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1、618: The One Where Ross Dates A StudentScene: Monica and Chandlers, Chandler, Rachel, and Joey are there as Ross enters. -Ross: Hey! I just got uh, my teacher evaluations! evaluation:评价,估价 teacher evaluation n.教师等级评定表嘿! 我刚刚拿到我的教师考评! Check out what this one student wrote, I loved Dr. Geller s class.

2、Mind-blowing lectures! check out: 检查,核实 mind-blowing: 令人兴奋的看看这个学生写的什么我喜欢Geller 博士的课令人兴奋的讲课!Dr. Geller, you are definitely the hottie of the paleontology department! Hottie: A very attractive person( 很有魅力的人)【所谓的hottie 就是指那种很辣的辣妹, 穿著打扮各方面可能都非常地时髦. 或是你也可以说, hot babe 或是hot chick. 但有一点请注意, 也许你在国内对一个女孩子说,

3、 你真是个辣妹啊! 她可能还会蛮高兴的, 但是在美国你不可以去跟女孩子说You are a hottie. 那么你可能换回一巴掌.】Geller 博士 , 你绝对是古生物学系的帅哥!-Chandler: Ahh, Hotties of the Paleontology Department, th ere s a big selling calendar, eh? calendar:历书,日历,月历 paleontology: 古生物学啊, 古生物学系的帅哥, 看来有人要好好推销一下自己了, 嗯?-Rachel: Who wrote it? 谁写的 ?-Ross: Oh, I wish I k

4、new, but the evaluations are all anonymous. anonymous: 匿名的 ,无名的哦, 我也想知道 , 但是所有的评语都是匿名的-Joey: Oh hey, do you still have their final exams? 哦 嘿 还没期末考试吧?-Ross: Yeah. 是的-Joey: Oh, cause you can just match the evaluation to the exam with the same handwriting and boom, cause=because:因为 handwriting: 字迹 boo

5、m: 用深沉、洪亮的声音说哦, 你可以把评语上和期末考卷上的字迹比较一下然后用洪亮的声音说There s your admirer. (Ross is stunned.) admirer: 爱慕者仰慕者出现-Chandler:A hot girl s at stake and all of the sudden he s Rain stake: 在危急关头 Rain Man: 【这是来自达斯汀 霍夫曼和汤姆 克鲁斯主演的奥斯卡电影雨人的概念,指变成了有点智力障碍的人。】一个美女正打算往火坑里跳,突然发现原来他是个天才白痴-Rachel: Okay, wait a minute,

6、wait a minute, why are we so sure that this is a girl? sure: 确定的,肯定的等等 , 等等 , 为什么你们那么肯定是个女生?-Ross: It s a girl! Anyway, it wou it wouldn t matter. Okay? Because I m a teacher and she s a student. anyway:无论如何,不管怎么样她是个女生 ! 不管怎么说 , 这.这没什么关系好吗? 因为我是老师,而她是学生-Chandler: Oh, is that against the rules? be ag

7、ainst sth: 违反某(规定,条约等)哦, 违反规定吗 ?-Ross: No, but it is frowned upon. frown upon: 蹙眉而露出不悦之色表示不赞成不, 但这会让人非议-Chandler: I see. 我明白-Ross: Besides, there s a big age difference.besides: 除以外还有,年龄也差得太多-Joey: Oh, well think of it like this, when you re 90 哦, 好吧 你这样想 当你九十岁的时候-Ross: I know when I m 90 she ll be

8、like 80 and it won t seem like such a big difference.won t =will not:将不我知道,我九十她就快八十了这看起来没什么太大的区别-Joey: No that s not what I was going to say at all.不我想说的不是这个No, what I was going to say is when you re 90 you ll still have the memory of what it was like to be with a 20-year-old. you re=you are have th

9、e memory of sth: 想起某事不, 我想说是当你九十岁的时候你还会想起和二十岁女生约会的感觉Scene: Monica and Chandlers, Phoebe, Monica, and Chandler are eating breakfast as Joey. -Chandler: (hold a strange thing)Monica.? Monica ?-Monica: I dont know. 我不知道。-Joey: (enters)Hey Chandler! Y know that girl you went to college with who-who beca

10、me a movie director? movie director: 电影导演嘿钱德 ! 你知道那个和你一起上大学的女生?她现在当上了电影导演-Chandler: Oh yeah, Dana Keystone. She was in my Movement class. movement: 动作,活动哦对 Dana Keystone 她是我动作班的同学-Phoebe: What s a Movement class?什么是动作班?-Monica:It s Chandler s way of pretending he didn t take mime.mime: 笑剧哑剧模拟表演 pret

11、end: 假装那是钱德假装他没学过搞笑剧的方式-Joey: Oh well listen, anyway she s directing the new Al Pacino movie.Al pacino movie: 艾尔帕西诺电影好吧听着不管怎么说她现在正在执导艾尔帕西诺的新电影You gotta get me an audition! audition: ( 对歌手、乐师、演员、志愿艺人等的)面试你得帮我安排一个试镜的机会!-Chandler:Oh, I don t know man. I haven t talked to her in like ten years.哦 我不知道行不行

12、我已经十年没和她打过交道了-Joey: No-no-no, please-please Chandler I-I-I would owe you so much! owe: 欠不-不 -不, 拜托拜托钱德我会欠你很多的!-Chandler:You do owe me so much. You owe me three thousand, four hundreddo: (表示强调)的确是你是欠我很多你欠我三千美元, 四百美元-Joey: Hey-hey dude, why are you changing the subject? dude: 花花公子 , 纨绔子弟嘿-嘿先生 , 为什么扯开话

13、题?Why? Will you make the call or what? make a call: 打为什么 ? 你会打或别什么的吗?-Chandler:Oh okay, I ll-I ll try.好吧 , 我试试-Joey: All right! Thanks! You re the best! Now listen, the last day of auditions is Thursday.好吧 ! 谢谢 ! 你是最好的人 ! 听着 , 星期四是试镜的最后一天Okay? So I gotta get in there by Thursday. Okay? Just remember

14、 Thursday. Thursday. Can you remember Thursday? gotta=have got to: 必须所以我得在星期四之前得到试镜的机会好吗 ? 记着星期四星期四你记得住吗? 星期四-Chandler: Yeah so, Tuesday? 是的 , 星期二 ?-Joey: (angrily) Thursday! Look if you need help remembering think of like this, the third day. angrily: 生气地星期四 ! 看,如果你需要帮助记忆的话你就这样想第三天好吗 ?All right? Mo

15、nday, one day. Tuesday, two day. Wednesday, when? Huh? What day? Thursday! The third day! Okay?! 星期一 , 一天 星期二 , 二天星期三 , 三天 ? Huh? 哪一天 ? 星期四 ! 第三天 ! 好吗 ?!-Chandler: (sarcastically) Thank you. sarcastically: 讽刺地 (嘲笑地 ,挖苦地 )谢谢-Joey: Okay. Hey, Monica ? 好嘿 Monica? -Chandler: She doesnt know. 她不知道。-Rache

16、l: (entering from the bathroom) Hey Mon? I m gonna check my messages.check one s message: 查下某人的留言嘿 Mon? 我看一下有没有我的留言?-Chandler: You just thought of that in there? there: (在这里指)厕所这是你在厕所里想到的吗?-Monica: Yeah sure, nature called, she wanted to see who else did. natures call: 【The feeling you get when you have to go to the bathroom. 人有三急】是啊 当然 生理反应她想知道还有谁在做同样的事(Rachel dials her number.) -Rachel: (on phone) Hello? (Shocked that someone answered.) Uh, Rachel. shocked: 感到惊讶的哈罗 ? 啊 Rachel ?(To the gang.) G


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