2022人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册同步练习题--UNIT5Part 4 Writing

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1、Part 4Writing应用文写作写作题目假设你和你的同学李明一起去锅炉房打开水,在回寝室的路上,李明的热水瓶突然破裂,开水烫伤了他的脚。于是你对他实施了必要的急救。请你结合此事,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文,向学校英文报Teens投稿,主要内容包括:1.描述事故发生的经过;2.你是如何实施急救的(冷水冲洗、送医院做进一步的处理);3.简要谈谈你对掌握一定急救知识的重要性的认识。参考词汇:锅炉房 boiler room热水瓶 thermos bottle思路点拨主题处理烫伤,实施急救体裁记叙文人称第一人称和第三人称时态以一般过去时为主布局第一部分:描述事故发生的经过;第二部分:实施急救的措施

2、;第三部分:介绍对掌握一定急救知识的重要性的认识。遣词造句.用本单元所学单词或短语填空1. n.& v.烧伤;烫伤2. adj.(身体部位)肿起的;肿胀的3. adj.急救的4. adj.切实可行的;实际的;实践的5. vt.减轻;缓解6.急救7.迅速把某人送往医院8.立刻;马上答案1.burn2.swollen3.first-aid 4.practical5.ease6.first aid7.rush sb. to the hospital8.right away/at once.本单元语块、语法运用1.完成句子(1)烫伤非常严重。The was very severe. (2)皮肤又红又肿

3、。The skin was red and .(3)我设法保持镇静,并快速回想在急救课堂上学到的内容。I managed to , and quickly recalled what I had learnt in my class.(4)我立即把他的脚放到流动的冷水下,以减轻疼痛。I placed his feet under the the pain.(5)然后,我打电话叫了一辆出租车,迅速把他送往医院。Afterwards, I called a taxi and .(6)在医院里,他接受了进一步的治疗。In the hospital,he received further .(7)在那

4、时我意识到基本的急救知识是多么重要和实用。Then I was of how important and a basic of was.答案(1)burn(2)swollen(3)remain calm;first-aid(4)cool running water right away to ease(5)rushed him to the hospital(6)treatment(7)aware;practical;knowledge;first aid2.句式升级(8)将句(1)和句(2)合并为含有“so.that.”结构的句子(9)将句(3)升级为含有现在分词作伴随状语的句子(10)将句

5、(5)和句(6)合并为含有where引导的定语从句的句子(11)将句(7)升级为“only+状语”放在句首的倒装句答案(8)The burn was so severe that the skin was red and swollen. (9)I managed to remain calm, quickly recalling what I had learnt in my first-aid class. (10)Afterwards, I called a taxi and rushed him to the hospital where he received further tre

6、atment.(11)Only then was I aware of how important and practical a basic knowledge of first aid was.连句成篇参考范文One day, Li Ming and I were walking back to the dorm from the boiler room when suddenly his thermos bottle burst and the boiling water caused injuries to his feet.The burn was so severe that th

7、e skin was red and swollen. However, I managed to remain calm, quickly recalling what I had learnt in my first-aid class. I placed his feet under the cool running water right away to ease the pain. Afterwards, I called a taxi and rushed him to the hospital where he received further treatment.Only th

8、en was I aware of how important and practical a basic knowledge of first aid was.写作积累1.描述事件发生的过程时间状语: at that time;right then;suddenly;all of a sudden;all at once;abruptly;then;afterwards;soon after.sb. was doing sth. when.某人正在做某事这时 sb. had just done sth. when.某人刚做完某事这时sb. was about to do sth. when.

9、某人正要做某事这时2.实施急救的表达方式Bleeding:Try to stop the bleeding.Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there.Hold up the part of the body which is bleeding if possible.Sprain(扭伤):It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle. It is correct to use an ice pack for removing the pain.Chok

10、e:Make him/her spit(吐出) it out by slapping him/her on the back.To avoid this, we shouldnt talk or laugh when eating.A broken arm:Do not move the injured. Call an ambulance at once. Treat the injured for shock if necessary.Nosebleed:Stay calm. Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. Sit up and bend

11、the head slightly forward. Pinch(捏) both nostrils(鼻孔) together using the thumb and forefinger. Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.实战演练(2021江西南昌市八一中学高二上期中,)请根据以下提示写一篇80词左右的短文,投递到学校英文报Youth,简要介绍一下遇到心脏病发作(heart attack)等突发(seizure)状况时应该采取什么样的措施。题目:First Aid for Seizures急救过程中的注意事项:1.把附近的危险物体移开

12、以免受到伤害,不要移动病人,除非他们处于危险中。2.把病人的头部用垫子(cushion) 垫起来,等疾病发作结束后帮助病人呼吸。3.如果病情发作持续5分钟以上,打电话叫救护车。答案全解全析Part 4Writing实战演练应用文写作One possible version:First Aid for SeizuresIn our daily life, we sometimes come across a number of cases where people suffer from heart attacks or fall ill suddenly. The following are

13、some tips we can follow to help these people on urgent occasions.Firstly, remove nearby objects to prevent the person from being further hurt. Dont try to move the person unless he is in danger. Secondly, support his head with a cushion and aid him in breathing once the seizure stops. Thirdly, bear in mind that


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