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1、2020-2021学年贵州省贵阳市息烽中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. After being criticized by her mother,she spoke out the words_in her heart for many years,tears_her eyes.Ahaving hidden;filling Bhidden;filledChiding;having filled Dhidden;filling参考答案:D2. _ are the days when teachers punished students for minor offenses, being

2、 late for school, for example. A. GoneB. GoC. To goD. Going参考答案:A3. As a librarian, she spends most of her time _ books on the shelves every day.A. arranging B. selling C. controlling D. practical参考答案:A4. 33You job here is only _, for you will be removed from it when we have a proper post for you Ao

3、riginal Baccurate Cinitial Dtemporary参考答案:D略5. I know Tom didnt take money with him; _,he would have lent it to meA. If not B. If so C. If any D. If some参考答案:C6. David threatened _ his neighbor to the police if the damages were not paid.A. to be reported B. reportingC. to report D. having reported参考

4、答案:C7. Only when you have gained a good knowledge of grammar write correctly. A. you cantB. you canC. can youD. cant you参考答案:C略8. _ something to drink, as the movie will last three hoursAGrab BTo grab CGrabbing DGrabbed参考答案:A9. At first, his teacher couldnt realize that Lang Lang had a _ for music t

5、hough he wanted to learn the piano so much.A. knowledge B. present C. gift D. patience参考答案:C略10. Mr. Smith approved _ the company. A. me to leave B. for my leaving C. of me to attend D. of my leaving参考答案:D略11. I dont think it any good _ too many sweets. A. to eat B. eating C. eaten D. to have eaten参

6、考答案:B12. We wouldnt have called a taxi yesterday if Harold _ us a ride home.A. didnt offerB. wouldnt offerC. hasnt offeredD. hadnt offered参考答案:D略13. Today there are more airplanes_ more people than ever before in the skies.A. carry B. carryingC. carried D. to be carrying参考答案:B试题分析:考查现在分词作定语。句意:现在比以前

7、有有更多的飞机运送乘客。此处airplane和carrying之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。故选B。【名师点睛】非谓语动词的做题步骤1、判定是否用非谓语形式。方法:看看句子中是否已有了谓语动词了;2、找非谓语动词的逻辑主语。方法:非谓语动词的逻辑主语一般是句子的主语。3、判断主被动关系。方法:非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的主动还是被动关系。4、判断时间关系。方法:分析句子,看看非谓语动词所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前、之后还是同时。之前常用 done; 之后常用to do; 同时常用doing.从本题来看主句的主语airplanes与动词carry构成逻辑上的主动关系,因此用v.-ing形式作

8、定语。14. This small seaside village is such a perfect place for holidays that visitors never leave it_Afeeling disappointing Bfelt disappointingCfeeling disappointed Dfelt disappointed参考答案:C15. The search was _ when night came, even though the child had not been found. A. approved B. acquired C. achie

9、ved D. abandoned 参考答案:D16. When the minister came in, the two cheaters were sitting before the weaver, busily.A. pretending workingB. pretended having workedC. pretending to be workingD. pretended to have worked参考答案:C17. It is Cindy who _ for the accident.A. is to be blamed B. is blamed C. should bl

10、ame D. is to blame参考答案:D18. Tom thought it was an honor _ to speak in the ceremony. A. to invite B. to be invited C. inviting D. having invited参考答案:B19. Were having a meeting in half an hour. The decision _ at the meeting will influence the future of our company.A. to be made B. having been made C.

11、made D. being made参考答案:A二、 书面表达20. 读写任务(共1小题;满分25分)阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Water shortage in China is expected to reach the climax in 2030, when the country, with the population estimated at 1.6 billion, would have a per-capita (人均) share of water resource of 1,760 cubic (立方的) meters, according t

12、o the Ministry of Construction. This will make China one of the countries in the world suffering a medium-level shortage of water resource according to the United Nations, said Vice Minister Qiu Baoxing in Beijing Tuesday.In general, Chinas current water resource is ly low, 2,200 cubic meters per pe

13、rson on average, and the country supports 21 % of the worlds population with 7 % of the worlds water resource, Qiu said.The distribution (分布状态) of water resource in China is imbalanced. The northern part of the country, with 6 % of the countrys total water resource, supports 1/3 of the population. T

14、he per-person water resource of Tianjin, in North China, is only 1/10,000 of that of Tibet.The growing water pollution adds difficulties to water supply in China, according to the official. In China, 200 billion tons of waste water is discharged into rivers annually, causing pollution of varying degrees to 90% of rivers in the country.写作内容1.以约30



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