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1、2018年全国II卷高考英语ASummer ActivitiesStudents should read the list with their parents/carers, and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalized . parents/ carers will be asked

2、 to sign to confirm their childs choices21. Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping?A. OUT.B. WBP.C. CRF.D. POT.22. What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson?A. Travel to London. B. See a parade and fireworks.C. Tour central Paris. D. Visit the WWI battlefields.23. How l

3、ong does Potty about Potter last?A. Two days. B. Four days. C. Five days. D. One week.A夏季活动学生们应该与他们的父母或者照顾者一起阅读这个清单,并选择他们想做的两项活动。表格可以在学校和网上获得,以表明他们的选择和返回学校。在确定选择之前,父母或照顾者会被要求签名来确认他们孩子的选择。活动描述工作人员花费户外冒险()离开你的舒适区一周,发现新的个人品质,学习新的技能。你将能够参加一些活动,从划独木舟到在达特穆尔高原上野营。学习攀岩,进行团队合作,并享受美好的户外环境。Clemens先生140第一次世界大战战


5、牛津,看一看那些电影拍摄地点,在牛津克赖斯特彻奇的外面享用野餐,在回到埃克塞特之前在流过牛津大学公园的查韦尔河上泛舟。Drake小姐150BMany of us love July because its the month when natures berries and stone fruits are in abundance. These colourful and sweet jewels from British Columbias fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection.Of the common berri

6、es, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein (蛋白质), iron and zinc(not that fruits have much protein). Blueberries are particularly high in antioxidants(抗氧化物质). The yellow and orange stone fruits such as peaches are high in the

7、 carotenoids we turn into vitamin A and which are antioxidants, As for cherries (樱花). they are so delicious who cares? However ,they are rich in vitamin C.When combined with berries or slices of other fruits. frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling fruit shakes and low fat “ice crea

8、m”. For this purpose, select ripe bananas for freezing as they are much sweeter. Remove the skin and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze If you like, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice on the bananas will prevent them turning brown. Frozen bananas will last several weeks, depending on th

9、eir ripeness and the temperature of the freezer.If you have a juicer, you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit. Out comes a“soft-serve” creamy dessert, to be eaten right away. This makes a fun activity for a childrens party; they love feeding the fruit and frozen banana

10、s into the top of the machine and watching the ice cream come out below.24. What does the author seem to like about cherries?A. They contain protein. B. They are high in vitamin A.C. They have a pleasant taste. D. They are rich in antioxidants.25. Why is fresh lemon juice used in freezing bananas?A.

11、 To make them smell better. B. To keep their colour.C. To speed up their ripeningD. To improve their nutrition.26. What is “a juicer”in the last paragraph?A. A dessert.B. A drink.C. A container.D. A machine.27. From which is the text probably taken?A. A biology textbook. B. A health magazine.C. A re

12、search paper. D. A travel brochure.B我们当中许多人喜欢七月,因为这是大自然的浆果和核果结出果实的月份。这些来自英国哥伦比亚田野里的色彩鲜艳的甜蜜珠宝是营养保护的小动力室。在常见的浆果中,草莓的维生素C含量最高,尽管覆盆子因为它的籽而含有更多的蛋白质、铁和锌(并不是说水果中含有很多蛋白质)。蓝莓中的抗氧化物质含量特别高。像桃子这样的黄色和橙色核果中类胡萝卜素和抗氧化方面含量很高,我们将类胡萝卜素转化成维生素A。至于樱桃,它如此美味,谁在乎它什么含量高呢?然而,它富含维生素C。当与浆果或其他水果片相结合,冷冻香蕉就会为制作出浓稠冰凉的水果奶昔和低脂的“冰激凌”打

13、造一个极好的基础。为此,选择成熟的香蕉进行冷冻,因为它们甜得多。剥掉皮,把香蕉放入塑料袋或容器中冷冻。如果你喜欢的话,把新鲜的柠檬汁挤在香蕉上,这会防止香蕉变成棕色。冷冻香蕉会存放几个星期,这取决于它们的成熟程度和冰箱的温度。如果你有榨汁机,你可以简单地将冷冻香蕉和一些切成片的浆果放进去。一份“软质”奶油甜点做好了,马上就要吃掉了。这对儿童聚会来说是一个有趣的活动;他们喜欢将水果和冷冻香蕉从上面放入机器,并看着冰激凌从下面冒出来。CTeens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common S

14、ense Media report published Monday.While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many childrens lives, and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading.According to the reports key findings, “the proporti

15、on(比例) who say theyhardly everread for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.”The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children. ages 2-8, remain largely the same. But the amount of time

16、 spent in reading each session has declined, from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.When it comes to technology and reading,the report does little to counsel (建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading,



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