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1、2020-2021学年云南省曲靖市沾益县大坡乡第三中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. The teacher, _ it clear to us that she would punish John if he was late for school again, left the classroom angrily. A. having made B. who has made C. made D. making参考答案:A2. Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach. I _ so much fried chicken just now.

2、 A. shouldnt eat B. mustnt have eaten C. shouldnt have eaten D. mustnt eat参考答案:C3. He came out first in the competition and he _ that.A. was responsible for B. was content with C. was concerned about D. was bound to 参考答案:B4. The boy burst into tears _ he saw his mother. A. at the moment B. in a mome

3、nt C. for a moment D. the moment 参考答案:D5. We were all missing you at the party! Sorry. I was busy with my project research. Otherwise, I _ it. A. attended B. would attend C.had attended D.would have attended参考答案:D略6. Just on the surface of the pond _, giving people a feeling of being peaceful. A. fl

4、oated hundreds of lotus plants B. did hundreds of lotus plants float C. hundreds of lotus plants were floating D. hundreds of lotus plants floated参考答案:A7. We can hardly believe that an intelligent person like Daniel _ be asking such a silly question.A. should B. might C. must D. could参考答案:A8. The cu

5、stomer left the waiter a _ tip because he had been especially friendly and helpful.A. moderate B. liberalC. handy D. conscious参考答案:B【详解】考查形容词辨析。A. moderate适度的,温和的;B. liberal慷慨的,大方的;C. handy方便的,手边的;D. conscious清醒的,有意识的;句意:因为这位服务员特别友好和乐于助人,这位顾客给他留下了十分慷慨的小费。根据句意可知B项正确。30._ his membership card, Tim deci

6、ded to make a phone call to check whether there was something wrong. A. Not having received B. Not to receive C. Not received D. Having not received参考答案:A略10. I am used to listening to music before _ to bed. A. go B. to go C. gone D. going参考答案:D11. Look! Her new dress is so beautiful. I saw one like

7、 this in a shop yesterday, but I didnt have my credit card with me or Id certainly have bought it.A. unnecessarily B. undoubtedly C. unsurprisinglyD. unfortunately参考答案:D12. Im going to Fuzhou tomorrow. Have you got anything _ to your parents there?A. to takeB. to be takenC. being takenD. taken参考答案:B

8、13. _World Expo Shanghai 2010 is _great event which is expecting around 70 million visitors and two hundred participants from all over the world.A. The; the B. The; a C. A; a D. A; the参考答案:B14. -Patience is what it calls for to succeed.- Exactly. _.ks5uA. No pains, no gains. B. Rome is not built in

9、a day.C. Practice makes perfect D. A penny saved is a penny earned.参考答案:B15. According to the rule, theres no annual fee _ you use the credit card at least six times a year.A. provided thatB. even ifC. if onlyD. ever since参考答案:A二、 短文改错16. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15)When we got up in the morning every d

10、ay, we start our daily 76._routine: washing our faces, brushing our teeth and maybe take a bath. 77._When you do this, do you ever think that there is enough water or not? 78._One thirds of the 4.4 billion people in the developing world 79._has no way to clean drinking water. Water-related diseases

11、kill 80._10,000 to 20,000 children every day in the developed world. 81._What comes to our minds when we read these numbers? 82._Do you think we are lucky or not? In a fact, the outlook for the 83._future, even for us, is not very bright.So let us value our water as much as possibly not only for 84.

12、_ourselves, but also to our children. 85._参考答案:76 gotget 77.taketaking 78. thatwhether 79 thirdsthird80. hashave 81. developeddeveloping 82. 83. 去掉a 84. possiblypossible 85 tofor略三、 阅读理解17. Eight days for just ¥12,000Departs: 12, Dec. 2017Includes:Return flights from 6 Chinas airports to NaplesRetur

13、n airport to hotel transportSeven nights accommodation at the 3 star Hotel NiceBreakfastThe service of guidesGovernment taxesJoin us for a wonderful holiday in one of the Europes most wonderful comersNaples in Italy if you want to have a nice time in a beautiful small quiet place. The ancient Romans called the city “happy land” with attractive coastline, color1 ful towns, splendid


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