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1、2021-2022学年安徽省合肥市兴国实验学校高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Could I have your name please, sir? _.A. Oh ,what a pity B. You are polite. C. You can call me Jack. D. Its my pleasure.参考答案:C略2. You must use _ to open the bottle. Or you can borrow a bottle opener from the neighbor.A. strength B. force C. powerD. energ

2、y参考答案:A3. . The other day, when I was wandering in the street I _ one of my old friend, Jim.A. came over B. came across C. came up to D. came around参考答案:B略4. John suggests _ swimming tomorrow.A. going B. to goC. we will go D. we going参考答案:A【详解】考查固定搭配。句意:约翰建议明天去游泳。suggest doing sth.建议做某事,故选A。【点睛】sugg

3、est用法小结1suggest表示建议1)suggest+doing sth.He suggested going out for a walk.2)suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略He suggested that you should go there tomorrow.=He suggested you go there tomorrow.注意,不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow.也就是说suggest不可以加不定式的复合结构.3)it is suggested th

4、at +主语+(should )do sth. It is suggested that the work (should) be finished at once.4)suggestion做主语时,其后的表语从句也用这个结构即:The suggestion is that +主语+should +do sthHis suggestion is that I should leave for Beijing immediately.2.suggest 表示暗示或表明之意,注意此时做主语时后面的表语从句用陈述语气Her yawn suggested that she was sleepy.她哈欠

5、连天表明她困了。5. _children get older, they become more and more interested in the things around them.AWhile BWhen CAs DWith参考答案:C解析as表示两个同步发展的动作或行为,意为“随着”;while表示一段较长时间或过程内主从句谓语动作同时发生,通常与延续性动词连用;when作“当时候”讲时,指较短的一段时间或时间点;with为介词,不能引导从句。句意:随着年龄的增长,儿童会对他们周围的事物越来越感兴趣。6. Dont make _mistake _the blind men did.

6、A. the such; as B. same; asC. the same; as D. such; as参考答案:C解析:the same.as 是固定搭配,意为与同样的。7. To their surprise, they found the lecture given by the famouse professor easy_.A. to be understood B. to understandC. understanding D. understood参考答案:B8. I first met Mr. Smith in America. He _ at Stanford Univ

7、ersity then.A. studied B. had studied C. is studying D. was studying参考答案:D解析:本句选用过去进行时,指那时动作正在发生。9. The hill _ is covered with tress is called Huang Hill. A. of which top B. whose the top C. whose top D. top which参考答案:C略10. The parents are _ their son who has been away from home for days.A. in searc

8、h ofB. to searchC. searchingD. searched for参考答案:A【详解】考查词义辨析。句意:父母在寻找离家几天的儿子。in search of介词短语,寻找, search后面接地点,在某地搜寻;search后面接人,搜身,C项不恰当 ,search for寻找, D项不能用被动,选A。11. You cant imagine what great trouble I had _ his address. A. to find B. of finding C. finding D. about finding参考答案:C略12. - Hurry up, or

9、well miss the train.- . We still have fifteen minutes left.A. Take it easy B. Good lucky C. I think so参考答案:A13. Most smokers say theysmoking to some degree but health experts suggest theyd better give it up their health.Abenefit, for the benefit ofBbenefit from, with the benefit of Cbenefit, in the

10、benefit of Dbenefit from, for the benefit of 参考答案:D14. Charlie still has difficulty solving the problem_he consulted the professor.A. even though B. as though C. so that D. as if 参考答案:A15. He promised to _ me with a beautiful gift. A. give B. present C. offer D. buy参考答案:B二、 短文改错16. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修

11、改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。It is known to us all, different people have different hobby. For me, what we enjoy most is painting.When I was very young, I

12、began to show my great interest in painting. My parents sent me learn from a famous painter. With a help of the painter, my painting skills improved quickly and a lot. By the age of 17, I took part in a painting competition in our city and win the first prize.Since then, I have taken part in all kin

13、ds of competitions and won many prizes. I have become a well-known figure out in our city. Whats more, it is these competitions which have make me more confidently in overcoming the difficulties in my life.参考答案:It is known to us all, different people have different hobby. For me, what we enjoy most is As hobbies Ipainting.When I was very young, I began to show my great interest in painting. My parents sent me tolearn from a famous painter. With a help of the painter, my painting skills improved quickly and a the lot. By the age of 17, I took part in a painting competition in our


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