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1、“自主、真实、有效”课堂教学设计课题Module2 Unit 1: We are going to have a picnic 计划课时1教 学 内 容 分 析本单元通过Simon和Daming and waitress的对话,让学生了解如 何运用I want和别人表达自己的意愿,同时听读对话,掌握正确的语 言语调。教 学 目 标1、学会使用 What are you going to do?句型。2、学会使用本文的知识点。3、认读新词汇 41 duck, noisy M .教 学 重 点 难 点1 认读 “duck, noisy” .2会运用新句型be going to并熟练掌握。教 学 准

2、 备A tape, some words , a picture教 学 设il 思 路1、用What are you going to do?句型询问学生打算做什么。2、以小组合作方式练习本课内容。3、跟录音读对话,更进一步掌握本文内容。第 1课时教学环节教师教学过程指导学生活动过程课始WarmerT:who can tell me the meaning of the word picnic?(show the picture about picnic).Ss:answer the que st ion课中PresentationPracticeT:Do you know picnic?T:

3、Today we are toing to h ave a picnic.T:Now at first, I want to know. What is the weather like today?T:What are you going to d o today?T:Ok.This time please lis ten to the tape carefully and find new words in dial ogue.T:Do you understand the d ialogue?T:Ok. Listen again. Now loo k at the blackboard.

4、“duck, noisy” . Do you know the meaning of t hese two words?T:Explain the words. Read after me.T:Next. listen to me and read after me. Are you clear?T:Next. Work in pairs read the dialogue.T:Ok. Work in groups of 4 read it.T:Good jobListen!What are youSs:try to answer the question Ss:Listen carefu l

5、ly and find new words.Ss:Listen again and look at the b lackboard and ans wer.Ss:Listen and re ad after the teac her.Ss:Work in diffe rent ways to read the dialogue.going to do tomorrow?(point the blackboard)T:Yes. lam going to have a pier ic.We are going to have a picnic. T:Can you read it?课尾SummaryT:Today we learned be goin g to 结构。And two new word s duck, noisy”Can you read it?Let us practice again.板 书 设 ilModule2 unitl We are going to bave a picnicDuckWhat is the weather like today?The weather isNoisyWhat are you going to do?lam going toWe are going to


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