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1、2022年安徽省马鞍山市实验中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. The coastal area has a pleasant climate, with _ temperatures from 24 to 26.A. ordinary B. average C. common D. normal参考答案:B考查形容词。A. ordinary普通的; B. average平均的; C. common 共同的,常见的; D. normal正常的。句意:沿海地区气候宜人,平均气温24 到 26。故选B。2. The central government _ the coal mines _

2、 pay much attention to safety in production.A. persuades; for B. talks; toC. tells; of D. urges; to参考答案:Dpersuade sb. to do sth.“说服某人做某事”, persuade不与for搭配; urge sb. to do sth.“敦促某人做某事”; B项应为talk sb. into doing sth.“说服某人做某事”; C项应为tell sb. to do sth.“告诉某人做某事”。3. Was it in the village _we used to live

3、_ the accident happened?A. that; where B. which; that C. where; that D. which; where参考答案:C4. I had _ supper at my friends last Sunday and _ food was very delicious.A. a; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; the参考答案:D5. Never let a good opportunity _ while youre seeking for jobs. A. go up B. go by C. go down

4、D. go over参考答案:B6. We all enjoyed the smoked meat and were interested in the way _ it is made.A. how B. which C. when D. /参考答案:D7. If the media cant learn to respect and appreciate others cultures, there will exist _ misunderstanding and harmony cant be achieved.A. available B. admirable C. consider

5、ate D. considerable参考答案:D略8. Which of the following novel is an early example of American fiction?A. The Coconut Seller B. To the LighthouseC. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow D. Heart of Darkness参考答案:C【详解】考查小说名称。A. The Coconut Seller B. To the Lighthouse C. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow D. Heart of Darkne

6、ss根据常识可知The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 是美国小说的早期范例。故选C。9. Could you please cut the price a little?Er _ you buy more than ten.A. even ifB. so long asC. thoughD. as soon as参考答案:B【详解】考查状语从句。句意:能请你降点价吗?嗯,只要你买超过10个。A. even if即使; B. so long as只要;C. though虽然; D. as soon as一就。根据语境,对方同意降价的条件是你一下子买10个以上,as/so lon

7、g as意为只要,引导条件状语从句,符合题意。故选B项。【点睛】解状语从句,主要依据的是句子间的逻辑关系,去判断属于什么类型的状语从句,是条件还是原因,亦或是时间还是方式等,然后选择相应的引导词。例如本题,根据上下文语境,买方是看对方可否降价,卖方提出条件:只要你一下子买10个以上。由此我们可以判断这里是表示条件,引导条件状语从句的选项有even if 和so long as,但是因为even if表示即使,不符合题意,故选B项。10. On the way to school , I found an old lady _by a car. And it was demanded she _

8、to the hospital. A. knocked , was sent B. knocked, be sent C. knocking , should send D. knock , must be sent参考答案:B11. We moved to Shanghai in 2000, and from then on we in this house.A. will live B. had lived C. have lived D. are living参考答案:C12. With globalization _ the world, learning foreign langua

9、ges, particularly English, will become increasing necessary if France is to compete economically. A. sweepsB. to sweep C. sweeping D. swept参考答案:C13. Most people said that pay was their main _ for working.A. movementB. mentionC. methodD. motivation参考答案:D【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:大多数人说他们工作的主要动力就是工资。A. movement运

10、动;B. mention提及;C. method方法;D. motivation动机。根据句意可知,工作是为了薪水,故选D。14. Sorry to interrupt you. Please go on.Where was I?You you didnt like going to college in Hong Kong.A. had been sayingB. had saidC. saidD. were saying参考答案:D15. The cost of renting a house in Beijing is higher than in any other city of C

11、hina.A. one B. it C. that D. this 参考答案:C16. This is perhaps one of _ most important reasons why so many people write _ poetry. A. a ; the B. the ;the C. the ; / D. a ; /参考答案:C二、 完型填空17. It was a mid Aprila time when the planet Earth turns under the hot rays of the Sun. There was a large desert in Af

12、rica with no trace of _21_ except a little rose. There was not a bird or a tree in _22_ . The sand dunes(沙丘) became piles of burning coal as the days _23_ . But the little rose _24_ the cruelty of the Sun. The Sun was very _25_ to have seen the roses ability to _26_ such unfavorable conditions.One a

13、fternoon, the Sun said to the little _27_ , “Dear Rose! I am the supreme power in this universe. I have the _28_ to give and take life. Thousands of living things _29_ every day, as they are not able to bear with my heat. But, you have been weathering even my hottest rays _30_ any complaint. May I k

14、now the source that gave you this great _31_ ?”“Oh, mighty Sun,” the little rose said _32_ , “I dont know much about this desert. But it appears _33_ and there seems to be no one else in the whole world my eye could stretch. I began to feel _34_ for the loneliness of this desert and _35_ to help it as possible as I could. And in t


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