Module 4 Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy-教案- 外研版七年级英语上册

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《Module 4 Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy-教案- 外研版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 4 Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy-教案- 外研版七年级英语上册(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Teaching Design of Is your food and drink healthy? (7A M4U2)Module 4 Healthy foodUnit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?The Analysis of Teaching Material中学生中挑食、吃零食的现象非常普遍,甚至部分学生有不吃早餐的习惯。以“健康食物”作为模块主题,不仅与学生的生活实际紧密相关,还可以增进他们对健康食品的了解,培养其健康的饮食习惯。本模块以Betty 帮助妈妈制定购物清单为引子, 讨论家里有什么,没什么,还需购买什么食物,很自然的引出本模块

2、的语法项目 have got/has got, 同时将 healthy eating 这个概念引入到第一单元的对话内容中。第二单元从学生最喜爱的食物和健康食物来引入课文。但需注意的是,这里的 healthy food and drink for children, 注 意 是 for children, 所以对于成人而言,情况未必如此。对于事物的性质(good ; healthy 等)的判断都要依据对象而定,不看对象我们难以做出准确的判断。Around the world 介绍了典型的西方早餐,有助于学生了解西方国家的饮食文化,同时可以拓展学生的文化视野。Task 部分让学生做一个关于健康早餐

3、的海报,具有重要的现实意义。早餐不吃或吃的不健康,影响身体发育及学习效率。本模块的词汇量比较大,指导学生运用词汇分类学习策略非常有必要。除此之外,可数名词和不可数名词的分类,可数名词的复数变化及其读音对于学生来说都是新的知识,教师有必要在学习新知识后使用归纳法引导学生进行总结。Teaching ObjectivesTeaching Objectives1. Knowledge and skills(1) New words and phrasesbread; fish; hamburger; ice cream; noodle; rice; sugar; egg; cheese; soup;

4、breakfast; lunch; dinner; eat; stay; healthy; delicious; sweet; right; tired; important; remember; well; or; every; home; child(children); tooth(teeth); be good for; be bad for; a bit; get fat(2) Grammar focusuncountable nouns, singular and plural nouns(3) Reading and understanding simple passages,

5、identifying healthy / unhealthy food and drink.(4) Writing about healthy food, using the conjunctionbut.2. Process and methods(1) Communicating briefly on familiar topics (food and drink) with correct pronunciation and intonation.(2) Talking about healthy food.(3) Showing your opinions on food.3. Em

6、otion, attitude and values(1) Identifying healthy food and drink and developing healthy eating habits.(2) Learning about the differences between Chinese and western diet culture.Teaching Key and Difficult Points1. Identifying countable nouns (singular and plural forms) and uncountable nouns.2. Knowi

7、ng healthy / unhealthy food and drink by reading the passage.3. How to distinguish healthy / unhealthy food and drink by considering different objects and quantity.4. Giving your advice on how to stay healthy.Task- based teaching method; PWP modelTeachingMethods and Learning MethodsSelf-taughtstrate

8、gy(masternewwordsbyclassification);Cooperative learning (work in groups to communicate in English)TeachingAidsPPT; picturesTeaching ProceduresStep1 Warming-up & Revision1. Warming-upWatch a video named feel so fresh.Tell what you see in the video.2. RevisionA game.(Angry bird)Teacher shoots the word

9、s,and students say the words out loudly.(PPT)Teaching ProceduresStep 2Pre-reading1. New wordsGet to know some other words about food.Pay attention to they are countable nouns or uncountable nouns.2. Classification of new words. Categorize food and drink: eat / drink. Some of them follow eat; some of

10、 them follow drink. Put the pictures of food and drink on the blackboard.Teaching ProceduresTeachingStep 3 While- readingStep 31. Be a keen reader.Read the passage and answer the following questions.(1) How many paragraphs are there?(2) Whats the main idea of each paragraph?How do you know? Point ou

11、t the key words. For example, in paragraph 1,we can find these key words: is not healthy; is not good for; is bad for, so paragraph 1 is about unhealthy food.Para.1unhealthy food Para.2healthy food Para.3suggestion / adviceeatdrinkProceduresWhile-reading(3) Whats the structure of the passage?Can you

12、 find what are the general ideas and what are the supporting ideas?unhealthy foodhealthy foodparalleled suggestion / advice2. Be a careful reader(1) Read paragraph 1 and 2 , then complete the table.Teaching ProceduresStep 3 While- reading(2) Rearrange the words. Categorize the words into different g

13、roups on the blackboard, according to whether they are healthy.(3) Listen and check.Closethebookandlistentothe recording. Then check the sentences.Meat is healthy, but too much meat is not good for children.Too much sugar is bad for you.3. Be a critical reader.(1) When we talk about healthy / unheal

14、thy food and drink, besides the objects and quantity, are there any things we should consider ?(2) What should we eat or drink if we want to be healthy ? Give more advice on how to keep healthy.healthyfood and drinkunhealthy foodand drinkTeaching ProceduresStep 4Post-reading1. Be a helpful reader.Gi

15、ve your advice to help the student in need. Here is a letter from a student.In the letter,he tells us that theres something wrong with his eyes and teeth.Now,please write a letter to give your advice to help him.2. Be a creative reader.Make a poster-breakfast.Work in groups of four. Make a poster about a healthy breakfast. The following picturemayhelpyou.Summary1. Summarize what weve learned today.


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