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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年9月江苏南京理工大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】I _ four universities and was accepted by all of them. A、applied to B、applied from C、applied in D、applied off【正确答案】A【答案解析】题目意思:我申请了四所大学,并都被他们录取了。apply to 向正式申请;向要求,答案选A。第2题【单选题】The lawyer thought that piece of evidence was _ e

2、arly in the investigation, but it turned out to be vital in convicting the criminal. A、unchangeable B、unsuitable C、insignificant D、important【正确答案】C【答案解析】句意:在调查初期律师认为这项证据不是很重要,但后来证明,这项证据在控告罪犯时起了至关重要作用。insignificant意为“不重要的”;unsuitable 意为“不合适的,不适当的”;unchangeable 意为“不可改变的,不变的”;important意为“重要的,重大的”。第3题【单

3、选题】The farm is set right next to a beautiful flood plain and the property is home to trees that have lived for thousands of years. All of the villages throughout Botswana(博茨瓦纳)have their own chief who controls a certain amount of land. We had the opportunity to sit in on a meeting with the chief of

4、Katchikow, which we called it “Catch a Cow.” In the meeting we discussed starting a hydroponics farm in his area. He seemed to be all for it and said that it was gods plan that the project we were helping with had come to his area.The chief of each village _. A、is called Katchikow B、supports the ide

5、a of hydroponics farm C、has a certain amount of land D、has a meeting each week【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。细节理解题。根据所考关键词chief迅速锁定本段介绍chief的内容。每个村庄都会有一个自己的首领,而每个首领都拥有一定量的土地。第4题【单选题】Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total p

6、ersonality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.The author argues that a teachers chief conce

7、rn should be the development of the students _. A、personal qualities and social skills B、total personality C、learning ability and communicative skills D、intellectual ability【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。根据本段的内容,可以看出学生的total personality(总体素质)包括了academic ability or intellectual ability, personal qualities和 social

8、 skills。也就是说这些能力都是total personality的方方面面。再看一下这一段的第三两句,可以得出正确的答案应该是选项B。其他几个选项的意思都不全面,都不能反映作者的充分开发学生的全面能力的主张。第5题【单选题】Egypt, wrote the Greek historian Hecataeus, is the gift of the Nile. A、希腊历史学家赫卡泰奥斯写道:埃及是尼罗河送来的礼物。 B、埃及,希腊历史学家赫卡泰奥斯写道:是尼罗河的礼物。 C、埃及是尼罗河的礼物,希腊历史学家赫卡泰奥斯写道。 D、希腊历史学家赫卡泰奥斯写道:埃及,礼物来自尼罗河。【正确答案

9、】A【答案解析】答案选A。wrote the Greek historian Hecataeus是插入语,为使译文通顺易懂,把插入语处理成主句形式,其余部分作其宾语从句。第6题【单选题】John knocked at the door for nearly five minutes _ his wife opened it. A、when B、before C、until D、while【正确答案】B【答案解析】考查连词。句意为:他的妻子过了近五分钟才开门。 before表示过了多久才。第7题【单选题】I couldnt have got to the meeting on time _ an

10、 earlier train. A、if I had not caught B、unless I had caught C、if I did not catch D、unless I caught【正确答案】B【答案解析】ifnot和unless有时可以互相替换,但也有不能互相替换的时候。unless用于这样的句子,即“如果A不受阻于B,A将发生”,例如He will accept the job if the salary is not too low /unless the salary is too low.第8题【单选题】Today the messages the average W

11、esterner is surrounded with are not religious but commercial, and forever happy. Fast-food eaters, news anchors, text messengers, all smiling, smiling, smiling. Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes. And since these messages have an agendato lure us to open ou

12、r walletsthey make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. “Celebrate!” commanded the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex, before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.In the authors opinion, advertising_. A、emerges in the wake of the antihappy art B、is a cause of disappointme

13、nt for the general public C、replaces the church as a major source of information D、creates an illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选 D。观点态度题。本段第4句指出,商业文化(其代表就是广告)传达快乐信息的目的是诱使我们打开钱包,而这使快乐的概念本身变得不可信了。接着指出,我们忘记了,幸福不仅仅是没有痛苦的享乐,那些带来最大快乐的东西同时也最有可能带来巨大的损失和失望。由此可知,广告带给我们的快乐是一种不真实

14、的感受。因此D正确。第9题【单选题】_ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. A、Anyone B、The person C、Whoever D、Who【正确答案】C【答案解析】whoever的意思为“任何人,无论谁”,相当于the person who或anyone who。 第10题【单选题】They will get the preparation done early in May. A、他们五月初就能让别人准备完工作。 B、他们五月初就能准备好工作。 C、他们早在五月份就能把准备工作做完。 D、他们五月初就能把准备工作做

15、完。【正确答案】D【答案解析】首先需要注意early in May表示“五月初”的意思,选项A“让别人准备完”这种表达是不准确的;此外get the preparation done表示的是“把准备工作做完”,选项B的表达不是很准确。 第11题【单选题】The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _ he could see _ was going on inside house. A、which; what B、through which; what C、through that; what D、what; that【正确答案】B【答案解析】through which引导定语从句,through which即through the hole, 在定语从句中作状语.What引导的是see的宾语从句,并作从句的主语。第12题【单选题】Its impossible to detach ones


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