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1、1 八年级考试试题英语参考答案第一部分听力(共 2 小节,满分 30 分 )第一节听力选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分)A. 图片理解1-5 ACCCB B. 小对话理解6-10 AABBC C. 长对话理解11-15 BBAAA 第二节听力填空D. 短文理解16. famous 17. keep 18. size 19. May 20.8270909.评分说明:大小写错误扣0.5 分第二部分语言知识运用( 共 3 小节,满分40 分)第一节单项选择 ( 共 15 小题,每小题1 分) 21-25 CABBC 26-30 BCCAA 31-35 BCAAB 第二节完形填空 ( 共 10

2、 小题,每小题15 分) 3640 CBAAC 4145 BBCAC 第三节口语交际 ( 共 5 小题,每小题2 分) 2 46-50 EGACB 第三部分词汇与阅读 (共 3 小节,满分55 分) 第一节阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题,每小题2 分) A: 5155 AABCC B:5660 AACBB C:61-65. ABCAC D: 66. Yes. Yes, we can. 67. Australia 68. Three 3 69.这些照片记录了欢乐与悲伤的时刻 瞬间 时光 . 70. It s easy for you to do it by yourself. 评分说明:回答问题不

3、完整或表达中有个别错误,酌情扣分。第二节语篇填空 ( 共 10 小题,每小题1 分 ) 71. how 72. time 73. instead of 74. Secondly 75. yourselfyourselves 76. will be 77. because 78. care 79. Small 80. offer 评分说明:单词选对给0.5 分,大小写错误扣0.5 分第三节单词拼写 ( 共 5 小题,每小题1 分)81. fifteenth/15th 82. my 83. walks 84. southern 85. writing 第四部分( 共 2 小节,满分25 分) 第一

4、节句子改错 ( 共 5 小题,每小题1 分) 86. (B) while - when 87. (A ) very-much very 88. (B) gave away it - gave it away 89. (B) if - unless 3 90. (A) has bought - has had has kept 评分说明:选对番号给0.5 分第二节书面表达 (计 20 分) 按五个档次给分,具体要求请参照以下评分细则。档次分值要求五17-20 涵盖所有的内容要点;运用了较丰富的词汇、语法和句式结构;有效地使用了语句间的连接成份,且表达清楚,书写规范,达到预期的写作目标。如果有小错

5、误,是因为运用复杂结构所致。四13-16 涵盖主要内容;语法结构和词汇基本准确,虽有少数错误,但书写工整规范。三9-12 涵盖基本内容,但句子不太连贯,语法错误较多。二6-8 能围绕话题写出几个简单的句子。一0-5 不写或抄写与话题无关的内容不得分;若能写出一些与话题有关的词或短语给1-3 分。4 听力材料A.图片理解请听句子,从A、 B、C 中选择与句子意思相符的正确的图片. 1. Don t read in the sun, It s bad for your eyes.2. We felt so happy when Chinese women volleyball team won.3

6、. I m interested in the story of Yu Gong moves a mountain.4. On weekends, we volunteer to visit the sick man in hospital. 5. I like physics because my physics teacher is funny. B. 6. M: Alice, help! The math problem is so difficult. W: Tony, let me see. . Sorry, I don t know, either. Let s ask the t

7、eacher for help.Q: Who is Alice ? 7. W: Tom, you know? An old building fell down in the heavy rainstorm. Some people died in it. M: Yes. At that time, I was reading in the classroom. Q: Where is Tom at the time of the rainstorm? 8. M: Lucy, how do you usually go to school, by bike or bus? W: Neither

8、. I usually walk to school. On rainy days, my father drives me to school. Q: How does Lucy go to school on rainy days ? 9. M: Hurry up, Mary! It s 7:30 now. The movie has been on for 10 minutes!W: OK! Let s be quick!Q: What time did the movie start? 10.M: Mom, could I go out for dinner with my frien

9、d tonight? W: Sure, David! But don t stay out too late. Remember you have a basketball game tomorrow. Q: What will David do tomorrow? C. 5 A: what s the matter with you, young man?B: I m feeling terrible! I cough day and night, and I don t want to eat anything.A: Have you taken your temperature? B:

10、Yes. It seems that it s all right. A: How long have you been like this? B: Since two days ago. I m afraid that I ve got the H7N9 bird flu.A: Don t worry, young man! Let me check it Hmm, nothing serious ,you just have the flu.B: Then what should I do? A: Take some medicine , drink lots of water and h

11、ave a good rest. B: Should I go to school or not? A: You d better stay at home for two days. Then you ll feel better.B: I see! Thanks for your advice, doctor! A: Anyway, I advise you to eat more fruit and vegetables and doing sports a lot is good for you. A strong body can keep you from illness. B:

12、Yes, I ll follow your advice. Thank you!A: If you still feel sick after 3 days, please go to the hospital again! D Have you ever heard of Hai Longtun in Zunyi?It s one of the most famous ancient buildings in Gui Zhou. It has a long history of over 1,300 years, The ancient emperors built it to keep t

13、he parts of the area safe. It s more than 1000 meters high and 2 kilometers in size. In the past years, the government has rebuilt it for many times. Now it has been a good place for the visitors to learn something about the history of Zunyi also they can enjoy themselves. In May there is always a Flower Festival in Hai Longtun. If you like, you can book tickets on the Internet or call at 400-827-0909. Welcome to have fun!



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