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1、广东省清远市连山民族中学2020年高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Writer Guo Jingmings latest book Tiny Times 3.0 has sold 1.4 million copies in _ three months since its release last December. It is_ new height in _ writers career.A. /;a;a B. the; a; the C. a; the; / D./; the; the 原创,选自China Daily, 命题意图:考查冠词用法,根据since its re

2、lease last December 第一空用the, 第二空“一个新的高度”,用a; 第三空特指 郭敬明,用the参考答案:b略2. Mrs. Taylor has _ 9-year-old daughter who has _ gift for paintingshe has won two national prizes. A. a; a B. an; the C. an; a D. the; a 参考答案:A 略3. When asked the reason for moving to the USA,he said, “Soccer is huge around the worl

3、d apart from America, so thats _ I want to make a difference.”A. where B. why C. what D. how参考答案:A考查名词性从句。句意:当被问及移民到美国的原因时,他说:“足球在美国不是很流行,所以这是我想改变的地方。where引导表语从句,在从句中作地点状语。4. The mayor is busy all day with city _, so he cant spare time to see you.A. affairs B. incidents C. accidents D. subjects 参考答案

4、:A 5. The weather turns out to be fine. We can depend on _ that the goods will be shipped to the flooded area on time. A. it B. / C. this D. which 参考答案:A 6. Look! Mum, Ive been offered a bonus of $300.Really? Well, keep it _it is safe.Athat Bwhere Cin which Dwhat参考答案:B7. I was embarrassed to admit t

5、hat yesterday I _ a serious error.A. acted B. committed C. performed D. completed参考答案:C 8. _ you lose the paper document, sign in www. S, _ you might download all you need.A. If, which B. So long as, what C. In case, where D. Even if, as 参考答案:C略9. As many as 20 dishes are provided in the dining hall

6、 today, and you are free to choose suits you best.A. whatever B. whenever C. whichever D. wherever参考答案:C 试题分析:C;考查代词。whatever无论什么;whenever无论何时;whichever“无论哪一个”,通常用来修饰一个名词,或表示一种选择关系;wherever无论在哪里;句意:今天,食堂提供了20道菜,你有免费的机会去选择任何一个你最喜欢的。故选C10. _ their inexperience, they have done a very good job AGiving B

7、To give CGiven DBeing given参考答案:C11. It is the first time that I _ the city.A. visited B. have visited C. visit D. has visited参考答案:B12. -So you missed the wonderful lecture given by the famous professor?-_. I got there 10 minutes before it finished.A. You got me there B. You said itC. I hate to say

8、it D. Not exactly参考答案:D【详解】考查情景交际。A. You got me there你难住我了; B. You said it你算说对了; C. I hate to say it我讨厌这么说; D. Not exactly不全是。句意:这么说你错过了那位著名教授精彩的演讲了? 不完全是。我提前10分钟到达那里。结合句意可知答案为D。13. -How much did he _ you for repairing your iPhone? -I dont remember, but it was quite a lot. A. spend B. cost C. take D

9、. charge 参考答案:D14. (2015天津) _ for two days, Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.A. To workB. WorkedC. To be workingD. Having worked参考答案:D【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:工作了两天,Steve成功的按时完成了他的报告。句中的逻辑主语为Steve,与work之间为主动关系,故用现在分词,这里用having worked,表示动作的先后性。故选D。15. Its no easy task to catch a ticket on a websi

10、te that receives 1 billion clicks daily.I cant agree with you more. There _ be errors for every single step.Ashould Bmust Cwill Dcan参考答案:D16. To show our respect, we usually take our gloves off _ we are to shake hands with. A. whoever B. whenever C. whichever D. wherever参考答案:A略17. You were out when

11、I dropped in at your house.Oh, I for a friend from England at the airport.Awas waiting Bhad waited Cam waiting Dhave waited参考答案:A18. -What made you so upset? - _. A. Losing my necklace B. I lost my necklace C. Because I lost my necklace D. Lost my necklace参考答案:A略二、 书面表达19. Directions: Read the follo

12、wing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point (s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own -words as far as possible.China accounts for almost 22 percent of the worlds population and is one of the worlds largest and most rapidly growing economies. However, it has only 10 perc

13、ent of the worlds total cultivated area and is having increasing difficulties in securing water for agricultural purposes.Despite population growing at an average rate of around one percent a year and its economy at around 9 percent a year since the early 1990s,China has so far maintained approximate self- sufficiency in agricultural products overall, in the sense that exports have been approximately matching imports. In fact, China has been the worlds fourth largest importer after the European Union, the United States and



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