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1、湖北省黄冈市迎集中学2020-2021学年高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Most of the students find _ difficult to learn English grammar well. A. this B. which C. what D. it 参考答案:D2. Fan Bingbing, an actress, once said, Why should I marry into_rich and powerful family? I just want to be myself.She spoke out _truth and got my respec

2、t.A. the; the B. a; the C./; a D. a ; /参考答案:B3. _ we had read your letter _the true state of affairs. A. It was until that we understood B. It was not untilthat we understood C. Until did not we understand D. Not until we understand参考答案:B4. She _ a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.A. broke in B.

3、 broke up C. broke off D. broke out参考答案:C5. With his money _, he couldnt go home.A. leaving B. missed C. running out D. use up 参考答案:C6. He is _about helping others.A ready B. worried C. enthusiastic D. glad参考答案:C7. The theory, _ my opinions are based, consists of three parts. A. on which B. in which

4、 C. on that D. which 参考答案:A8. While reading the book, everything in the past _ in his mind. A.made a life B made a living C came to life D came to live参考答案:C9. You know I can be reached by telephone. Why didnt you call me? I did several times, but couldnt _.A. come across B. ring off C. call back D.

5、 get through参考答案:D略10. Who are those people gathering in front of the building? A group _ itself the youth volunteers.A. calling B. calls C. called D. to be called参考答案:A11. It is a pity that the industrial cities _ in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.A. to be built B. having built C. b

6、eing built D. built参考答案:D12. She had no idea how it _ that her husband met with the same trouble. A. came across B. came about C. came out D. came up参考答案:b略13. Do you feel likethere or shall we take a bus?Id like to walk, but since there isnt much time left, Id rather we _a taxiA. to walk; takeB. wa

7、lking; took C. to walk; took D. walking; take参考答案:B14. Miss Smith is in hospital.Oh, really? I _ know. I will go and visit her.A . dont B. didnt C. do D. did参考答案:B15. Every day Mother sets about her housework _ she returns from work. Which of the following is NOT OK? A. immediately B. the moment C.

8、the minute D. in no time 参考答案:D16. My deskmate hurried back home for the apple she _ on the dinner table before heading to school this morning, only to find it _.A. left, ate B. left, had eatenC. had left, had eaten D had left, had been eaten参考答案:D17. The dog has a(n) _ sense of smell while the rabb

9、it has a sharp sense of hearing.A. acute B. cautious C. flexible D. valid参考答案:A18. It was during my stay in Tokyo two years ago _ I became fond of cartoon.A. when B. where C. that D. which 参考答案:C二、 书面表达19. 书面表达(共30分)根据以下提示。请给中国日报写一篇英文简讯。要点如下:1、王刚,男,37岁,教授。现在清华大学工作。2、1983年毕业于湖南大学,毕业后执教留校。3、他刻苦钻研,科研成果

10、显著。1988年去日本一所大学深造,获得物理学博士学位。4、很多国家的大公司以高薪聘请他,他拒绝了。5、他于1994年毅然回国报效祖国。目前已为祖国作出了很大贡献。注意:字数100左右。参考答案:略20. 作为即将进入髙三的学生,将要面对更繁重的学习和生活压力,因此,保持积极心态非常重要。现在,请围绕“积极心态与健康、学习、交友及家庭生活”四个方面的关系,以Keeping a Positive Attitude为题目,写一篇英语短文,阐述你的观点及理由。注意:1. 词数:120字左右;2. 短文题目己给出,并不计入总词数。Keeping a Positive Attitude_参考答案:Kee

11、ping a Positive AttitudeHow times flies! It wont be long before we are in Senior 3 when we will be faced with more learning tasks and heavier pressure. Therefore its crucial and necessary that we keep a positive attitude both in our study and daily life.Keeping a positive attitude does us a lot of g

12、ood. First of all it can help us stay healthy physically. Meanwhile its also beneficial to our study for we can usually learn, much more effectively when keeping a positive attitude. Besides its easier for us to make more friends and get on better with our family if we keep a positive attitude.Now t

13、hat a positive attitude can bring so much happiness to us, why not try our best to keep it as much as we can in spite of everything?本文的话题是如何在健康,学习,交友及家庭生活四个方面保持积极的心态,写作中注意围绕要点组织材料,确定写作内容。写作中注意将“积极心态与健康、学习、交友及家庭生活四个方面的关系介绍清楚。在写作的时候要运用合适的连接词把要点串联起来,选择词汇的时候要选择相对高级的词汇,也要运用多种句型,让文章更有变化。注意改变文章的样式。难度在于选择合适的词汇和句型表达文章需要的意思,可以变换使用一些容易驾驭的句子或者词汇实现同样的目的。要使用合适的连接词来连接各要点,使文章成为一个整体。【亮点说明】本文使用了非谓语动词短语:Keeping a positive attitude does us a lot of good. its easier for



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