【英文文学】Gone Fishing

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1、【英文文学】Gone FishingChapter 1Barney Chard, thirty-sevenfinancier, entrepreneur, occasional blackmailer, occasional con man, and very competent in all these activitiesstood on a rickety wooden lake dock, squinting against the late afternoon sun, and waiting for his current business prospect to give up

2、the pretense of being interested in trying to catch fish.The prospect, who stood a few yards farther up the dock, rod in one hand, was named Dr. Oliver B. McAllen. He was a retired physicist, though less retired than was generally assumed. A dozen years ago he had rated as one of the countrys top me

3、n in his line. And, while dressed like an aging tramp in what he had referred to as fishing togs, he was at the moment potentially the countrys wealthiest citizen. There was a clandestine invention hed fathered which he called the McAllen Tube. The Tube was the reason Barney Chard had come to see Mc

4、Allen.Gently raising and lowering the fishing rod, and blinking out over the quiet water, Dr. McAllen looked preoccupied with disturbing speculations not connected with his sport. The man had a secrecy bug. The invention, Barney thought, had turned out to be bigger than the inventor. McAllen was afr

5、aid of the Tube, and in the forefront of his reflections must be the inescapable fact that the secret of the McAllen Tube could no longer be kept without Barney Chards co-operation. Barney had evidence of its existence, and didnt really need the evidence. A few hints dropped here and there would hav

6、e made McAllens twelve years of elaborate precaution quite meaningless.Ergo, McAllen must be pondering now, how could one persuade Mr. Chard to remain silent?But there was a second consideration Barney had planted in the old scientists mind. Mr. Chard, that knowledgeable man of the world, exuded not

7、 at all by chance the impression of great quantities of available cash. His manner, the conservatively tailored business suit, the priceless chip of a platinum watch . and McAllen needed cash badly. Hed been fairly wealthy himself at one time; but since he had refrained from exploiting the Tubes com

8、mercial possibilities, his continuing work with it was exhausting his capital. At least that could be assumed to be the reason for McAllens impoverishment, which was a matter Barney had established. In months the old man would be living on beans.Ergo again, McAllens thoughts must be running, how mig

9、ht one not merely coax Mr. Chard into silence, but actually get him to come through with some much-needed financial support? What inducement, aside from the Tube, could be offered someone in his position?Barney grinned inwardly as he snapped the end of his cigarette out on the amber-tinted water. Th

10、e mark always sells himself, and McAllen was well along in the process. Polite silence was all that was necessary at the moment. He lit a fresh cigarette, feeling a mild curiosity about the little lakes location. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan seemed equally probable guesses. What mattered was that

11、half an hour ago McAllens Tube had brought them both here in a wink of time from his home in California.Chapter 2Dr. McAllen thoughtfully cleared his throat.Ever do any fishing, Mr. Chard? he asked. After getting over his first shock at Barneys revelations, hed begun speaking again in the brisk, abr

12、upt manner Barney remembered from the last times hed heard McAllens voice.No, Barney admitted smiling. Never quite got around to it.Always been too busy, eh?With this and that, Barney agreed.McAllen cleared his throat again. He was a roly-poly little man; over seventy now but still healthy-looking,

13、with an apple-cheeked, sunburned face. Over a pair of steel-rimmed glasses his faded blue eyes peered musingly at Barney. Around thirty-five, arent you?Thirty-seven.Married?Divorced.Any particular hobbies?Barney laughed. I play a little golf. Not very seriously.McAllen clicked his tongue. Well, what

14、 do you do for fun?Oh . Id say I enjoy almost anything I get involved in. Barney, still smiling, felt a touch of wariness. Hed been expecting questions from McAllen, but not quite this kind.Mainly making money, eh? Well, McAllen conceded, thats not a bad hobby. Practical, too. I . whup! Just a momen

15、t.The tip of the slender rod in his left hand dipped slightly, and sixty feet out beyond the end of the old dock a green and white bobber began twitching about. Then the bobber suddenly disappeared. McAllen lifted the rod tip a foot or two with a smooth, swift motion, and paused.Hooked! he announced

16、, looking almost childishly pleased.The fish on the far end of the line didnt seem to put up much of a struggle, but the old man reeled it in slowly and carefully, giving out line from time to time, then taking it back. He seemed completely absorbed. Not until the fish had been worked close to the dock was there a brief minor commotio


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