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1、江西省上饶市裴梅中学2020年高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Is the meeting held in Room 405 or 406?- It should be 405. But I hear that it _till tomorrow.A. was put off B. will put offC. has been put off D. is put off参考答案:C 2. is the sun that gives off light and heat, which makes possible for plants to grow.A. It; it B. That

2、; those C. This; it D. This; them参考答案:A3. John returned with two workers, with _ help we finally got the car out of the mud.A. whose B. their C. which D. that参考答案:A4. Im considering buying a laptop now.Ive saved as much as I can,and my mother has agreed to the rest of the money. A.pull up B.hold up

3、C.take up D.make up参考答案:D5. The map is one of the best tools a man has _ _ he goes to a new place.A. whenever B. whatever C. wherever D. however参考答案:A略6. Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she _ since her marriage to Father.A. shoulders B. shouldered C. is shouldering D.has been shouldering

4、参考答案:D考点:考察时态。解析:在本句since 表示自从过去到现在, 所以用现在完成时, 现在完成进行时为现在完成时的一种。7. In your life, sometimes you might end up back _ you startedAwho Bwhen Cwhere Dwhich参考答案:C8. The new lecture course differs from the old one, _ the students arent required to attend lectures. A. which that B. that C. which D. in which

5、参考答案:D略9. Students _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected according to the regulation.A. wouldB. shallC. willD. could参考答案:B【详解】考查情态动词。句意:学生们必须呆在自己的座位上,直到所有的试卷都被收回。根据句意,“学生们呆在自己的座位上”是一项规定。shall 可表示某种规定或义务,用于第二、三人称的句子中。而其他情态动词无此用法。故正确答案为B。10. The prisoner didnt imagine he wou

6、ld soon be set free, _?A did he B would he C wouldnt he D didnt he参考答案:A11. A 1,344-kilometer railway built by China Railway Construction Corporation for Angola was completed and open traffic on Saturday. A.to B.for C.beyond D.as参考答案:A12. The lessons in Book 7 are more difficult to learn than _ in t

7、he first 6 books.A. the oneB. that C. themD. those参考答案:D13. Wow! Youve got so many clothes.-But _ of them are in fashion now.A. all B. bothC. neitherD. none参考答案:D解析:本题主要考查不定代词的用法。这里只有none可以表示全盘否定。14. The worlds elderly population will exceed(超过)that of children by 2060, when each group to account fo

8、r about one fifth of the population A. expects B. will expect C. is expected D. will be expected参考答案:C15. My parents want me to take _ Maths lessons at the weekend, but I want to play and have fun.A. extra B. available C. selfish D. exact参考答案:A16. In spite of the advanced medical technology,many Ame

9、ricans have no _ to health careAaccess Bentrance Cintroduction Ddevotion参考答案:A17. _ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account. A. What is required B. what requires C. It is required D. As is required参考答案:C 二、 完型填空18. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、

10、D)中,选出最佳选项。Everyone in the neighborhood knew who Ugly was, the tomcat. He had only one eye and 21 the other should have been was a hole. He was also missing his ear on the same 22 , His left foot appeared to have been badly broken at one time, 23 , and his tail has long been lost. Every time someone

11、 saw Ugly there was the same 24 . “Thats one ugly cat !”All the children were 25 not to touch him, but whenever he 26 children, he would come running, meowing and bump his head against their hand 27 for their love. If you ever picked him up he would immediately begin sucking on your shirt, earring,

12、28 he could find.One day Ugly tried to 29 his love with the neighbours dogs. They did not respond 30 , and Ugly was badly bitten. From my apartment I heard his scream and 31 to his aid. By the time I got to where he was lying, it was 32 that Uglys sad life was almost at an end. As I 33 the poor eat

13、and tried to carry him home, I could feel him struggling.Then I 34 a familiar suck on my ear. Even in the greatest pain, that ugly battle scarred cat was asking only for a little 35 . At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I had ever seen. Never once did he try to bite

14、 or scratch me, or 36 try to get away from me. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting me to 37 his pain. Ugly died in my arms 38 I could get inside, but I held him for a long time.Ugly 39 me a lot about loving and giving. He had been scarred on the outside, but I was scarred on the 40 , and it was time for me to learn to love truly and give my total to those I ca


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