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1、学习必备欢迎下载初一英语阅读试题AChoose the best answer.根 据短文内容, 挑选最恰当的答案, 用 A ,B,C 或 D 表示 Jason: Idon utse my car forshort journeys, Iwalk, or go by bike.Itis better for my health,and it doesn t pollute th. e airLiu Hua:I am an artist, and I enjoy making things out of rubbish, like this model plane, which I made f

2、rom old cans 罐子.In fact, I hate throwing things away. I even keep my old woolen clothes andcotton T-shirts, and use them for cleaning.Susan : I only buying writing paper and cards made from recycled paper再生 .AndwhenIbuysomething made ofwood,likea wooden table, Imake sure itcomes froma forest where t

3、heyplant new trees.Fred:I am careful not to waste electricity. For example, I always turnthe light off when I leave room, and I donTV on wt hhaevne theI am not watching it. 1. Who is trying to protect forests. .A. Liu HuaB. SusanC. FredD. Jason 2. What does the word“ electricity” mean in the passage

4、. A 石油 B 粮食C 电D光 3. Liu Hua feels interested in .学习必备欢迎下载A. planting new trees.B. taking a trip on foot.C. buying something made of woodD. making a model plane from old cans.4.Accordingtothepassage, whichofthefollowingistrue.A. Liu Hua often buys writing paper and cards.B. Fred thinks it is our duty

5、 to save water.C. Jason prefers going by bike to driving a car for short journeys.D. Susan turns off the ilghts when she isn t usin.g them 5. What the four students are talking about is how to A. look after the earthB. make use of rubbishC. save waterD. use recycled paperBRead and answer the questio

6、ns阅. 读并回答疑题 Birthdays are celebrated all over the world. Some ways to celebrate birthdays are rathersimilar from country to country: candles, cakes and birthday wishes. But there are also differentways to celebrate birthdays. Here are a few:DenmarkA flag is flown outside a window to show that people

7、 in that house are having a birthday.Presents are placed around the childs bed while he学习必备欢迎下载is sleeping so he will see them at once whenhe wakes up.IndiaUsually Indian children wear white to school. However, on their birthday, children wearcolored clothes to school and give out chocolates to ever

8、yone in the class. Their best friend helpsthem to do this.JapanThe birthday child wears new clothes to mark the special time, certain birthdays are moreimportant than others. These are the third and seventh birthdays for girls and the fifth for boys.HollandThe birthday child receives an especially l

9、arge present. The family also put flowers on thebirthday childs chair to make it beautiful.1. Why is a flag flown outside a window.2. Children wear white on their birthday in India, dont they.3. What birthdays are more important for girls in Japan.4. Where do the family put flowers.5. How do you cel

10、ebrate your birthday.学习必备欢迎下载CAutumn is a good season to do sports, because in summer it is too hot. But what you feel is quite different from what your body feels. Your body works more slowly, so it is easy for you to be hurt 伤 害 whendoing sports. Here is some advice建 议.Drink water. It is often ver

11、y dry in autumn and your body loses 丢失water easily. So it is good to drink 500 ml of water two hours before you exercise. But be careful you cannot drink water as soon as 一旦 you finish your exercise. Just do it about 15 minutes after that.Warm up your body. Before you do any sport, remember to do so

12、me warming-up activities such as walking or morning exercises to get your body ready for the sport.Have outdoor activities. Itiscool outside yourdoor and the airismuch better. So outdoor activitieslikeclimbinghills,ridingbikes and running or jogging are much fun. These can help you lose more fat, ge

13、t you relaxed 放松 and help you work well.Do not eat too much after the sport. If you cannot control your mouth, it is better not to do any sport. You can have some fruit or vegetables if you really want to eat something. 1. How many pieces of advice does the writer give.A. 5B. 4C. 7 D. 6 2. What must

14、 you remember to do before you do some exercise.A. Drink enough water and begin your sport.B. Eat a lot of food before your exercise.C. Climb the hills, ride your bike and run.D. Do some warming-up activities to get your body ready for the sport. 3. What outdoor activity does this passage not mentio

15、n提 及 .学习必备欢迎下载A. Walking.B. Jogging.C. Skating.D. Riding the bike. 4. Who may give this advice to people.A. A doctor.B. A worker. C. A student.D. A farmer. 5. Which can be the best title 标题 of this passage.A. Having Outdoor Activities.B. Advice on Doing Sports.C. Autumn, My Favourite Season. D. Your Healthy Lifestyle.


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