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1、名师精编优秀教案Module1 Unit1 I mSam教学设计教学目标1、学习如何用英语介绍自己的名字。2、能运用 “hello ” “hi ”跟朋友们打招呼,并能运用I m 彼此介绍。3、激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:能运用 “hello ” “hi ”跟朋友们打招呼。教学难点:使孩子们饶有兴趣的运用“I m ”彼此介绍。教学用具:单词卡片、录音机、录音带、教学过程:Step 1 Greetings T: Hello, my dear children. This is your first English class. Im very happy to teach you Engl

2、ish this term. Lets say “Hello ” to each other first. Please stand up, all of you.( 教师边说边翻译, 做手势示意全体起立 ) Step 2 Presentation 1、T: (教师边挥手边走向学生 )Hello(hi)! S: Hello(hi)! (再叫几名学生,师生挥手打招呼) T: Now please say “hello ” to your classmates like this. Who can try? (叫几名学生到前面来,面向全体问好,注意表情和动作,并且要声音洪亮) T: Then sa

3、y “hello ” to your neighbors and your friends.2、用英语告诉学生本人名字,说:1 m Ms Xu.并将名字写在黑板上。T:Now I want to know your name. How do you introduce your name then? Listen! (Teach “I m .)T:Now please practice. Say hello and your name. T: Lets try to say that: Hello, Im .( one by one).S: Hello, Im .(学生一一进行自我介绍 ) 今

4、天老师给大家带来了四位新朋友,他们是谁呢,让我们一起去认识认识他们吧。 (Open their books,listen to the tape.) 出示 Sam、Amy、Daming、Lingling 的头饰,和同学们一起说出他们的名字,然后让同学们戴上头饰,扮演他们的角色,练习用“I m ”来介绍。3、Listen to the tape,listen and point. (要求学生边听边指着相应的说话的人物,并根据图片想一想每幅图中的小朋友都在说什么?4、Listen again. Teach “Goodbye(Bye-bye) ”要求学生向身边的人说 “Hello ”和“Goodby

5、e ”。5、Listen and repeat. 名师精编优秀教案Step 3:Practice 1、四人一组分角色练习朗读课文。2、将 Hello,Hi,Goodbye,Bye-bye 这四个单词卡片放在教室的不同地方。告诉学生老师要读出单词,学生要指着并大声读出相应的单词。3、让一个同学说出一个单词,其他学生要说出相同意思的另一个词。学生 1:Hi!全班: Hello!4、练习册相关内容。Step 4:Consolidation Act it out. Step 5:Homework. 教学反思在教授这堂课时, 我通过直接介绍自己引出了I m. 同时又设置了情景, 引出所要认识的人物(Am

6、y ,Sam, Daming , Lingling ).并引导学生用 Hello, Hi 与所认识的新朋友打招呼。兴趣比较高,都想争着上来带头饰,所以学生操练得比较多,气氛也比较活跃。Period 2 Unit 2 How are you? Teaching procedure Step 1: Greeting with students. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Hello, Kate. K: Hello, Kelly. T: Hello, Mike. M: Hello, Kelly. (让生与生之间互相

7、问候)Step 2: New course T: What s your name?S: I m Tom.T: Hello, Tom. Good morning. S: Good morning, Kelly. T: Well done. Thats another way to say hello in the morning. Lets learn to say. Morning(说三遍,然后学生跟读)T: Lets practice. Good morning, Sam.(挥手,微笑,大声)S: Good morning, Ellen. 名师精编优秀教案T: Now say good m

8、orning to your neighbors. S: (Practice for a while) T: Good children! Now please watch the projects and listen carefully, what are they talking about?(看大屏幕)T: What did you hear? Hello? Good morning? S: No, how are you? T: Good boy! Whats the meaning?S: 你好吗?T: Right.一般是指对你熟悉的朋友问好,主要是问身体状况怎么样?T: How d

9、o you answer it?S: I m fine. Thank you.T: What s the meaning?S: 我很好,谢谢。T: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation. S:(模仿跟读)T: You did a good job! Now open your English books. Lets point and say.S: (Point and say) Step 3: Knowledge extension T: Look at the picture at page 4. Lets act.D

10、ialogue 1: A: Hello, Im B: Hi, Im A: How are you? B: I m fine, thank you. A: Goodbye, B: Goodbye, Dialogue 2: A: Good morning, B: Good morning.A: How are you? B: I m fine, thank you.A: Goodbye, B: Goodbye, S: 分小组表演。Step 4: Consolidation T: Next lets sing a song and do the actions. Please read the ly

11、rics first.Hello, hello, how are you? Im fine. Im fine and hello to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. T: (Play the tape recorder) Please try your best to learn to sing together. S: (Sing loudly and friendly, and do the actions) Step 5: Sum up and homework T: To

12、day we learnt how to greet and introduce in another way. You all did a good job. Language is colorful. So please prac tice everyday. Practices make you perfect. Its time to say goodbye. Lets sing a song and say goodbye to each other.(最后唱再见歌结束)名师精编优秀教案Writing on blackboard Module 1 Unit 2 How are you

13、? Good morning. How are you? I m fine, thank you.Teaching reflection 教学反思:学生对于句型“ How are you? ” “I m fine, thank you.”的掌握还是比较快,而且对这两句的表达也很熟练。但是由于时间把握不当,前面的练习时间过长,导致后来就没有时间改编歌词来唱这首歌,所以这首歌好像就感觉流于形式了没有起到任何作用。我觉得在以后的教学中时间的把握与支配是至关重要的,我必须在事先考虑好各部分所占用的时间,在实践过程中根据实际情况再进行适时地调整,这样才能使教学流程紧凑合理。Module 2 Unit 1

14、 I m Ms Smart Step 1. Free talk 1、Ss sing “ Hello ,Hello” ,and do the actions. 2、T: Hello, boys and girls . Ss: Hello ,Miss Liu. T:How are you ? Ss: Im fine . Thank you . Step 2. Learning new words and sentences T: Please say hello to these friends.( 拿头饰 Sam, Daming, Amy and Lingling) S:(带头饰表演) How

15、are you, Amy? T: Im fine. And how are you, Sam? S: Im fine, too. Thank you. (教师引导学生用这种形式来回答)S: How are you, Daming? T: Im fine. And how are you, Lingling? S: Im fine, too. Thank you. T: Please say “How are you?” like this with your neighbors. (出示大屏幕 ) A: How are you,.? B: Im fine. And how are you? A

16、: I m fine, too. Thank you. S: (学生自由练习 ,然后分组展示)T: Look! Sam and Daming are boys. Amy and Lingling are girls. They are boys and girls. Team 1, please stand up. S: ( 第一小队的学生起立 ) 名师精编优秀教案T: They are boys and girls. Team 2, stand up, please. S: ( 第二小队的学生起立 ) T: Are you boys and girls? S: Yes. T: Sit down, please,team 1 and Team 2. Team 3, boys, hands up. S: (Boys, hands up) T: Team 4, girls say “ How are you?”S: ( Girls are saying it.) T: Good morning, all of you, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Ke


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