆?銆?1. The s

24、oup tastes _. I like it. 銆?銆?A. well銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B. good銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?C. had銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. badly 銆?銆?2. Id like _ stamps because they are beautiful. 銆?銆?A. collecting 銆?銆?銆?銆?B. collect 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?C. to collect銆?銆?銆?銆?D. to raise 銆?銆?3. Sam has been playing the violin _ five years ago. 銆?銆?A. since銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B

25、. for銆?銆?銆?銆?C. in銆?銆?銆?銆?D. before 銆?銆? 4. -What do you think of these flowers?銆?銆?-They smell _. I like them very much. 銆?銆?A. boring 銆?銆?銆?銆?B. terrible 銆?銆?銆?銆? C. nice銆?銆?銆?銆?D. well 銆?銆?5. -Its said that theres going to be a meeting. _ will it start?銆?銆?銆?-In two days. 銆?銆?A. How soon 銆?銆?銆?B.

26、 How long 銆?銆?銆?銆?C. How often 銆?銆?銆?銆? D. How far 銆?銆?6. -There is a flower show in the park. When would you like to go锛孲 aturday or Sunday? 銆?銆?銆?-_ is OK. Im free these two days. 銆?銆?A. Either銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B. Neither銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?C. Both銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. None 銆?銆?7. Would you mind _ baseball here? 銆?銆

27、?銆?A. no playing銆?銆?銆?B. not 精品教案设计资料playing銆?銆?銆?C. not to play銆?銆?銆?D. no to play 銆?銆?8. This pair of trousers is too big. I want _ pair. 銆?銆?A. other 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B. the other 銆?銆?銆?銆?C. others銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. another 銆?銆? 9. Hell ask his teacher if he _ some help. 銆?銆?A. needs銆?銆?銆?B. need銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?C.

28、will need銆?銆?銆?銆?D. is needing 銆?銆? 10. Look! That house is on fire. Lets call _ quickly. 銆?銆?銆?A. 119 銆?銆?銆?銆?B. 114 銆?銆?銆?銆?C. 120 銆?銆?銆?銆?D. 121 銆?銆?11. The doctor _ the girl and then said nothing was serious. 銆?銆?銆?A. looked for 銆?銆?銆?銆?B. looked over 銆?銆?銆?銆?C. looked after 銆?銆?銆?D. looked out

29、銆?銆?12. Mother keeps telling her son not to get of until the bus _.銆?銆?銆?銆?A. will stop 銆?銆?銆?銆? B. is going to stop 銆?銆?銆?C. stopped銆?銆?銆?銆?D. stops 銆?銆? 13. Well go to visit Tian anmen Square _ it doesnt rain tomorrow. 銆?銆?銆?A. if 銆?銆?銆?銆?B. as soon as 銆?銆?銆?銆?C. when 銆?銆?銆?銆?D. since 銆?銆?14. Excu

30、se me. Read the text louder 锛宲 lease. I _ hear you. 銆?銆?A. cant 銆?銆?銆?B. wouldnt 銆?銆?銆?銆? C. neednt 銆?銆?銆?銆?D. may not 銆?銆?15. Oh锛宼 he milk _ strange-do you think its OK to drink? 銆?銆?銆?A. was tasted 銆?銆?銆?B. tasted 銆?銆?銆?銆?C. is tasting 銆?銆?銆?銆?D. tastes 銆?銆?鈪? ?銆?銆?1. Could you mind not playing th

31、e violin at 9:00 p.m.? 銆?銆?銆?A銆?銆?銆?銆? B銆?銆?銆?銆?C銆?銆?D 銆?銆?2. How long have you run yesterday? 銆?銆?銆?A銆?銆?銆?B銆?銆?銆?C銆?銆?D 銆?銆?3. I didnt finish to read this book because I ran out of time. 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?A 銆?銆?銆?B銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?C銆?銆?銆? D 銆?銆?4. How many women there are in the room? 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?A 銆?銆?銆? B銆?銆?銆

32、? C銆?銆?銆?D 銆精品教案设计资料?銆?5. I am not say it in English. 銆?銆?銆?A 銆?B 銆?銆?C銆?銆?D 銆?銆?鈪? 銆?銆?Mobile phones(鎵嬫満 ) have become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned() students from _1_ mobile phones during school hours. Mobile phones use _2_ children has become a proble

33、m for schools this year. Mary Bluett from the government _3_ mobile phone use was a distraction( 鍒嗗績鐨勪簨鐗 ? to students during school hours and it also gave teachers so _4_ in their classroom. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students _5_ use phone messages to cheat during exams. She said som

34、e schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy _6_ they couldnt get in touch with their children. Many teachers explained _7_ the students should not have mobile phones at school锛泃 hey were _8_ to lose and were a distraction from studies. Many people say that they understand why

35、 parents would want their children _9_ phones锛宐 ut they _10_ schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones. 銆?銆?1. A. putting 銆?銆?銆?B. buying 銆?銆?銆?銆?C. getting 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. carrying 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?2. A. with 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B. during 銆?銆?銆?銆?C. among銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. for銆?銆?銆?銆

36、?銆?銆?銆?銆?3. A. told 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B. said銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?C. spoke 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. talked銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?4. A. much trouble 銆? B. many messages 銆? C. many questions 銆?銆?D. much pleasure 銆?銆?銆? 5. A. need銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B. should 銆?銆?銆?銆?C. might 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. must銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?6. A. but 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B. because

37、銆?銆?銆?銆?C. so 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. and 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?7. A. why 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B. what 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?C. when銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. where銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?8. 精品教案设计资料A. difficult 銆?銆?銆?B. different 銆?銆?C. important 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆? D. easy 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?9. A. to give銆?銆?銆?銆? B. give 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?C. to have銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?D. ha

38、ve 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?10. A. find 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?B. think銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?C. understand 銆?銆?銆?銆?D. know 銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?銆?鈪? Rules of Reading Club 銆?銆?The following rules will be used for the Reading Club 銆?銆?1. All books must be read from page one to the last page in the book. 銆?銆?2. The parent or the teacher w

39、ill initial (write the first letter of ones name) the booklist after a student has finished reading a book. Teachers will initial the booklist only for the books read at school. It is the responsibility( 璐换 ) of the student and parent to write the names of all books read锛宎 nd the number of pages of

40、the book on the booklist. 銆?銆?3. All books read must be of the students reading level( 姘村钩 ) or above. Example: A third grade student should not read first grade books if he or she is able to read at a third grade or higher reading level. 銆?銆?4. All books the student finishes during the school year

41、(including the textbook read at school) will be counted towards the 100 books. Comic books(? and the like will not be counted. Books of good quality( 楂樿川閲忕殑 ) read from the school library 锛宲ublic library 锛宑 lassroom锛宧 ome 锛宔 tc. will be counted. 銆?銆?5. When a student has finished a club booklist (on

42、e sheet of 25 books or 1 锛?00 pages) 锛宧 e/ she should bring the sheet to the office. The child will get a small reward( 濂栧姳 ) and may get another piece of booklist to go on reading. 銆?銆?It takes four booklist sheets for 100 books or four 1锛?00 pages to reach 6锛?00 pages. Either way-Youre a Winner! 銆

43、?銆?1. The student needs to ask his / her parent or teacher to initial the booklist _. 銆?銆?A. as soon as he/she begins to read a book 銆?銆?B. before he/she reads a book 銆?銆?C. after he/she finishes reading a book銆?銆?D. while he/she is reading a book 銆?銆?2. What kind of 精品教案设计资料books will not be counte

44、d? 銆?銆?A. Story books銆?銆?銆?B. Picture books銆?銆?C. History books 銆?銆?D. Biology books 銆?銆?3. How many books should a student read before he/she gets another booklist? 銆?銆?A. 25銆?銆?銆?銆?B. 1锛?00銆?銆?銆?銆?C. 6锛?00銆?銆?銆?銆?D. 100 銆?銆? 4. According to the rules锛寃 hich of the following is NOT true? 銆?銆?A. The

45、 student should read the whole book through. 銆?銆?B. The parent will initial the booklist for the books the student reads at home. 銆?銆?C. A third grade student can read the first grade books if he/she likes to do so. 銆?銆?D. The student needs to read 100 books锛宱 r 6 锛?00 pages in the school year to be

46、 a winner. 銆?銆?5. According to the rules锛寃 hich of the following is the most possible booklist? ?銆?銆?鈪? 鐢墍缁欒瘝鐨勯?傚綋褰銆?銆?1. was銆?2. moving 銆?3. reading銆?4. getting 銆?5. bigger 銆?銆?鈪?鍗曢 閫夋嫨 銆?銆?1. B taste灏濊捣鏉紝鐩稿綋浜庣銆?銆?2. C 銆? would like to do sth.銆?銆?銆?3. A 銆? since+銆?銆?4. C銆?smell嶃?傘?銆?銆?5. A 銆? be go

47、ing to how soon 銆傘 ?銆?銆?6. A 銆? is either 锛岃绀轰銆?銆?7. B 銆? mind (not) doing sth. 銆?銆?8. D 銆? another銆?銆?9. A 浠?銆?銆?10. A 甯歌瘑棰樸?傘?銆?銆?11. B銆? look over 妫?鏌?銆?銆?銆?12. D銆?銆?銆?13. A 銆?銆?14. A銆?銆?銆?銆?15. D銆?銆?銆?鈪? 鏀归敊 銆?銆?1. A銆?搴旀妸 Could鏀逛负 Would 銆?銆?2. B銆?鏀逛负 did 銆?銆?銆?3. B銆?鏀逛负 reading 銆?銆?4. C銆?are there 銆?銆?銆?銆?5. A銆?can鈥檛銆?銆?銆?鈪? 銆?銆?1. D銆?銆?2. C銆?銆?精品教案设计资料3. B銆?銆?4. A銆?銆?5. C銆?銆?6. B銆?銆?7. A 銆?銆?8. D銆?銆?9. C銆?銆?10. B 銆?銆?鈪? 銆?銆?1. C銆?銆?2. B銆?銆?3. A銆?銆?4. C銆?銆?5. C



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