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1、2022年安徽省芜湖市第四十一中学高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. - How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?- _, but Ive got to go over my notes for tomorrows exam.A. All right B. Sounds great C. I cant D. No, I am terribly sorry参考答案:B2. _ housework did the mother have to do that she had no time to go shopping.

2、A. So little B. Too much C. Too little D. So much参考答案:D3. We are pleased to see the problem _ so quickly. A. settled B. having been settled C. be settled D. settling 参考答案:A4. With a great knowledge of mathematics, John can _ the problem easily. A. save B. solve C. speak D. slow参考答案:B5. the right kin

3、d of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into international stars.A.Having givenB.GiveC.GivenD.To give参考答案:C考查过去分词作状语。这里give与句子的主语these teenage soccer players之间存在动宾关系,所以这里要用过去分词。句意:若给予正确的训练,这些青少年足球运动员有一天可能会成长为国际明星。6. What a wonderful dinner.Thats very kind of you._AThanks a lot B

4、Its my pleasure CWith pleasure DNot really参考答案:BThats very kind of you.表示“你真是太好了”,是对别人的感谢用语。Thanks a lot“非常感谢”;Its my pleasure“不客气”;With pleasure“非常乐意”;Not really“事实上不是”。故B项正确。7. - How was your trip to New York, Jennifer? - Fantastic! That was the first time I _ to such a big city. Its so impressive

5、.A. have taken B. had taken C. have been taken D. had been taken参考答案:D略8. Have you moved into your new house ? Not yet . It _.A. is being painted B. is painted C. is painting D. has been painted参考答案:A9. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the people at s

6、ea.A. resulted from B. turned out C. made up D. added to参考答案:D10. architecture Abranch Bswitch Capproach Dschool参考答案:D11. While I was chatting with someone on the Internet, _ suddenly _ to me that I had a date with my friend.A. what; occurred B. it; occurred C. what; happened D. that; happened参考答案:B

7、12. We_managed to have people accept our theory after a long, hard struggle.A. momentarily B. suddenlyC. graciously D. gradually参考答案:D句意:经过长期、艰苦的努力之后,我们渐渐地设法让人们接受了我们的理论。momentarily“短暂地”; suddenly“突然”;graciously“有礼貌地”。13. Hethe job well, but he so careless.A. had done; had been B. could do; wasC. cou

8、ld have done; was D. hadnt done; had been参考答案:C略14. John is the only one of the students in our class that never _ a mistake even when it is pointed out to him. A. admit makingB. admits makingC. admit to makeD. admits to make参考答案:B略15. The small factories _ the fall of the prices.A. benefited B. ben

9、efited fromC. benefited to D. benefited in参考答案:B试题分析:考查动词用法。benefit from从中受益;句意:那家小的工厂从价格下降中受益。故选B。16. Aftertheearthquake,_foodandtendsweresenttoYushu,Qinghaiprovince. A.a large amount of B.agooddealof C.largequantitiesof D.alargenumberof参考答案:C17. _ how others react to the book you have just read cr

10、eates an added pleasure.A. HearingB. HearC. Having heardD. To be hearing 参考答案:3.【答案】A考查非谓语动词。本题关键要分析句子结构,先找谓语动词creates排除B,后找主语,这里应该用动名词做主语,to be hearing不能作主语,排除D, having done强调先后顺序, heaving heard的意思是“先听到,后添加一份喜悦”,故排除C。【句意】听到别人对你刚读过的书做出怎样的反应能多添加一份喜悦。【解析】二、 短文改错18. Ladies and Gentlemen,May I pay your

11、attention,please?Now we are looking for a passenger,Mr White,he is from America. And he is now leaving Beijing to America by Flight 2748.But we were told that Mr White forgot his passport as well his wallet in Friendship Hotel where he had stayed. The manager of the hotel has just telephoned to tell

12、 him about it. The manager has been sent his secretary to bring the passport and the wallet here,and she will come sooner. Will Mr White go to gate of our airport and wait for your passport and wallet?She will arrive at about ten minutes.参考答案:Ladies and Gentlemen,May I pay your attention,please?Now

13、we are looking for a passenger,Mr White,he is from have whoAmerica. And he is now leaving Beijing to America by Flight 2748.But we were told that Mr White for forgot his passport as well his wallet in Friendship Hotel where he had stayed. The manager of left as the hotel has just telephoned to tell him about it. The manager has been sent his secretary to us beenbring the passport and the wallet here,and she will come sooner. Will Mr White go to gate soon the of our airport and wait for your



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