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1、山东省威海市乳山体育中学2021-2022学年高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. _phoning this number, you can reach me any time you like.A. By B. With C. On D. In参考答案:A略2. Could you finish typing the article tonight? . Its a piece of cake.ANot at allBNo problemCNever mindDOf course not参考答案:B3. What great trouble we had _ where his hous

2、e was.A. finding B. to find C. find D. found来参考答案:A4. Do you know the thief _ by the police? A. has caught B. has been catching C. will catch D. has been caught 参考答案:D5. Chinese and Japanese culture have much _.A. in the common B. on the commonC. in common D. on common参考答案:C略6. When Mr. Smith took o

3、ver the company, it was already heavily_ and had no money to pay the workers.A. in danger B. in relief C. in debt D. in return参考答案:C7. Mr. Smith told his students that practice perfect.A. makes B. would made C. will make D made参考答案:A8. It _ at the crossroads _ he was killed in the accident the other

4、 day.Ais; which Bwas; that Cis; where Dwas; where参考答案:B略9. Mike does well in singing and he is good at gymnastics _ . A. either B. as well C. but also D. neither参考答案:B10. After yesterdays fighting on the border, the situation is now fairly again. A. still B. quietC. silentD. calm参考答案:D11. How are yo

5、u today ,Mike?Im _ now. I dont think this medicine is good for me.A. badly B. better C. well D. worse参考答案:D12. Im going to see John tomorrow.Dont tell him the result of his medical examination when you _ to him.A. talk B. have talked C. will talk D. talked参考答案:A13. 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个

6、选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In order to keep a good shape,Ms Freda is on_diet and takes Yoga as_regular exercise.Aa;the Bthe;a Ca;a Dthe;the参考答案:C略14. It is a good habit to , or people will always believe in you.Akeeping your wordBkeep your wordCkeeping your wordsDkeep your words参考答案:B略15. They lived a small

7、 island the coast of Fujian for five years.A. on, on B. in, off C. at, on D. on, off参考答案:D略16. I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could _ who she was,she had run back in the direction _ she had come.A. realize; of which B. recognize; by which C. realize; in which D. recognize; fro

8、m which ks5u参考答案:D17. - Im sorry Im late. I got held up in the traffic on my way here.- _A.Dont be late next time B. Never mind. Come and sit down C. It doesnt matter. Im also late D. You should be blamed参考答案:B18. _ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.A. Caught B. Having caught

9、C. Being caught D. To catch参考答案:C二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上英语老师要求同桌之间互相修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在该词下面写出该加的词。修改:在错的词下划一横线,在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及修改均仅限一词。2、只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。After watch “English TV” last Sunday morning, I phoned to my classm

10、ate and told him to go to see a film in the afternoon. Before the film was over, we returned to school to do our lessons. While we are having a rest in the corridor, I saw Mr. Liu, my head teacher. He told me that I had made some progresses in English, but my Chinese lagged behind, especial my Chine

11、se composition. He suggested I must read more and keeping a diary every day. In the evening my father told me that reading newspapers would do him good for improving composition writing. That was really good idea! What they said was quite right, and I should follow their advice.参考答案:After watch “Eng

12、lish TV” last Sunday morning, I phoned to my classmate and told watching 去掉him to go to see a film in the afternoon. Before the film was over, we returned to After/Whenschool to do our lessons. While we are having a rest in the corridor, I saw Mr. Liu, weremy head teacher. He told me that I had made

13、 some progresses in English, but my Chinese progress lagged behind, especial my Chinese composition. He suggested I must read more and especially should /去掉mustkeeping a diary every day. In the evening my father told me that reading newspapers keep would do him good for improving composition writing. That was really good idea!


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