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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年2月北京中科院电子学研究所研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】Many things make people think artists are weird. But the weirdest may be this: artists-only job is to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.This wasnt always so. The earliest forms of art,

2、 like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere from the 19th century onward, more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless, phony or, worst of all, boring, as we went from Wordsworths daffodils to Baudelaires flowers of evil.By citing the examples of poets Wor

3、dsworth and Baudelaire, the author intends to show that_. A、poetry is not as expressive of joy as painting or music B、art grows out of both positive and negative feelings C、poets today are less skeptical of happiness D、artists have changed their focus of interest【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选 D。事实细节题。根据题干信息我们定位到第

4、2段,该段可以分成两部分:第一部分是前两句,事实并非一直这样(艺术家将焦点投向消极的情感),最早的艺术形式是最适合表达快乐的;第二部分提到了华兹华斯的水仙花和波德莱尔的恶之花为例。按照议论文的论点论据的关系特点,首先提出论点然后以论据论证这个观点的正确性。本题举例部分为第2段第3句中as引导的时间状语从句,该句主句部分以及上文第2句就是论点所在。第3句句首but一词暗示了“改变”。D是论点的概括。第2题【单选题】My neighbours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _ was very kind of them. A、who B、wh

5、ich C、that D、it【正确答案】B【答案解析】非限制性定语从句常用which引导, which表示前句话的整个含义。第3题【单选题】The western media was astonished to see that Chinas GDP_ by almost 40% just in two years time. A、flourished B、floated C、soared D、roared【正确答案】C【答案解析】soar“高涨,猛增”。根据题意,正确答案应选C。第4题【单选题】“People disappear in that river every year,” one

6、 of the policemen said to me that afternoon, half in dismay, half in frustration. A、“年年都有人消失在这条河里,”当天下午警察中的一个人半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 B、“这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 C、“这条河里年年都有人消失,”当天下午警察中的一个以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 D、“这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。本题考查的知识点为成语。英语和汉语都有许多成语。汉语的成语大多由四个字

7、组成。英译汉时,适当地使用成语,译文显得简洁、生动,可以增加文采。第5题【单选题】The benefit of it would compensate danger. A、补偿 B、支持 C、惊奇 D、允许【正确答案】A【答案解析】compensate vt. 补偿,赔偿;付报酬。第6题【单选题】For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home. A、对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。 B、对英国来说

8、,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织把我们送到了家。 C、对英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份让我们认识了这一点。 D、对我们英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份使我们如鱼得水。【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。本题考查has brought this home的意译。第7题【单选题】In the spirit of frankness which I hope will characterize our talks this week, let us recognize at the outset these points. A、本着我希望将成为本周我们会谈的特色的坦率精神,

9、让我们在一开始就认识到这样几点。 B、我希望我们这个星期的会谈将是坦率的。本着这种坦率的精神,让我们在一开始就认识到这样几点。 C、本着坦率的精神,我希望我们这个星期的会谈将是坦率的,让我们在一开始就认识到这样几点。 D、本着坦率的精神,我希望本周我们的会谈具有特色,让我们在一开始就认识到这样几点。【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。which I hope will characterize our talks this week限制性定语从句,修饰frankness。I hope是定语从句中的插入语。In the spirit of:本着的精神。at the outset:在开始的时候。第

10、8题【单选题】The government _ on purchase of cars was 80 billion yuan in 2008, and use and maintenance amounts to around 300 billion yuan a year. A、spending B、spent C、cost D、costing【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查的是现在分词的用法,spending on purchase of cars在这里是一个现在分词短语。句意:2008年政府花费了800亿用于购车,并且一年的使用和维护费用则高达3000亿。第9题【单选题】To _ n

11、ew money the sport needs to be more entertaining. A、recur B、perceive C、inhabit D、generate【正确答案】D【答案解析】generate 使形成;发生;生殖;产生物理反应。第10题【单选题】There is no _ for practical experience. A、substitute B、sympathy C、likely D、grant【正确答案】A【答案解析】substitute 代用品;代替者。第11题【单选题】The tall, well-dressed gentleman standing

12、before me was certainly a far cry from the old sea wolf of my imagination. A、站在我面前的这位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,当然是像我想象中的老海狼发出的一声遥远的呼唤了。 B、一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生站在我面前,发出的一声遥远的呼唤,像我想象中的老海狼。 C、站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。 D、站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我想象中的老海怪一样发出了长长的叫声。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。“standing before me”是现在分词短语,作定语

13、,修辞“gentleman”,译成汉语可放在句首。“a far cry from sth/doing sth”是习语,意思是:a very different experience from sth/doing sth与某事物做某事物大不相同。“wolf”是狼的意思,“sea wolf”在这里是指海员,海员因长期在海上航行,在常人眼里有点怪异,译作“海怪”比较贴切。第12题【单选题】Economic factors aside, the imbalanced distribution of educational resources also affects fairness of educa

14、tion. A、unjust B、impartial C、uneven D、improper【正确答案】C【答案解析】imbalanced不平衡的,不均衡的。uneven不均衡的。参考译文:除经济因素外,教育资源分配不均同样影响到了教育的公平性。第13题【单选题】A great number of houses would have to be removed to make way for the new amusement park. A、take the place of B、give space for C、build up D、work out【正确答案】B【答案解析】make wa

15、y for 让路,让地给.。give space for 让地方给。参考译文:必须拆除很多房屋来给新游乐公园腾地方。第14题【单选题】It is amusing that she _ her fathers bad temper as well as her mothers good looks. A、inherited B、retained C、preserved D、maintained【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题的B、C 和D选项虽然意思有些相近,但从题句意来看只有A符合题意。inherit“经遗传而得(性格、特征等)”。第15题【单选题】An interesting _ of the city is the old market. A、triumph B、resp


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