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1、河北省张家口市狼山中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. According to the new law in Hong Kong, each passenger _ buy two boxes of milk powder at most each timeAmust Bhas to Cshall Dshould参考答案:C2. Despite her old age, she is always adaptable and to new knowledge and others viewpoints.Aadequate Bwilling Copen Dready参考答案:C3.

2、 Waiter! Is the table by the window available?Im sorry, sir. But that table has been _.A. broken B. sold C. reserved D. repaired参考答案:C试题分析:考查动词辨析。动词break折断;sell出售;reserve预定,保留;repair维修;句意:非谓语,窗户边的这张桌子空着吗?对不起,这张桌子已经被预定了。根据句意可知C项正确。4. There has been positive reaction to the proposal to help the disabl

3、ed, the impact will be lasting especially for younger ones.A. on which B. on whomC. of which D. of whom参考答案:C【详解】考查定语从句。句意:帮助残疾人的建议会产生积极的反响,其中的影响对于青少年来说将会更加持久。分析句子可知,本句的先行词是前面的positive reaction, 而先行词在定语从句中作 the impact of的介词宾语,即the impact of the positive reaction, 所以the impact和前面的句子是一种所属关系,即这件事情的影响。

4、the reaction是先行词,指的是物,要用which。非限制性定语从句中可以把the +n+of+which提到句首,所以用介词of+which来引导定语从句,故选C5. Our country is a fast rising economy that has one fifth of the global population,and its allroundEffort_ up a wealthy society is now in a critical stageAbuilding Bhaving built Cto build Dto have built 参考答案:C6. _

5、 the orange trees suffered severe damage from a storm in the summer, the farmers are expecting a sharp decline in harvests this autumn. A. Since B. Though C. Unless D. Before参考答案:A7. The great pianist performed in the centre of stage, _ command the keys were producing wonderful tunes.A. at whomB. at

6、 whoseC. in whomD. in whose参考答案:B【详解】考查非限定性定语从句。句意:这位伟大的钢琴家在舞台中央演奏,在他的指挥下,琴键走出美妙的乐曲。at sbs command 是固定搭配,表示“在某人的指挥之下”,用whose在从句中作定语,故B项正确。8. By no means the illegal purchase of the Chinese Diaoyu Island of the Japanese government.A. we will give in B. we will give in toC. will we give in D. will we

7、give in to参考答案:D9. “Im astonished, Mum,” said my son to me the other day, “that some people in the world _be so ready to fight with others, addicted to killings.A. should B. might C. could D. will 参考答案:A10. Im sorry I didnt bring the book hereOh, _. Bring it next time , Ok ?A. youd better not B. Im

8、afraid not C. as you wish D. thats all right参考答案:D试题分析:根据对话双方的语境中,答语Bring it next time , Ok ? 可知答案是D。thats all right= never mind.11. - My friend Eric has successfully swum across the English Channel! - Unbelievable! Can you tell me when he _ it? A. made B. has made C. had made D. is making参考答案:A。whe

9、n是对过去某个时间点的提问,只能用于过去时。12. When I go into the shop, the salesperson always follows me around I have the same experienceThe way the shop assistant behaves is annoys people a lot A. which B. where C. how D. what参考答案:D13. Dont be mad at me. Im only five minutes late. This is the last time Im waiting for

10、 you._. A. I make it B. I put it C. I mean it D. I get it参考答案:C14. . If you want to know more about details, please contact us. It _ be simpler.A. mustnt B. wont C. neednt D. couldnt参考答案:D略15. In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled the local market.A

11、. longer than B. more than C. as much as D. as far as参考答案:D二、 新的题型16. If you are interested in getting university education in China and _41_(run) of the university program, you may need to register in the high school. Starting your education at high school level in China gives you an advantage sinc

12、e you will be well _42_(prepare) before joining the university. You will have learnt Chinese Mandarin(普通话)_43_will make your daily conversations smooth. You will also have familiarized with the surrounding, making _44_easy to get your way around.With a high school admission, you will also _45_(intro

13、duce) to a Chinese way of learning and education at _46_early age. Getting a high school _47_(admit) in China is easy. You only need to look for schools which are offering high school education to the international students. Most of them offer instructions both in English _48_Chinese. Choose a right

14、 environment that will allow you to learn the local language, choose an area that is _49_(convenience) to you and select a school that allows a foreign student to _50_(easy) adapt to a new culture.参考答案:41. running 42. prepared 43. which 44. it 45. be introduced 46. an 47. admission 48. and 49. convenient 50. easily42. 考查词性转化。根据句意“在上大学之前,你将做


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