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1、万圣节的英语手抄报内容带翻译 万圣节的英语手抄报内容带翻译 每年10月31日的万圣节又要到了,你有什么打算?大多数小朋友都会选择在这一天做一些手工,就比方手抄报,下面是给大家准备的手抄报带翻译的内容,一起来看看吧! These are actually trending for all teens, girls, which are not typical toy dolls that can be bought in any toy stores. These are actually legendary monsters which are more in contemporary tha

2、n the classic fairytale presentations. 所有的青少年,女孩子都为之着迷,它们并不是那种随随便便就能在玩具店里买到的玩具娃娃。这些鼎鼎大名的怪物造型,比起经典的童话故事形象,它们更潮一点,更具时代精神。 They are selected hottest and popular singers in our time and the best representation of which is Lady Gaga, which is known for her unique and free-flowing fashion styles. These ar

3、e favorite and top pick selections of teenagers and those adults who are in their mid-30s. 这些造型多项选择自时下最热最火的明星,Lady Gaga以其独特的、不拘一格的时尚风格最为突出。这种装扮是青少年和三十多岁的成年人的最爱。 This is the classical and favorite game of those people who were born in the mid 80s. Despite of the various character evolutions in this e

4、ra, it has still caught the heart of the people today. Its the favorite of both boys and adults. “超级马里奥”是80后大爱的经典游戏。尽管其造型一变再变,它仍然是我们心中的挚爱。这是男孩和成年人的最爱造型。 You could have watched repeatedly the story of Star Wars and series of progress that it had. Noheless, the various characters that can be seen in t

5、his movie are adaptable to what the Halloween season can give. It could give more spice to the party itself. 你可能把星球大战和它的系列故事看了一遍又一遍,现在,电影里的这些造型,你在万圣节里也可以做到了。这身装扮会让整个派对变得更为热辣。 A edy and ical movie released this year and this is included in one of the top favorites for the costume that you could think

6、 of because of its wacky and coolest side. The selections pliment to toddlers, youngsters, and for parents who could feel younger even once a year. 今年上映的喜剧电影“蓝精灵”中的造型相当受人青睐,因为它又酷又滑稽。这种造型的适用人群非常广,包括蹒跚学步的孩子,年轻人,还有那些想要重返青春的父母们。 It has always been included in yearly Halloween parties in whichever nation

7、 or country you are part of, because this is a costume that you can get anywhere. They are ready-made and its pattern is established. 无论在哪个国家,海盗造型是万圣节年年的保存工程,这一造型是现成的,在哪都可以得到,并且已经成了一种固定模式了。 This movie was launched and shown this year and it could go so well that the whole Halloween party perceives.

8、It is a better follow up of the popularity that it got from the suessful movie that was shown recently. 电影“美国队长”于今年公映,在万圣节上以此造型出现必定会引人注目。借着电影热映的东风,做一回美国队长,是个不错的选择。 Now that we have aepted all the major changes and introductions which the market and other industries offer, transformers could transfor

9、m even the simplest celebration that we have been doing for the past decades. 既然我们已经承受了各行各业给我们带来的巨变和各种新生事物,为什么不让变形金刚造型也来改变一下我们过去几十年来选择的造型呢? Now that the final destiny of Harry Potter has ended, it is also recognized that it has left an impressive and memorable mark in the movie industry. Everyone wa

10、s moved with the growing characters on the movie itself. It has bee a legacy of this century. 哈利波特的最终命运已经尘埃落定,电影本身也成为电影史上不可磨灭的记忆。主人公渐渐长大,每个人都为之感动不已。哈利波特早已成为本世纪的一个传奇。 Whether you are adults, teens, and young kids, no one could deny the epidemic effect of Angry Birds to all people across the globe. Ev

11、eryone plays it. You can wear your favorite character costume and go with other five birds. 成年人、少年人、小孩子,全世界都深陷在“愤怒的小鸟”的滚滚热浪之中。每个人都在玩这款游戏。你可以穿上你最爱的那只小鸟的造型服装,然后和其他五只一起出去招摇过市。 Grate your favorite cheese, hard-boiled eggs, tomato or boiled carrot (for color) and a few garlic cloves. Mix together and rol

12、l into small balls. Decorate with olives and herbs to create little spooky pumpkins. If you dont eat cheese, you can use rice instead. Or, create little vegetables balls to make sure your little ones consume enough vitamins this fall season. 把你最爱的奶酪、白煮蛋、西红柿或煮熟的胡萝卜(用来配色)和几瓣蒜磨碎,混合后滚成小球。用橄榄和香草作装饰,做出小的万

13、圣节南瓜脸的样子。如果你不吃奶酪,可以用大米代替。或者做小的蔬菜球来确保你家的小家伙们今年秋天消耗足够的维生素。 Halloween cookies e in different shapes, sizes and colors. From pumpkins, ghosts, owls, skulls and bones to witches hats, bats, spiders and black cats, there are a host of Halloween cookies that you can make today or for your Halloween party.

14、It may take a bit more time to make the spookiest cookies, but its well worth it. 万圣节曲奇饼形状、大小、颜色各异。从南瓜、幽灵、猫头鹰、骷髅头和骨头形状到巫师帽、蝙蝠、蜘蛛和黑猫的形状都有,现在你可以做很多万圣节曲奇的形状,还可以在万圣节聚会时用。要做出最怪异的饼干要花更多时间,但绝对值得一试。 These green monster mouths are super healthy and tasty, not to mention that they are diet-friendly. All you n

15、eed to have to make these monster mouths is green apples, peanut butter, and yogurt covered raisins (or mini marshmallows or almond slivers.) You can also use red food coloring to make bloody monster mouths. Yuck! 这些绿色的怪物嘴超级安康美味,更别说它们有多助于减肥了。做这些怪物大嘴你所需要的就是绿苹果、花生酱和裹了酸奶的葡萄干(或者用小棉花糖或杏仁)。你也可以用红色的食用色素做成血

16、淋林的怪物大嘴,真恶心! Bloody drinks dont necessarily have to be alcoholic. We all love Bloody Mary, but this beverage isnt for kids. Make some tomato smoothie or bine orange juice, cranberry juice, softened raspberry sorbet, and seltzer together to get a healthy, kid-friendly bloody cocktail. Or use red wine instead of sorbet to make alcoholic beverage for your friends. 血腥饮料不一定含酒精,



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