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1、河北省衡水市高级职业中学2020年高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Im afraid I cant reply to all these e-mails today, Miss Lee. . Youll have some more time tomorrow.A. Thats right B. Not at all C. Take your time D. Dont mention it参考答案:C2. Everything in life is a matter of choice. With four roads to choose from and with limite

2、d knowledge of _ they lead, which road will you take?A. whereB. whichC. whatD. when参考答案:A3. The trouble with such resources as coal, oil and gas _ that they are not renewable.A. was B. are C. have been D. is参考答案:D4. Why havent you asked Lily to come here ?She was doing a project when I found her and

3、 she _it. A. hasnt finished B. didnt finish C. wouldnt finish D. hadnt finished参考答案:A 5. Joining the firm as a clerk, Peter got rapid promotion, and as a manager.Aturned up Bbrought up Cended up Dshowed up参考答案:C6. The big earthquake is _ terrible blow to Japanese and people from all over the world f

4、eel _ pity for them.A. the; / B. a; the C. a; / D. a; a参考答案:C略35. After Jack had sent some e-mails, he _ working on his project. A. had started B. has started C. started D. starts 参考答案:C略8. To be honest, I havent received income from any other source. _ I had to borrow money to pay my past two medic

5、al bills. A. Fortunately B. Actually C. Absolutely D. Necessarily参考答案: 6. B. actually“实际上”。 ly “完全地;绝对地”;fortunately “幸运地,幸亏”; necessarily“必然地”。9. Before us lies the biggest room, _ with things like guns, dolls and old clothes. A. filling B. filled C. being filled D. having been filled参考答案:B10. Neve

6、r before _ a student who works as hard as him.A. I had seen B. had I seen C. I have seen D. Have I seen 参考答案:D11. - How about having a party this weekend?- That _ me fine. Im coming.A. suits B. fits C. matches D. agrees 参考答案:A略12. The young lady is _ a beauty; she is _ than pretty.A. more than; more

7、 smart B. more than; smarter C. not only; smarter D. no more than; more clever参考答案:A13. The school isnt the one I really wanted to go , but I suppose Ill just have to _ it A get away from B make full use of C keep an eye on D catch up with 参考答案:B14. She decided to study the Chinese market to find th

8、e _ profit for investment.Aprecious BpreviousCpunctual Dpotential参考答案:D【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。A. precious 宝贵的 B. previous 以前的 C. punctual 准时的 D. potential潜在的。句意:她决定研究中国市场,寻找潜在的投资利润。根据句意可知,选D。15. -Did he get the job finally? -Though he_well before the job interview, he failed to answer some important question

9、s.A.asking B.to ask C.asked D.having asked参考答案:C二、 新的题型16. Where do you want to send your boys to study?A mixed school or a boys school?_41_(traditional),boys and girls attend a mixed school,where they study together.But boys in a single-sex school_42_(say) to be more likely to get involved in_43_(c

10、ulture) and artistic activities that help develop their emotional expressiveness than_44_(teach) alongside girls,according to the findings of some researchers.They say in a single-sex school teachers can tailor lessons to boys learning style,_45_they can also encourage boys to enjoy reading and writ

11、ing with boy-focused_46_(approach) that appeal to them.For example,they are more active and can learn best through touch,so letting them move around_47_classroom and getting them_48_(compete) in teams can prevent boredom.“Whats more,boys in a single-sex school wont feel forced to act_49_men before t

12、hey understand_50_(them) well enough to know what that means.”the study reported.参考答案:41. Traditionally 42. are said 43. cultural 44. taught 45. and 46. approaches 47. the 48. to compete 49. like 50. themselves文章分析了单一男孩学校的特点和优势所在。41. Traditionally考查副词。句意:传统上,男孩和女孩进混合学校,在那一起学习。此处单独用作状语用副词,故填Tradition

13、ally.42. are said考查被动语态。句中主语boys和动词say是被动关系,指单一性别学校的男孩们被认为,与本文时态一致用一般现在时,故填一般现在时的被动are said.43. cultural考查形容词。和and后的形容词artistic并列,共同修饰名词activities,也用形容词,指文化和艺术活动。故填cultural.44. taught考查过去分词。句中主语boys和动词teach是被动关系用过去分词,指男孩们被教,故填taught.45. and46. approaches考查名词。approach是可数名词,此处表示泛指boy-focused的方法,用复数形式。故填approaches.47. the考查冠词。此处指绕着教室来回转,表示特指用定冠词,故填the.48. to compete考查动词不定式。get sb.to do sth.“使某人做某事”,表示具体的动作用不定式,故填to compete.49. like考查介词。此处指单一学校的男孩们不会有被迫像男人们一样表现,表示“像”,故填like.50. themselves考查代词。句中主语they和宾语是同一个人,此时用反身代词。指他们很好地理解他们自己,故填themselves.17. Di


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