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1、 优美清新的英语散文诗 【篇一】美丽清爽的英语散文诗 总有另一片天 there is another sky There is another sky, Ever serene and fair, And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; Never mind faded forests, Austin, Never mind silent fields - Here is a little forest, Whose leaf is ever green; Here is a brighter garden, Wh

2、ere not a frost has been; In its unfading flowers I hear the bright bee hum: Prithee, my brother, Into my garden come! 总有另一片天 晴空长宁如洗 艳阳如约而至 划开彼处幽暗 不必在枯萎的丛林的徜徉,Austin 切勿回望寂静的原野 此处自有从林一簇 绿叶常开不落 此处别有明净嘉园 寒雾四时无侵 在永不凋零的花间 我听见蜜蜂在欢欣呤唱 请你,我的兄弟 请来我的花园畅游 【篇二】美丽清爽的英语散文诗 There”s no earthly way of knowing What w

3、as in your heart 并没有现成的方法来了解你的心 When it stopped going 留神跳停顿 The whole world shook 整个世界为之震惊 A storm was blowing through you 暴风雨马上攻击你 Waiting for God to stop this 等待上帝去阻挡这疯狂的一切 And up to your neck in darkness 你在黑暗中伸长脖子 Everyone around you was corrupted 你四周的人都被污染了 Saying somethin” 他们说 There”s no dignit

4、y in death 死亡没有尊严 To sell the world your last breath 将你最终一口气出卖给全世界 They”re still fighting over Everything you left over 你留下的全部,他们都在争夺 I saw you standing at the gates When Marlon Brando passed away Marlon Brando死去的时候我看到你站在门边 You had that look upon your face Advertising space 你与广告看板上的你有着同样的表情 And No o

5、ne learned from your mistakes 没有人从你犯的错中吸取教训 We let our profit s go to waste 我们让我们的收益白白铺张 All that”s left in any case Is Advertising space 在广告看板中或许能留下一些 Through your eyes The world was burning 在你的眼中看到世界在燃烧 Please be gentle 请温顺地对我 I”m still learning 我还在学习 You seemed to say As you kept turning up 当你的欲望

6、被激发,你好象在这样说 They poisoned you with compromise 他们用和解毒害你 At what point did you realise 你如何能了解 Everybody loves your lies 全部人爱你的谎话 But you ahahh 但你 Special agent for the man Through watergate and vietnam 水*与越南,那个男人都拥有特殊代理 No one really gave a damn 没有人在乎 Did you think the CIA did 你认为中心情报局在乎吗 I”ve seen yo

7、ur daughter 我见过你的女儿 Man shes cute 天啊她真美丽 I was scared but I wanted to 我有点被吓到 Boy she looks a lot like you 天啊她跟你长得真像 【篇三】美丽清爽的英语散文诗 “Sic transit gloria mundi,“ “How doth the busy bee,“ “Dum vivimusvivamus,“ I stay mine enemy! Oh “veni, vidi, vici!“ Oh caputcap-a-pie! And oh “memento mori“ When I am f

8、ar from thee! Hurrah forPeter Parley! Hurrah for Daniel Boone! Three cheers, sir, for thegentleman Who first observed the moon! Peter, put up thesunshine; Patti, arrange the stars; Tell Luna, tea is waiting, And callyour brother Mars! Put down the apple, Adam, And come away with me, Soshalt thou hav

9、e a pippin From off my father”s tree! I climb the “Hill ofScience,“ I “view the landscape o”er;“ Such transcendental prospect, Ine”er beheld before! Unto the Legislature My country bids me go; I”lltake my india rubbers, In case the wind should blow! During myeducation, It was announced to me That gr

10、avitation, stumbling, Fellfrom an apple tree! The earth upon an axis Was once supposed toturn, By way of a gymnastic In honor of the sun! It was the braveColumbus, A sailing o”er the tide, Who notified the nations Of where Iwould reside! Mortality is fatal - Gentility is fine, Rascality,heroic, Inso

11、lvency, sublime! Our Fathers being weary, Laid down onBunker Hill; And tho” full many a morning, Yet they are sleeping still,- The trumpet, sir, shall wake them, In dreams I see them rise, Eachwith a solemn musket A marching to the skies! A coward will remain,Sir, Until the fight is done; But an imm

12、ortal hero Will take his hat,and run! Good bye, Sir, I am going; My country calleth me; Allow me,Sir, at parting, To wipe my weeping e”e. In token of ourfriendship Accept this “Bonnie Doon,“ And when the hand that pluckedit Hath passed beyond the moon, The memory of my ashes Will consolationbe; Then, farewell, Tuscarora, And farewell, Sir, tothee!“世上的事情飞逝而过” “劳碌的蜜蜂又能如何?” “活着,我们就应生活” 我,不拒斥我的敌人! 呵,“来过了,看过了,制服了” 呵,从头到脚! 当我离你遥远的时候 “别遗忘,死亡始终存在于左右” 欢呼,为彼特帕雷! 欢呼,为丹尼尔布奈! 还有三声喝彩,先生,献给 那第一个观看到月亮的绅士。 彼特,燃起日光吧


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