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1、初三英语总复习资料动词的非谓语形式【重点难点提示】一、重点是:1 . 动词不定式(1) 动词不定式的构成为: “to + 动词原形” ( 有时可不带to) 。动词不定式没有人称和数和的变化。(2) 动词不定式既有名词的特性,又有动词的特性,它可以有自己的宾语和状语。它在句中可充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和补足语。2 . 动词 ing 形式的用法。3 . 动词过去分词的用法。二、难点是: (1) 在有些动词后动词不定式作宾语补足语时不带to 。(2) 有些动词后只能接动词不定式作宾语。(3) 有些动词后只能接动词ing 形式 ( 即动名词 )作宾语。 (4) 有些动词后既可接动词不定式作宾语

2、,也可接动词ing 形式作宾语,但意思不同。三、考点是: (1) 动词不定式的用法。(2) 动词 ing 形式的常见用法。(3) 不带 to 的动词不定式的情况。(4) 动词过去分词的常见用法。有关动词的非谓语形式是历年来各地中考的必考内容之一,一般有8 分左右。【经典范例引路】例 1 My uncle enjoys TV after supper . A .watching B .watches C .watched D .to watch (20XX 年北京市海淀区中考题) 简析 :此题是考查动词的非谓语形式动词ing形式的用法。此题中的谓语动词是enjoy ,而该动词后面所接的宾语如果是

3、表示动作的词,就应用动词ing 形式 ( 即动名词 ) 。故答案为 A。例 2 The greedy inn-keeper once made the poor heron twice a day . A .dance B .dances C .danced D .to dance (20XX 年上海市中考题) 简析 :此题是考查动词不定式的用法。此题中的谓语动词是make , 而动词 make后面接的宾语补足语如果是动词,就要用动词不定式,且这个动词不定式不能带to 。故答案为A。例 3 Will you come to the net bars(网吧 ) with me ?Sorry .M

4、y mother always tells me there . A .not go B .not to go C .go D .to go (20XX 年黄冈市中考题) 简析 :此题是考查动词不定式的否定式。此题中的谓语动词为tell,而 tell后面所接的宾语补足语如果是动词,则要用带to 的动词不定式,根据题干的语境表明母亲告诉我不要到网吧去,因此要用动词不定式的否定式,故答案为B。【同步达纲练习】 . 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1 .Bill lives in a place (call) Gum Tree . 精品p d f 资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - -

5、- - - - - - - - -欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - - 2 .Let him (have) a good rest . 3 .Li Ping made the baby (laugh) at last . 4 .Miss Gao wants (take) these books to the classroom now . 5 .She is ill .So she had better (stay) in bed for a few days . 6 .You d better (not ,l

6、ook) out of the window in class . 7 .It was very nice (play) with you . 8 .They wake up their parents , (call) :“Merry Christmas !”9 .A lot of good land has gone with them , (leave) only sand . 10 .There was a fire (burn) in the fireplace . 11 .The policeman told the boys (not ,play) football near t

7、he road . 12 .Why not (go) to the park with us tomorrow ? 13 .Were free now .How about (fly) kites ? 14 .We often hear our English teacher (sing) English songs . 15 .One day ,his father saw him (sit) on some eggs . 16 .Mr Wu have watched us (play) basketball for half an hour . 17 .This morning I kep

8、t on (think) about the Christmas party this evening . 18 .A lot of English people are good at (boat) . 19 .Were very thirsty .Lets stop (drink) some water . 20 .When the two boys saw the teacher ,they stopped (fight) at once .21 .Kate is a little ill .She doesnt feel like (eat) anything these days .

9、 22 .In the old days ,the workers were made (work) more than 16 hours a day . 23 .Have you finished (do) your homework yet ? 24 .The heavy snow stopped many people from (go) to work . 25 .Mary found a watch (lie) on the road on her way to school . 26 .Do you like (fish) ?Yes .But I dont like (fish)

10、now . 27 .Thank you for (lend) it to me . 28 .Jim and his parents enjoy (live) in China very much . 29 . Do you mind my (smoke) here ? Yes ,but I do . 30 . Would you like (come) to my birthday party this evening ? Certainly .Ill be glad to .31 .Don t spend too much time (watch) TV . 32 .The farmers

11、are busy (get) ready for the next year . 33 .Were going to do some (shop) this Sunday . 34 . Shall we go (skate) tomorrow ? Thats a good idea .35 .In England ,the first name is the (give) name . 36 .Do you know another way of (say) the word ? 37 . (take) a walk after supper is good for our health .

12、38 .He quickly got up and went on (run) . 39 .Sorry ,I have a lot of work (do) today . 40 .Its very kind of you (help) us .精品p d f 资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - - 41 .It s much better (give) than (receive) . 42 .I dont know what

13、 (do) next . 43 .She ll read a book tonight instead of (see) a film . 44 .England is a (develop) country and India is a (develop) one . 45 .That pot was used for (keep) tea hot after it was made . 46 .I remember (tell) you the story before . 47 .Take the second (turn) on the right . 48 .The boy cant

14、 get (dress) himself . 49 .Don t forget (lock) the door when you leave . 50 .She ll try her best (catch) up with the class . 【综合能力训练】 . 单项选择 (选自各地中考题) 。( )1 .They kept the fire to keep them warm . A .burn B .to burn C .burnt D .burning ( )2 .Who s the boy under the tree ? A .stand B .to stand C .sta

15、nding D .stood ( )3 .I dont like to sit here nothing . A .doing B .to do C .do D .does ( )4 .The girl students enjoy English songs . A .sing B .to sing C .singing D .sung ( )5 .Thank you for us so well . A .to teach B .teaches C .taught D .teaching ( )6 .I often do some on Sundays . A .washed B .to

16、wash C .washing D .washes ( )7 .We find their classroom every day . A .cleaned B .cleans C .to clean D .cleaning ( )8 .The boy Jack in Class One is my brother . A .call B .to be called C .calling D .called ( )9 .It often takes me half an hour home . A .walking B .to walk C .walked D .walks ( )10 .Don t forget her clean water every day . A .to give B .giving C .given D .give ( )11 .I think it important English well . A .learning B .learn C .to learn D .learned ( )12 .The funny story made us all h


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