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1、 高一话题作文:节假日一、课题解读节假日活动是指春节、元旦、国庆节、植树节、教师节、重阳节、圣诞节、复活节、情人节、母亲节等各种中西方节假日的起源、发展、庆祝方式和假日活动安排,还有生日、周年纪念日、毕业典礼等各种庆祝活动,以及参加这些活动的经历和感受等。暑期、寒假等的活动、社会实践活动或者青年志愿者的活动安排及感受等等。二、命题预测命题人可能从下列方面出题:(1)直接给出某一个中西方节日的活动安排;(2)假设考生参加了某个盛大节日或者某个活动,要求他对节日场面或活动情况进行描述;(3)某个节日或寒暑假要来了,准备举行一个活动,以通知的形式告诉大家,希望踊跃参加;(4)以图片的形式体现节日的盛

2、况,要求考生进行描述;(5)节日去某地度假了,回来后写信表示感谢,其中以回忆的形式体现假日活动;(6)节日物品,例如饺子的整理、红包等;(7)中西方节日的对比;(8)对节日的盛大状况的态度,觉得如此豪华,盛况空前,有没有必要性;(9)现在中国逐步开始流行过“洋”节,那么你认为西方节日会不会代替中国传统节日;(10)你的节假日如何安排,如何有意义地度过节假日。三、节假日话题基础写作基本模板 1. 节日名称,别名,时间 The ., alsoknownas., falls on .2. 节日的总体意义和评价 It is the most important .,which .It has beco

3、me a day of .when.3.庆祝形式 On the Eve of, people. . On , people.Moreover, people. (4. 其它:个人看法等) 四、习作基础写作:假如你是李华,你的美国笔友John通过邮件想向你了解一下中国春节的情况,请根据下面的表格发一封电子邮件给他。开头已给出。节日名称春节(又称农历新年)庆祝日期农历1月初1重要性辞旧迎新,是中国最重要的节日庆祝活动家人团聚,共贺新年除夕夜,包饺子,吃团圆饭,看春晚大年初一,走亲访友,互赠礼物。父母亲戚给小孩发红包。还有人会放烟花,贴对联庆贺新年。字数要求:100字左右 Dear John, Im

4、 glad you are interested in our Spring Festival and Id like to tell you something about it. .范文Dear John, Im glad you are interested in our Spring Festival and Id like to tell you something about it. The Spring Festival, alsoknownasthelunarNewYear, falls on Lunar January 1st . It is the most importa

5、nt festival in China ,which sees out the old year and welcomes the new one. It has become a day of family reunion and celebration of a new year. On the Eve of the new year, the whole family will get together and have a big family feast while enjoying the TV programs. On the New Years Day, people wil

6、l go to visit their relatives and friends and have meals with them as well as get some presents exchanged between each other while children can get some lucky money from their parents or relatives. Moreover, people may even put on couplets and get fireworks burnt to celebrate the new year. 五、必备词汇1.中

7、国节日名称(1)_春节 (2)_端午节(3)_中秋节 (4)New Years Day元旦(5)National Day国庆节 (6)International Labor Day五一劳动节 (7)_教师节 (8)_儿童节(9)Womens Day妇女节 (10)Tomb-sweeping Day清明节(11)Double Ninth Festival重阳节 (12)_元宵节2.西方节日名称(1)_圣诞节 (2)Thanksgiving Day 感恩节(3)Valentines Day 情人节 (4)April Fools Day 愚人节(5)Halloween 万圣节 (6)Easter 复

8、活节(7)_母亲节 (8)Fathers Day 父亲节3. 节日作文常用词汇 _/gift礼物 holiday/vacation/_节假日 _ 聚会 _ 团聚 _calendar 农历 solar calendar: 阳历 occasion: 场合,重大时刻 _习俗 _丰盛的宴会 _庆祝 _举行 _装饰 _珍惜 _纪念 _/_传统的/地religious宗教的 _广泛 _起源于 _ 追溯到take/go on a vacation: 度假 a _vacation/holiday: 十天的假期have day(s) _放假 天 in _ of/in _ of 为了纪念be _with: 用 装

9、饰 be _ into: 被引进exchange gifts: 交换礼物 manners and customs风俗习惯 religious /social customs 宗教/社会习俗 _ (_, keep up) a custom 破坏、(遵从,遵守)习俗;cultural _/_ 文化差异/碰撞 family_/get-together 合家团圆 get _ of ill-fortune 去霉气 4.相关句子(1)National Day is coming. 国庆节快到了。(2)The Mid-Autumn _ on Monday this year.今年中秋节是星期一。(3)We

10、_the New Year with a dance party. 我们举行舞会来庆祝新年。 (4)Mothers Day is a day for us to _ to our parents. 母亲节是我们父母表达爱和尊重的日子。 (5) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.圣诞快乐,新年愉快! (6)Turkey and ham are _ for Christmas. 火鸡是圣诞节的传统菜式。 (7)Custom required our dressing for dinner. 礼俗要求我们参加宴会穿礼服。 (8) 是个(老)风俗It is an

11、 old custom that It is the custom (for )to . It is the custom to dye eggs at Easter. (9)Social customs _/_ greatly from country to country. 各国各地风俗有很大不同。 (10)When in Rome do as the Romans.入乡随俗 (11). _, _ mid-autumn Day, the whole family will gather _ the moonlight, _ moon cakes and _ the beautiful mo

12、on.传统上,中秋节的时候,一家人会聚在月光下,一边吃月饼,一边赏月。(12)The most common way for Chinese students to _ their birthday is _ a birthday party. 中国学生过生日最常见的方式是举办一个生日宴会。(13)Thanksgiving Day is a traditional holiday celebrated to express peoples _/_ to God. 感恩节是一个传统的节日,用来表达对上帝的感激之情。(14)_, people can _ for the Chinese Lunar New Year.一般来说,人们在农历新年有七天假。(15) The origin of admiring the moon can _ as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties. 赏月的起源可以追溯到古代夏商时期。 (16) Festivals let us enjoy life, _ our customs.节日让我们享受生活,让我们为自己的习俗而自豪。六、仿写基础写作:今年11月24日是美国传统节日感恩节,不少人建议在中国也设立感恩节,但也有一些反对之声。请你


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