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1、1,How to do Proof-reading,短文改错,2,考 查 目 标,1)识别错误 并正确校正语篇的能力 2)综合运用英语知识的能力 3)准确理解语篇,掌握内容及行文逻辑的能力,3,答题要求,下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1.每句不超过两个错误; 2.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 3.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。,4,I can go to home now. 2.

2、I like history of China. 3. I am fond at English.,the,Wrong word,Missing word,of,Unnecessary word,高考短文改错的考察方式,5,1. 单词拼写不改 . 2. 大小写不改 . 3. 词序不改 . 4. 标点符号不改 .,Dont forget!,四不改原则,6,从错误比例上看,,一般以三种题型出现:增加,删除或修改。,设问的角度有三个:词法、句法和行文逻辑。,7,解题步骤,1. 通读全文,掌握大意,2.整句理解,上下兼顾,3.复读全文, 检查验证,8,动词形,,名词数,还要注意形和副,代词格,细领悟,

3、介词短语须关注 习惯用法要记住,冠词连词常光顾,A Limerick,请先念一遍“咒语” 吧,9,一、动词形,1.动词的时态和语态错误.,高考链接1: However, my father had to return to work on Monday so we fly back last Saturday. (2011 全国),flew,Growing up is not easy. Sometimes all that is need is someone to rely on.(2008 全国),needed,10,动词的时态和语态错误,.,高考链接: What I like best

4、 were the free high speed Internet connection in the room. (2012陕西),was,I know that they will be worried about myself because I was so far away.(2012浙江),would,11,2. 主谓不一致的错误.,高考链接:,I stayed there for one and a half hours and made sure that the girl were all right. (2009 全国卷2),was,12,3. 非谓语动词 错误,高考链接

5、:,I was at the Shanghai Railway Station buy a ticket to Hangzhou.(2011新课标全国卷),buying,I was really disappointing and about to leave when he walked out of a building. (2011陕西卷),disappointed,13,5. He used to getting up early to take physical exercise.,were,likes,exciting,get,Not only the students but a

6、lso the teacher like the film.,2. When they came here, I will show them.,3. They eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of questions.,4. I found the game excited and my dad explained the rules.,practice,come,14,二、名词数,指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。,高考链接2: It felt very strange to travel without any l

7、uggages. (2011新课标全国卷),luggage,In early January this year, the rate of UFO reports was steady, around three per weeks.(2011辽宁卷),week,15,1.Dont lose hearts, youll be successful in time. 2.I need some more informations. 3.These machines look the same,but they are of different kind.,heart,information,ki

8、nds,practice,绝不可数名词,progress, furniture, weather, fun, news, information, advice ,16,三、还要注意形和副,形容词和副词的误用,高考链接3:,When she dropped me off, I pulled out the toy slow and gave it back.(2011 浙江卷),slowly,2比较级和最高级的混用或误用.,The doctor says he is recovering fast than expected.(2009陕西),faster,17,还要注意形和副,高考链接:,U

9、nfortunate, I had an accident and hit another (2012 浙江卷),Unfortunately,We lived in a comfortably double- room with a big.(2012陕西),comfortable,18,1. He asked angry if we had finished the work. 2. Yes, it is clearly that your life in your country is quite different from mine. 3. His father looks much

10、more happier today.,angrily,clear,4. So I grateful accepted the offer.,gratefully,practice,19,四、 代词格,细领悟,3. it作形主、形宾或指代时有缺漏 (make, find, think),高考链接4: With the help of Katia, a roommate of me (2011 重庆卷),mine,It was only when we did their chemistry project together that I begin to understand (2010 辽宁

11、卷),He found difficult to learn math well.,our,it,1. 人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,不定代词,2. 代词指代的人或事物前后不一致的错误.,20,2. I was learning to express me in simple English. 3. I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English. 4. One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.,myself,everythi

12、ng,it,Some students may also save up for our college or future use .,their,practice,21,五、介词短语须关注, 习惯用法要记住,1.主要考查固定短语,固定介词的搭配。,高考链接: There was one on particular Id really wanted.(2011 浙江卷),2.介词的多用,漏用和误用,3.时间状语前有指示代词this, that或one, next,last等修饰时不用介词.,in,He had only a small cold room to live.,in,He pai

13、d a visit to his grandfather on that afternoon.,22,五、介词短语须关注, 习惯用法要记住,高考链接: Two years before, I travelled to Brazil and I rented for a car.(2012 浙 江卷),with,I also shared for my friends many photos taking in Beijing.,23,practice,Im sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool.,2. At last we reache

14、d to the village at the foot of the hill.,3. When a young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay his food .,4. The gentleman insisted at my receiving the money.,at,for,on,24,连词but,and,or, so和although的逻辑性用法错误,高考链接:,六、冠词连词常光顾,He was right here in the front of me. (201

15、1陕西卷),I bought my ticket but turned around to pick up my bag from the floor.,. 冠词a, an和the的用法错误,and,25,I came into the living room and saw one of them just go through the kitchen door but turn on the light. He will stay there one and two days.,3. Every kind of the Chinese food is worth trying.,4. Th

16、e driver put the window down and offered us a umbrella.,and,or,an,26,If you notice that when someone is missing or hurt, tell your teacher immediately. The smaller piece is that you want, right ?,七、从句连接词错误,what,27,实战演练,28,再叮嘱几句:,1. 单词拼写不改 . 2. 大小写不改 . 3. 词序不改 . 4. 标点符号不改 .,解题步骤,1.通读全文,掌握大意,2.整句理解,上下兼顾,3.复读全文,检查验证,Dont forget!,四不改原则,29,At Christmas Eve, Jim went with his 1._ father to choose a Christmas tree. They choose 2._ a big one. It was almost as taller as the room! 3._ They put them in the



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