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1、2009高考英语模拟训练专项(一)名词、冠词1.I bought a new type of cell-phone, which was the of all my classmates. A. wish B. respect C. envy D. admire 2.There s no from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys. A. view B. scene C. sight D. look 3.The Chinese are looking forward to the first to land on the mo

2、on after Yang Liwei successful trip to space. A. measure B. attempt C. purpose D. desire 4.She is in a poor of health, which worries her mother much. A. position B. situation C. state D. condition 5.Who did you stay with ? A. Mr. Green s B. The Greens C. Greens D. The Mr. Green s 6.Mr. Barret doesn

3、t thintkathbad language should be allowed. In his opinion, there are that should be kept up. A. degrees B. levels C. limits D. standards 7.Henry has been teaching English in Beijing University for many years . It s no _ he can speak Chinese so well and idiomatically . A. matter B. doubt C. problem D

4、. wonder 8.The experiment turned out to be , which wasn ,t they wanted. A. a completely failing ; as B. a complete failure ; what C. completely failure ; that D. failed ;不填9.I shouldnt have accepted the mans present, but I found it difficult to turn down his A. offer B. request C. suggestion D. plan

5、 10.He kept sending her presents in an attempt to win her. A. respect B. favor C. admiration D. pleasure 11. How many people are still leading life under poverty line in the world? Perhaps one fourth. 12.Shanghai you see today is quite different city from what it used to be. A. The,不填B.不填,the C. The

6、, a D. A. a 13.He came back on and left on. A. a Wednesday, the Saturday B. the Wednesday, a Saturday C. The Wednesday, the Saturday D. a Wednesday, a Saturday 14.As we all know,man cannot live without water. A. a, the B.不填,不填C. the, a D. the,不填15.Don t worry too much about mistakes. They are natura

7、l part of learning. A.不填;a B. the ; a C. the;不填D. the; the 16.一This is picture I told you about . -I see . Isn t it beautiful one ? A. a; a B. the ;a C. the; the D. a; the 17.Our ancestors celebrated birth of child by giving away red eggs. A. the ; a B. the ; the C.不填;a D.不填;the 18. What part of Eng

8、land do you live in ? 一place called Sally Oak . Do you know it? A.不填;A B.the ; A C.a; The D.不填;The 19.The Koala is tree-climbing animal which lives in Australia. A. a, the B. the, the C.不填,不填D. a,不填20.As mountains beyond our village are becoming greener and greener, they have become home to a large

9、amount of wild life. A. the; / B. the; a C./; a D. the; the 21.一Has the little boy passed P.E. test? He has tried twice, and the teacher will allow him to have third try. A. the;不填B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 22. Do you think an advertisement is help when you look for a new job ? Well , it all de

10、pends . Anyway, it gives me more of chance to try. A. a; a B.不填;不填C. the; the D. a; the 23. If you live in English countryside, you share your garden with all sorts of birds, animals and insects. A. a, the B. a, a C.不填,不填D. the,不填A. the;不填B. an; the C.不填;不填D. an;不填24.一I hear that as many as 150 peop

11、le were killed in the storm . -Yes , news came as shock to me . A. the , the B. the , a C. a , the D. a , a 25.一My son is lost . Have you seen a boy passing by here? -I saw boy hidden behind tree over there . You may go and have a look. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a 【答案解析】1.C 本题检测考生对近义名词的辨

12、析能力.wish愿望respect :尊重envy羡慕. 嫉妒admire感叹. 称赞. 我买了一部新手机,当然便成了同学们羡慕的对象. 故选C. 2.A view: what can be seen from a particular place ,esp. fine natural scenery 自然美景,风景;scene: view as seen by spectator 景色;sight :thing (to be) seen , or worth seeing , esp. sth remarkable奇观,壮观;look: act of looking 看. 瞧. 望. 本句句

13、意为:除了一些工厂的烟囱外,从我卧室看不到任何风景了. 3.B measure措施,attempt试图. 尝试,purpose目的,desire渴望. 欲望. 在杨利伟成功遨游太空后,中国正盼望着登月的第一次尝试. 4.C state C : condition in which a person or thing is (in mind , health, etc ) 状态. 情形;position: 位置. 情势;situation :set of circumstances or state of affairs , esp. at a certain time 状况 . 处境;cond

14、ition U physical fitness, health 健康犬况 . 冠,a决定了此题只能用C. 5.B 此题考查考生对复数姓氏名词的掌握能力. 表示姓的一家人,应用the +姓氏的复数形式. 故选B. 6.D Mr. Barret认为并非所有不标准白语言都可以使用. 哪些可用,哪些不可用,应有一定的标准.故选D. 7.D 本题的语言环境为:Henry 在北大教了好多年英语,那么他说一口地道的汉语就不足为奇了.wonder : 奇迹.故选D. 8.B 某些抽象名词具体化后变成可数名词,前可加冠词.failure 在此意为“一次挫败的事”. 第二空的what 引导一个表语从句,what

15、 充当wanted 的宾语. 9.A offer: statement offering to do, or give sth to sb.(为某人做某事或给某人某事物的)建议,提议request: act of asking for sth. 要求suggestion :idea ,plan or person that is suggested .提议或建议的内容plan: 计划. 本句句意为:我本不该接受那个人的礼物,但很难拒绝他的提议.故选A. 10.B 他不停送给她礼物,试图获得她的好感.favour : liking , goodwill , approval 喜爱.宠爱.好感.

16、欢心. 11.A life:u , c way of living . 如have an easy /hard life. 过闲适/艰苦的生活.第二个空特指贫困线,应用the .故选A. 12.C 第一个空特指今天的上海市,用the ; 是一座不同于过去的城市.故选C. 13.A 句意为:他在一个周三回来了,又在那个周六离开了.故选A 项. 14.B man 表人类,前不用冠词.water 为物质名词,亦不需用冠词.故选B. 15.A mistakes 为复数名词表类别,不用冠词.错误是学习过程中必不可少的一部分,part 为可数名词,前用不定冠词a ,故选A. 16.B 第一个空为特指我谈论的那幅画 ,用the.第二个空用a表示数量? ”故选B. 17.A birth前用the表示特指婴儿的诞生child前用a表示类别,泛指 . 故选A. 18.A part 表示 “地区.区域”时,前一般不用冠词.你住在英国的哪个地区?一个叫Sally Oak 的地方. 故选A. 19.D 第一个空表示考拉熊是一种爬树动物,故用a;Australia 为专有名词,前不用冠词. 20.A 第一个空用t



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