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1、2020年四川省内江市第八中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. She wants to let her appear live on the air,_ that Huike will see her. A. hoping B. to hope C. hoped D. hopes参考答案:A略2. According to your requirement, we have already some new suggestions.A. ended up withB. put up withC. kept up withD. came up with参考答案:D3. A _ ro

2、ad goes _ from our college to the city center.A. straight; straight B. straightly; straightly C. straight; straightly D. straightly; straight参考答案:A4. Taiwan is part of China, _ is known to all the world. A. what B. as C. that D. such 参考答案:B 解析:本题考察as引导的定语从句, as 代替前面整个句子,在从句中作主语。5. Thats the new mach

3、ine _ parts are too small to be seen.A. that B. whichC. whose D. what参考答案:C考查定语从句。the new machine是先行词,在定从中需要做定语,修饰名词parts,所以选C。6. I regret _ you that Tom failed to pass the driving test and that he really regretted _ your advice on practicing more. A. to tell; not following B. to tell; having not fo

4、llowed C. telling; not to follow D. telling; not having followed参考答案:A略7. - Why does she always ask you for help? - There is no one else_. A . whose to turn to B. she can turn to C. whom to turn D. her to turn 参考答案:B8. Mr Frank asked me a question _I could go with him to _he called the Treasure Hous

5、e the next week.A. that; which B. whether; that C. whether; what D. that; where参考答案:C9. _ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.AWhat is required BWhat requiresCIt is required DIt requires参考答案:CA、B项形式上为主语从句,但其后的that前应有is;C、D项均以it作形式主语,而that you.

6、account应为require要求的内容,故应用被动语态形式。故选C项。10. Lets go to a movie after work, OK? _A. Not at all. B. Why not? C. Never mind. D. What of it?参考答案:B11. The police stopped the car_ speed was more than 120km per hour.A. whose B. which C. of which D. that参考答案:A12. From the tears in Nancy s eyes we know that som

7、ething sad _. A. may happen B. would happenC. must have happened D. should have happened参考答案:C13. The prices of meat _ since last month. A. have increased B. increase C. increased D. will increase参考答案:A14. All the doctors had tried their best but it remained _whether the patient would recover in a w

8、eek.A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see 参考答案:B15. -Can I ask you a few straightforward questions about yourself?-No problem. I like_ when people are open and direct.A. that B. this C. it D. them参考答案:C16. Lincoln is recognized _ one of the greatest presidents in America.Aas Bfor Cbeing Dlike参考答

9、案:A考查固定搭配。句意:林肯被公认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。be recognized as.“被公认为”。二、 新的题型17. In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 41 spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves correctly with 42 (confident) and without hesi

10、tation. Thirdly , we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are 43 (grammatical) correct. There is no easy way to success 44 language learning. 45 good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only 46 (memorize) rules

11、from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and 47 meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. 48 we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good p

12、iece of advice for those 49 are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and 50 (write) the language whenever we can.参考答案:41.it 42.confidence43.grammatically44.in 45.A 46.to memorize47.their 48.If 49.who50.writing 【知识拓展】1.动词或动词词组后面用动名词作宾语enjoy;practise;finish;avoid;b

13、e fond of ;give up ;look forward to; get down to; devote-to-; be used to (习惯) ;spend-(in) doing sth.; object to 。2.mean doing意味着做某事, mean to do打算做某事; regret doing后悔曾经做过某事,regret to do遗憾地去做某事; try doing 尝试做某事,try to do努力去做某事; forget doing 忘记曾做过某事,forget to do 忘记要去做某事;remember doing记得曾经做过某事, remember to do记得要去做某事。三、 阅读理解18. Ten years ago I used to be very fit (健康的). I rode a bike to work and I got a lot of exercise at weekends. I used t


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