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1、江苏省无锡市宜兴官林中学2020年高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. It is reported that two schools, _ are being built in my home town, will open next year.A. they both B. both of themC. which both D. both of which参考答案:D2. Clothing made of man-made fibers has certain advantage over _ made of naturalfibers like cotton, wool or sil

2、k. A. this B. one C. that D. what参考答案:C3. Had it not been for the fact that about 30 pupils _ in the state of Connecticut a fortnight ago, their parents _ in deep sorrow now.A. had been killed, wouldnt be B. were killed, couldnt beC. would have been killed, mightnt be D. should be killed, wouldnt be

3、参考答案:B4. -Karen, can I talk to you for a minute? -Sure, _? A. how come B. whats up C. hows that D. what for参考答案:B略5. It is _ comfort to know theres someone to keep _ eye on the kids. A. a; an B. /; / C. /; an D. /; the参考答案:A6. The Wilsons live in _ A-shaped house near the coast. It is _ 18th century

4、 cottage. A. the; aB. an; theC. /; theD. an; an参考答案:D7. The white treated the black unfairly in the United States because they black people. A. looked up B. looked down at C. looked down upon D. looked up to参考答案:C8. MaybeifI_ science,andnotliteraturethen,Iwouldbeabletogiveyoumorehelp.A. studiedB. wo

5、uldstudyC.hadstudiedD. wasstudying参考答案:C9. Youd better put the fish in the fridge, which has a(n)_ to go bad in hot summer days.A. evaluationB. tendency C. currencyD. contributions参考答案:B10. I will _ an explanation from our monitor about why I havent been selected.Aswitch Bapply Cdemand Dconclude参考答案

6、:C11. Welcome to Disneyland in Shanghai! This is _ you can have fun and more than fun.A. whereB. howC. whatD. that参考答案:A12. We should _ the knowledge from theory with that from the practice. Only in this way can we use theories to guide our behavior and thoughts. A. share B. contact C. compare D. co

7、mbine参考答案:D13. I thought you didnt like coffee. Well, I _ but I _ now.A. didnt; can B. did; canC. usednt to; do D. usednt; do参考答案:C根据句意,第一空表示过去的情况,所以用didnt或usednt to;第二空表示现在,应用现在时,用do代替like coffee。14. If _ the same treatment again,he is sure to get well.Agiving Bgive Cgiven Dbeing given参考答案:C15. Sal

8、ly, do you mind if I take off my jacket?Of course not AIt doesnt matterBMake yourself at homeCEnjoy yourself DForget it参考答案:B16. When my father lost his job our living _ had to be cut to the bone.A. bills B. expenses C. prices D. charges参考答案:B二、 新的题型17. Franklin Delano Roosevelt(罗斯福) was one of the

9、most influential(有影响力的) presidents in American history. 36 He served more than 12 years. He led the nation through one of its worst wars.Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in 1882 into a rich and important family in Hyde Park, New York. He was the only child of James and Sara Roosevelt. 37 In the ne

10、xt 11 years, they had six children. In l921, his doctors discovered that he got a serious disease. He lost the use of his legs. Many Americans thought the sickness would end Franklin Roosevelts dreams. 38 He showed an inner strength that people respected. Franklin Roosevelt always appeared strong an

11、d friendly in Public. He loved to laugh and enjoyed life.In l932, Franklin Roosevelt became one of the most loved presidents in the history of the country. 39 So, he talked to the American people by radio to explain what action was being taken and what he planned for the future. President Roosevelt

12、ran for re-election(重新当选) in 1936. In 1940, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was re-elected. 40 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was re-elected president for the fourth time in 1944 because most Americans believed the country should not change its leader in the middle of a war. President Roosevelt did not live to

13、 see the end of the Second World War. He died on April 20, 1945.A. But they were wrong.B. He was elected president four times.C. Franklin married Eleanor Roosevelt in 1905.D. His family name was well-known to the American public. E. He tried to build a close relationship with the American people. F.

14、 He was the only president to win a third term in the White House.G. He said the government would take an active part in creating jobs.参考答案:36-40.BCAEF36B根据下文中的“He served more than 12 years”及“Franklin Delano Roosevelt was re-elected president for the fourth time in 1944”可知,此处应指罗斯福四次被推选为总统,他做了12多年的总统。故选B。37C根据下文的“In the next 11 years, they had six children.”(在接下的11年里,他们生了11个孩子)可知,此处应在介绍罗斯福的婚姻状况。故选C。38A根据前文中



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