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1、学校 班级 考场 姓名_ 装订线2014-2015学年第一学期期中试卷三年级英语题号听力部分笔试部分总分分数听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出你所听内容 ,把编号填在括号里。(10分)( )1、A、 I B、 E C、 H( )2、A、 b B、 d C、 f( )3、A、ant B、 cat C、 face( )4、A、ruler B、white C、body( )5、A、eraser B、black C、ear( )6、A、red B、book C、foot( )7、A、Good morning. B、Good afternoon.( )8、A、Show me green. B、Carry

2、 your bag.( )9、A、open your mouth B、stand up( )10、A、Whats your name? B、How are you? 二、听录音,给图片标上正确的序号. (10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出物品的颜色把编号填在括号里。(10分)A. yellow B. red C. black D. white E. blue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听音,给下列句子排序。(10分) ( )Nice to meet you, too. ( )Whats your name?( )N

3、ice to meet you.( )My names Sarah. ( )Hello, Im Mike.笔 试 部 分(60分)五、按正确格式书写大小写字母Aa-Ii. (9分) 六、把各小题中不同类的单词的序号填在括号里。(6分)( )1、A、black B、brown C、foot ( )2、A、pen B、ear C、eye( )3、A、bag B、book C、blue( )4、A、leg B、mouth C、apple ( )5、A、orange B、name C、yellow( )6、A、 pencil、 B、green C、red 七、从B栏中选出A栏句子的适当答语,将其字母标

4、号填在题前括号内。(15 分)A B( ) 1.How are you? A. Nice to meet you,too. ( )2. Lets go to school. B . Very well,thanks.( )3. Nice to meet you. C. Good afternoon. ( )4. Good afternoon. D . Hi! Im Sarah.( )5. Hello! Im Wu Yifan. E .OK!八、选择正确答语,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(10分)( ) 1. 在路上遇见了好朋友,应如何问候:_A. Thank you. B. Happy Tea

5、chers Day! C. How are you?( ) 2. 当别人介绍你和新同学认识, 你应说: _.A. This is Sarah. B . How are you? C. Nice to meet you.( ) 3. 老师想让同学们出示绿色,应说:_.w W w .A. Show me red . B. Show me green . C. Show me blue .( )4.早上到学校见到Sarah,你应说:_A. Good morning, Sarah. B. Lets go to school. C. See you.( ) 5. 当你向你的同学介绍Amy时, 应说: _

6、.A. Shes Amy. B. My name is Amy. C. This is Amy._Hello 九、读一读,选择正确答句 。(15分)_Good morning morningmorning morning_OK!A. I have a bear. A. Hello. A. Lets go to school.B. Good morning B. How are you? B. Good afternoon.This is Sarah.Fine. _A. Nice to meet you. A. Nice to meet you. B. Whats your name? B. H

7、ow are you? 十、根据短文判断对()和错()。(5分) Hello .My name is Mike. I have a red eraser . My crayon is brown and my pencil is black. I have two big eyes,and two ears. I have a friend(朋友).His(他的)name is Wu Yifan.( ) 1、My name is Wu Yifan.( )2、My eraser is yellow. ( )3、My pencil is black. ( ) 4、I have two big eyes. ( )5、I have a friend. His name is Wu Yifan.


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