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1、牛津中学英语 8b unit1词组:1. in the past在过去2. at present目前3. no any longer/ on longer不再4. by peak tram/ take a peak tram乘山顶电车5. back to the past回到过去6. since 1998自 1998 年以来7. the changes in hometown我家乡的变化8. used to do sth.过去经常做某事9. notunt直il 到才10. get married结婚11. turn into变成12. noise pollution噪音污染13. take o

2、ff起飞14. in some ways在某种程度上说15. from time to time时不时16. feel lonely感到孤独17. in fact事实上18. on one s ow独n 立地19. in use/service在使用20. have an interview会见某人21. hear from收到来信22. go on holiday去度假23. to the north of在北面24. be surprised by/at惊奇于25. have a cold患感冒26. because of由于27. take sb to送某人去某地28. think of

3、想起某人8B 牛津 Unit3 词组1 不知道 have no idea=I dont know2 看起来像look like3 同意某人 agree with sb4 遥控器 remote control5 打开(电视、电灯) turn on6 关掉(电视、电灯) turn off7 换频道 change the channel8 写作竞赛 writing competition9 绘画与设计 drawing and designing10 玩嬉戏 play games11 搜寻信息 search for information12 收发电子邮件 send and receive e-mai

4、ls13 文字处理 word processing14 编写电脑程序 write computer programs15 新的训练光盘 a new educational CD-ROM16 八小时周游地球 Around the world in eight hours17 发行,问世 come out18 同时 at the same time19 同学最宠爱的光 盘的设计者thedesigner ofchildren sfavourite CD-ROM20 在线旅行者Online Traveller21 主要人物 main character22 一个十三岁的男孩a thirteen-yea

5、r-old boy23 躺在草地上 lie on the grass24 看着漂亮的蓝天 look at the beautiful blue sky25 睡着了 fall asleep26 做了个古怪的梦 have a strange dream27 在梦里 in the dream28 一片金色的云 a golden cloud29 得一分 get a point30 载着某人去一个地方carry sb off to a place31 扮演角色 play the role of32 周游世界 travel around the world33 测试你的英语语法学问test your kn

6、owledge of English grammar34 在屏幕上 on the screen35 伦敦博物馆 the Museum of London36 闯过一关 pass a level37 世界地图 the map of the world38 用亮紫色标出来 mark in bright purple39 查明,弄清晰 find out40 卖光,售完 sell out41 打份报告 type a report42 点击click on43 把打印出来 print out44 你要买些什么?Can I help you./What can I do for you.45 个人电脑 p

7、ersonal computer46 由地方制造 be made in47 考虑think about48 关闭全部窗口 close all the windows49 重新启动运算机 restart the computer50 把连到connectto 51 把键盘链接到运算机connect the keyboard to the computer52 双击自动运行图标double-click on the auto-run icon 53 组织活动 organize activity54 6 英尺长 6 feet long55 剪断了 cut short56 剪了 1 英寸头发 cut

8、an inch of hair57 日常英语 daily English58 对有好处 be good for59 短时间的澳大利亚的网上旅行short online tours of Australia60 恳求帮忙 ask for help61 听人们谈话 listen to people talking62 在收音机上收听一个采访listen to an interview on the radio63 向学习learnfrom64 在网上订购order sth online65 介意做某事 mind doing sth66 嬉戏的目标 the goal of the game67 打开

9、财宝箱 open the treasure box牛津英语 8B unit41 做慈善演出的主持人be the host of a charity show2 白天少睡点sleep less during the day3 多练习 practice a lot4 在英特网上登广告advertise on the Internet5 散发(传单)give out leaflets6 组织一次慈善演出organize a charity show7 绿色期望工程Project Green Hope8 期望工程Project Hope9 挽救中国虎Save China s Tigers10 春蕾方案

10、Spring Bud Project11 为某人(某组织)筹款 /募捐 raisemoneyforsb.捐某物(钱)给某人donatesth.moneytosb.12 回到学校return to school = come back to school13 帮忙(某人)做某事helpsb. with sth. = help sb. do sth.14 艰苦的工作hard work努力工作(学习)work hard15 开头演出排练start working on the show16 在适当的时候at the right time17 在同时at the same time18 在开头;起初i

11、n the beginning = at first在末尾;最终in the end = at last = finally19 变得简单一点became a little bit easier20 始终问我自己(始终做某事)keep asking myselfkeep doing sth.21 大声地说话speak loudly22 发出许多噪音make a lot of noise23 得到当地企业的大力技持have/geta lot of support from local businesses24 帮忙需要的人help people in need25 开一个会have/hold a

12、 meeting举办一次慈善演出have/hold a charity show26 通过卖物品和供应服务来挣钱make money by selling goods and services27 挑选某人来做某事choose sb. to do sth.28 使你的声音听起来更大些make your voice sound louder29 对感爱好(延)be interested in对产生了爱好(短)become interested in30 挂在舞台前面hang in front of the stage31 想要这次演出取得胜利want the show to be a succe

13、ss32 邀请我吃午餐invite me to lunch33 搭建舞台set up the stage34 做出打算make a decision / make some decisions打算做某事decide to do sth. = make a decision to do sth.35 理想做某事volunteer to do sth.36 留意某物pay attention to sth.37 期望你(度过)一个欢乐的假期wish you a happy holiday期望你(有)好运wish you good luck38 迫不急待做某事can t wait for sth. = can t wait to do sth.39 由于做某事而感谢某人thank sb. for(doing ) sth.40 学会读书和写字learn to read and write41 去上班来代替上学go to work instead of going to school42 使这次演出成为可能make this show possible43 明年再举办一次演出do another show next year44 兴奋地鼓掌和大叫clap and shout excitedly


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